Clipping the contents of PDF documents is an important task when working with PDF files. It allows you to hide or highlight certain parts of a document, which can be useful for various purposes, such as editing, protecting confidential information or improving visual perception.
In this article, we will look at how to use C# and .NET for cropping PDF content using the SautinSoft.Rdf .NET library.
Complete code
using System;
using SautinSoft.Pdf;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft.Pdf.Content;
class Program
/// <summary>
/// Clipping.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Details:
/// </remarks>
static void Main()
// Before starting this example, please get a free 100-day trial key:
// Apply the key here:
// PdfDocument.SetLicense("...");
using (var document = new PdfDocument())
var page = document.Pages.Add();
// Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
var textGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
// Draw text in the content group.
using (var formattedText = new PdfFormattedText())
formattedText.Font = new PdfFont("Helvetica", 96);
formattedText.Append("Hello world!");
textGroup.DrawText(formattedText, new PdfPoint(50, 700));
// Stroke all text elements in the group (to visualize their bounds) and set them as a clipping path.
var format = textGroup.Format;
format.Fill.IsApplied = false;
format.Stroke.IsApplied = true;
format.Clip.IsApplied = true;
// Draw an image in the same content group as the text.
// The image will be clipped to the text.
var image = PdfImage.Load(@"..\..\..\JPEG2.jpg");
textGroup.DrawImage(image, new PdfPoint(50, 700), new PdfSize(500, 100));
// Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
var pathGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
// Add a diamond-like path to the content group.
pathGroup.Elements.AddPath().BeginSubpath(50, 550).LineTo(300, 500).LineTo(550, 550).LineTo(300, 600).CloseSubpath();
// Stroke all path elements in the group (to visualize their bounds) and set them as a clipping path.
format = pathGroup.Format;
format.Fill.IsApplied = false;
format.Stroke.IsApplied = true;
format.Clip.IsApplied = true;
// Draw an image in the same content group as the diamond-like path.
// The image will be clipped to the diamond-like path.
pathGroup.DrawImage(image, new PdfPoint(50, 500), new PdfSize(500, 100));
// Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
pathGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
// Add a star-like path to the content group.
var path = pathGroup.Elements.AddPath();
var center = new PdfPoint(150, 300);
double radius = 100, cos1 = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 10), sin1 = Math.Sin(Math.PI / 10), cos2 = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 5), sin2 = Math.Sin(Math.PI / 5);
// Create a five-point star.
BeginSubpath(center.X - sin2 * radius, center.Y - cos2 * radius). // Start from the point in the bottom-left corner.
LineTo(center.X + cos1 * radius, center.Y + sin1 * radius). // Continue to the point in the upper-right corner.
LineTo(center.X - cos1 * radius, center.Y + sin1 * radius). // Continue to the point in the upper-left corner.
LineTo(center.X + sin2 * radius, center.Y - cos2 * radius). // Continue to the point in the bottom-right corner.
LineTo(center.X, center.Y + radius). // Continue to the point in the upper-center.
CloseSubpath(); // End with the starting point.
// Stroke a path (to visualize its bounds) and set it as a clipping path using non-zero winding number rule.
format = path.Format;
format.Fill.IsApplied = false;
format.Stroke.IsApplied = true;
format.Clip.IsApplied = true;
format.Clip.Rule = PdfFillRule.NonzeroWindingNumber;
// Draw an image in the same content group as the star-like path.
// The image will be clipped to the star-like path using non-zero winding number rule.
pathGroup.DrawImage(image, new PdfPoint(50, 200), new PdfSize(200, 200));
// Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
pathGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
// Clone a star-like path to the content group and move it down.
path = pathGroup.Elements.AddClone(path);
path.Subpaths.Transform(PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(250, 0));
// Set the clipping rule to even-odd.
path.Format.Clip.Rule = PdfFillRule.EvenOdd;
// Draw an image in the same content group as the star-like path.
