Generate Simple Report using C# and .Net

  1. Add SautinSoft.Document from Nuget.
  2. Load a template document.
  3. Set data source as array of anonymous classes.
  4. Execute the mail merge process.
  5. Save the document in DOCX format.
This C# App shows how to create 5 populated by data Docx documents from a Word template (*.docx).


Mail Merge is the feature which allows to easy generate documents populated by data using a template.

To illustrate how works Mail Merge function, let's create C# application which generates envelopes "Happy New Year" for Simpson family. As result we'll get five personal Happy New Year greetings in a single document.

This C# App shows how to create 5 populated by data Docx documents from a Word template (*.docx)
Five personal greetings in the single document.

Two main steps:

  1. Create template «envelope-template.docx» in MS Word with Fields "Name" and "FamilyName".
  2. Create C# Console app which executes Mail Merge between Simpson's data and template and generates «simpson-family.docx»

1. Create an envelope template in MS Word: envelope-template.docx

To start, open MS Word and create a new document with the name "envelope-template.docx". Next add some images and a text to congratulate the Simpson's family. Next, is our main goal - add two Fields: "Name" and "FamilyName".
If you are already familiar with adding of Merge Fields, you may skip this step and use completely ready «envelope-template.docx»

How to Insert a Merge Field

  1. Select "INSERT" tab.
  2. Click by the pictogram "Quick Parts".
  3. Select and click by "Field.." menu item.
  4. In the opened window, follow to the "Field names:" and select "MergeField".
  5. In the "Field name:" type Name.
  6. Click "OK".
How to create a template with Merge Fields in MS Word

Here you may an extra information how to Insert Merge Fields

As result of the Step 1 we've to get: envelope-template.docx

2. Create C# Console app which executes Mail Merge

  1. Launch Visual Studio and Create a new Console App C# (.Net Framework or .Net Core) with name "Simpsons".
  2. You may add the reference to the SautinSoft.Document assembly by two ways:

    1. Nuget (fast way):

    (Solution Explorer->right click by "References"->Manage Nuget Packages...->In the tab "Browse" type "SautinSoft" and find the "SautinSoft.Document")
    Add SautinSoft.Document.dll via Nuget.

    2. Old good way by adding the reference:

    First of all, download the Document .Net package ( from the SautinSoft website.
    Unzip and find the assembly file "SautinSoft.Document.dll".
    (At the Solution Explorer->right click by "References"->Add Reference...->Browse "SautinSoft.Document.dll")
    Add reference to SautinSoft.Document.dll.


    SautinSoft.Document.dll compiled for .NET Core is located inside (>Document .Net X.X\Bin\.NET Core X.X) folder.

    SautinSoft.Document.dll compiled for .NET Framework is located inside (>Document .Net X.X\Bin\.NET Framework X.X) folder.

  3. Type the code of our App: (We've also prepared the code fand .NET developers)

Complete code

using System;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft.Document;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get your free 100-day key here:   


        /// <summary>
        /// Generates 5 envelopes "Happy New Year" for Simpson family using the one template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// See details at:
        /// </remarks>
        public static void MailMergeSimpleEnvelope()
            string templatePath = @"..\..\..\envelope-template.docx";
            string resultPath = "Simpson-family.docx";

            DocumentCore dc = DocumentCore.Load(templatePath);

            var dataSource = new[] { new { Name = "Homer", FamilyName = "Simpson" },
                                new { Name = "Marge ", FamilyName = "Simpson" },
                                new { Name = "Bart", FamilyName = "Simpson" },
                                new { Name = "Lisa", FamilyName = "Simpson" },
                                new { Name = "Maggie", FamilyName = "Simpson" }};


            // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(resultPath) { UseShellExecute = true });


Option Infer On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Module Sample
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
    ''' Get your free 100-day key here:   
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Generates 5 envelopes "Happy New Year" for Simpson family using the one template.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' See details at:
    ''' </remarks>
    Sub MailMergeSimpleEnvelope()
        Dim templatePath As String = "..\..\..\envelope-template.docx"
        Dim resultPath As String = "Simpson-family.docx"

        Dim dc As DocumentCore = DocumentCore.Load(templatePath)

        Dim dataSource = {
            New With {
                Key .Name = "Homer",
                Key .FamilyName = "Simpson"
            New With {
                Key .Name = "Marge ",
                Key .FamilyName = "Simpson"
            New With {
                Key .Name = "Bart",
                Key .FamilyName = "Simpson"
            New With {
                Key .Name = "Lisa",
                Key .FamilyName = "Simpson"
            New With {
                Key .Name = "Maggie",
                Key .FamilyName = "Simpson"


        ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(resultPath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
    End Sub

End Module


After execution of mail merge method we'll get the «simpson-family.docx» as result.

How to create a template with Merge Fields in MS Word

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Questions and suggestions from you are always welcome!

We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.