This advanced example shows how to generate Table Report with regions using a mail merge template and XML-document as a data source.
Here we'll generate invoices for a pastry shop. To generate invoices, all what we need are
and XML-document populated by orders and pastry items.
Furthermore, we'll show you how with help
of FieldMerging event insert pictures and format the currency
sign inside specific fields and ranges.
1. Create a template in MS Word with Merge Fields or use a ready file «InvoiceTemplate.docx».
Note. If the order sheet should start from a new page, do the following.
2. Then we create XML-document populated by data. As you may see that tag names have the same names
the merge fields.
This our XML-document: «Orders.xml»
By the way, you may create similar XML-document in your app using a Serialization. Below you will see the demo WPF-app where we have used Serialization too.
3. After execution of mail merge method we'll get the «Invoices.pdf» as result. The complete code in C# and .NET is located at the bottom ot this page.
Interesting: To see this functionality firsthand, we've created for you complete WPF C# demo-app which shows the full process of creating invoices in a real Pastry Shop.
With help of this application you can create new XML-document populated by orders with pies, cakes, bread and buns and generate an invoice in PDF, DOCX, RTF and HTML formats. Download WPF - Pastry Shop, C# sources(115 Kb).
Complete code
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SautinSoft.Document;
using SautinSoft.Document.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Sample
class Sample
static void Main(string[] args)
/// <summary>
/// Generates a table report with regions using XML document as a data source and FieldMerging event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See details at:
/// </remarks>
public static void TableReportWithRegionsAdvanced()
// Scan directory for image files.
Dictionary<string, string> icons = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string iconPath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"..\..\..\icons\", @"*.jpg"))
icons[Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iconPath.ToLower())] = iconPath;
switch (Path.GetFileName(iconPath))
case "Cherry-apple pie.jpg": icons["Cherry/apple/pie".ToLower()] = iconPath; break;
case "Dark-milk-white chocolate.jpg": icons["Dark/milk/white chocolate".ToLower()] = iconPath; break;
case "Rice-lemon-vanilla pudding.jpg": icons["Rice/lemon/vanilla pudding".ToLower()] = iconPath; break;
case "Spice-cake honey-cake.jpg": icons["Spice-cake, honey-cake".ToLower()] = iconPath; break;
case "Chocolate-strawberry-vanilla ice cream.jpg": icons["Chocolate/strawberry/vanilla ice cream".ToLower()] = iconPath; break;
// Create the Dataset and read the XML.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// Load the template document.
string templatePath = @"..\..\..\InvoiceTemplate.docx";
DocumentCore dc = DocumentCore.Load(templatePath);
// Each product will be decorated by appropriate icon.
dc.MailMerge.FieldMerging += (sender, e) =>
// Insert an icon before the product name
if (e.RangeName == "Product" && e.FieldName == "Name")
string iconPath;
if (icons.TryGetValue(((string)e.Value).ToLower(), out iconPath))
e.Inlines.Add(new Picture(dc, iconPath) { Layout = new InlineLayout(new Size(30, 30)) });
e.Inlines.Add(new SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.Tab));
e.Inlines.Add(new Run(dc, (string)e.Value));
e.Cancel = false;
// Add the currency sign into "Total" field.
// You may change the culture "en-GB" to any desired.
if (e.RangeName == "Order" && e.FieldName == "OrderTotal")
decimal total = 0;
if (Decimal.TryParse((string)e.Value, out total))
e.Inlines.Add(new Run(dc, String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-GB"), "{0:C}", total)));
// Execute the mail merge.
string resultPath = "Invoices.pdf";
// Save the output to file
// Open the result for demonstration purposes.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(resultPath) { UseShellExecute = true });
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Imports SautinSoft.Document.Drawing
Imports System.Globalization
Namespace Sample
Friend Class Sample
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Generates a table report with regions using XML document as a data source and FieldMerging event.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' See details at:
''' </remarks>
Public Shared Sub TableReportWithRegionsAdvanced()
' Scan directory for image files.
Dim icons As New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
For Each iconPath As String In Directory.EnumerateFiles("..\..\..\icons\", "*.jpg")
icons(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iconPath.ToLower())) = iconPath
Select Case Path.GetFileName(iconPath)
Case "Cherry-apple pie.jpg"
icons("Cherry/apple/pie".ToLower()) = iconPath
Case "Dark-milk-white chocolate.jpg"
icons("Dark/milk/white chocolate".ToLower()) = iconPath
Case "Rice-lemon-vanilla pudding.jpg"
icons("Rice/lemon/vanilla pudding".ToLower()) = iconPath
Case "Spice-cake honey-cake.jpg"
icons("Spice-cake, honey-cake".ToLower()) = iconPath
Case "Chocolate-strawberry-vanilla ice cream.jpg"
icons("Chocolate/strawberry/vanilla ice cream".ToLower()) = iconPath
Case Else
End Select
Next iconPath
' Create the Dataset and read the XML.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
' Load the template document.
Dim templatePath As String = "..\..\..\InvoiceTemplate.docx"
Dim dc As DocumentCore = DocumentCore.Load(templatePath)
' Each product will be decorated by appropriate icon.
AddHandler dc.MailMerge.FieldMerging, Sub(sender, e)
' Insert an icon before the product name
If e.RangeName = "Product" AndAlso e.FieldName = "Name" Then
Dim iconPath As String = Nothing
If icons.TryGetValue(CStr(e.Value).ToLower(), iconPath) Then
e.Inlines.Add(New Picture(dc, iconPath) With {.Layout = New InlineLayout(New Size(30, 30))})
e.Inlines.Add(New SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.Tab))
End If
e.Inlines.Add(New Run(dc, CStr(e.Value)))
e.Cancel = False
End If
' Add the currency sign into "Total" field.
' You may change the culture "en-GB" to any desired.
If e.RangeName = "Order" AndAlso e.FieldName = "OrderTotal" Then
Dim total As Decimal = 0
If Decimal.TryParse(CStr(e.Value), total) Then
e.Inlines.Add(New Run(dc, String.Format(New CultureInfo("en-GB"), "{0:C}", total)))
End If
End If
End Sub
' Execute the mail merge.
Dim resultPath As String = "Invoices.pdf"
' Save the output to file
' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(resultPath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
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