// The image will be clipped to the star-like path using the even-odd rule.
pathGroup.DrawImage(image, new PdfPoint(300, 200), new PdfSize(200, 200));
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Clipping.pdf") { UseShellExecute = true });
Option Infer On
Imports System
Imports SautinSoft.Pdf
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft.Pdf.Content
Friend Class Program
''' <summary>
''' Clipping.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' Details:
''' </remarks>
Shared Sub Main()
' Before starting this example, please get a free 100-day trial key:
' Apply the key here:
' PdfDocument.SetLicense("...");
Using document = New PdfDocument()
Dim page = document.Pages.Add()
' Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
Dim textGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup()
' Draw text in the content group.
Using formattedText = New PdfFormattedText()
formattedText.Font = New PdfFont("Helvetica", 96)
formattedText.Append("Hello world!")
textGroup.DrawText(formattedText, New PdfPoint(50, 700))
End Using
' Stroke all text elements in the group (to visualize their bounds) and set them as a clipping path.
Dim format = textGroup.Format
format.Fill.IsApplied = False
format.Stroke.IsApplied = True
format.Clip.IsApplied = True
' Draw an image in the same content group as the text.
' The image will be clipped to the text.
Dim image = PdfImage.Load("..\..\..\JPEG2.jpg")
textGroup.DrawImage(image, New PdfPoint(50, 700), New PdfSize(500, 100))
' Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
Dim pathGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup()
' Add a diamond-like path to the content group.
pathGroup.Elements.AddPath().BeginSubpath(50, 550).LineTo(300, 500).LineTo(550, 550).LineTo(300, 600).CloseSubpath()
' Stroke all path elements in the group (to visualize their bounds) and set them as a clipping path.
format = pathGroup.Format
format.Fill.IsApplied = False
format.Stroke.IsApplied = True
format.Clip.IsApplied = True
' Draw an image in the same content group as the diamond-like path.
' The image will be clipped to the diamond-like path.
pathGroup.DrawImage(image, New PdfPoint(50, 500), New PdfSize(500, 100))
' Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
pathGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup()
' Add a star-like path to the content group.
Dim path = pathGroup.Elements.AddPath()
Dim center = New PdfPoint(150, 300)
Dim radius As Double = 100, cos1 As Double = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 10), sin1 As Double = Math.Sin(Math.PI / 10), cos2 As Double = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 5), sin2 As Double = Math.Sin(Math.PI / 5)
' Create a five-point star.
path.BeginSubpath(center.X - sin2 * radius, center.Y - cos2 * radius).LineTo(center.X + cos1 * radius, center.Y + sin1 * radius).LineTo(center.X - cos1 * radius, center.Y + sin1 * radius).LineTo(center.X + sin2 * radius, center.Y - cos2 * radius).LineTo(center.X, center.Y + radius).CloseSubpath() ' End with the starting point.
' Stroke a path (to visualize its bounds) and set it as a clipping path using non-zero winding number rule.
format = path.Format
format.Fill.IsApplied = False
format.Stroke.IsApplied = True
format.Clip.IsApplied = True
format.Clip.Rule = PdfFillRule.NonzeroWindingNumber
' Draw an image in the same content group as the star-like path.
' The image will be clipped to the star-like path using non-zero winding number rule.
pathGroup.DrawImage(image, New PdfPoint(50, 200), New PdfSize(200, 200))
' Add a new content group. Clipping is localized to the content group.
pathGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup()
' Clone a star-like path to the content group and move it down.
path = pathGroup.Elements.AddClone(path)
path.Subpaths.Transform(PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(250, 0))
' Set the clipping rule to even-odd.
path.Format.Clip.Rule = PdfFillRule.EvenOdd
' Draw an image in the same content group as the star-like path.
' The image will be clipped to the star-like path using the even-odd rule.
pathGroup.DrawImage(image, New PdfPoint(300, 200), New PdfSize(200, 200))
End Using
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Clipping.pdf") With {.UseShellExecute = True})
End Sub
End Class
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