PDF Form Fields Creation in C# and .NET

Creating dynamic PDF forms is a powerful way to collect and manage data efficiently. With the help of SautinSoft's PDF .Net library, you can design, create, and manipulate PDF forms programmatically using C# and .NET. This article will guide you through the adding interactive fields.

An interactive form, sometimes referred to as an AcroForm, is a collection of fields for gathering information interactively from the user. A PDF document may contain an arbitrary number of fields on any combination of pages, all of which together constitute a single global interactive form spanning the entire document. An interactive form in PDF .Net is represented by a PdfInteractiveForm class and can be accessed via the Form property of the PDF .Net class.

PDF .Net supports creating various types of form fields, such as text, radio button, check box, combo box, list box, signature, and button, as shown in the following example:

  1. Add SautinSoft.PDF from NuGet.
  2. Create a new PDF document.
  3. Add a labels, a texts fields, radio button fields with the choices.
  4. Add a 'Reset Button' button field with an action that resets all form fields to their default values.
  5. Save the PDF Document.

Output result:

Complete code

using System;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft;
using SautinSoft.Pdf;
using SautinSoft.Pdf.Content;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PDF interactive form fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/pdf/help/net/developer-guide/create-interactive-form.php
        /// </remarks>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Before starting this example, please get a free 100-day trial key:
            // https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/

            // Apply the key here:
            // PdfDocument.SetLicense("...");

            using (var document = new PdfDocument())
                var page = document.Pages.Add();

                PdfSize pageSize = page.Size, fieldSize = new PdfSize(150, 20);
                double x = pageSize.Width / 2 - 100, xLabel = x - 5, xField = x + 5, y = pageSize.Height - 50;

                using (var headerText = new PdfFormattedText())
                    // Draw header text.
                    headerText.Font = new PdfFont("Helvetica", 12);
                    headerText.FontWeight = PdfFontWeight.Bold;
                    headerText.MaxTextWidth = pageSize.Width - 100;
                    headerText.AppendLine("PDF Form Example");
                    headerText.FontWeight = PdfFontWeight.Normal;
                    headerText.Append("This is an example of a user fillable PDF form. The fields of this form have been selected to demonstrate as many as possible of the common entry fields.");
                    page.Content.DrawText(headerText, new PdfPoint(50, y - headerText.Height));
                    y -= 100;

                using (var labelText = new PdfFormattedText())
                    labelText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right;
                    labelText.Font = new PdfFont("Helvetica", 12);

                    // Add a 'Full name' label and a 'FullName' text field.
                    labelText.Append("Full name:");
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height));
                    var fullNameField = document.Form.Fields.AddText(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) / 2, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height);
                    fullNameField.Name = "FullName";

                    // Add an 'ID' label and an 'ID' text field that accepts at most 10 characters that are evenly spaced between vertical, comb-like, lines.
                    y -= 40;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height));
                    var idField = document.Form.Fields.AddText(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) / 2, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height);
                    idField.Name = "ID";
                    idField.CombOfCharacters = 10;
                    // Make vertical comb-like lines, colored black.
                    idField.Appearance.BorderColor = PdfColors.Black;

                    // Add 'Gender', 'Male', and 'Female' labels and two 'Gender' radio button fields with the choices 'Male' and 'Female'.
                    y -= 40;
                    var labelTextHeight = labelText.Height;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelTextHeight));
                    //document.Form.Fields.NewRadioButtonName = "Gender";
                    var genderMaleField = document.Form.Fields.AddRadioButton(page, xField, y - (labelTextHeight + fieldSize.Height) / 2, fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Height);
                    genderMaleField.Choice = "Male";
                    genderMaleField.Name = "Gender";
                    labelText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xField + fieldSize.Height + 5, y - (labelTextHeight + labelText.Height) / 2));
                    var genderFemaleField = document.Form.Fields.AddRadioButton(page, xField + fieldSize.Width / 2, y - (labelTextHeight + fieldSize.Height) / 2, fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Height);
                    genderFemaleField.Choice = "Female";
                    genderFemaleField.Name = "Gender";
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xField + fieldSize.Width / 2 + fieldSize.Height + 5, y - (labelTextHeight + labelText.Height) / 2));

                    // Add a 'Married' label and a 'Married' check box field with the export value 'Yes'.
                    y -= 40;
                    labelText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height));
                    var marriedField = document.Form.Fields.AddCheckBox(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) / 2, fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Height);
                    marriedField.Name = "Married";
                    marriedField.ExportValue = "Yes";

                    // Add a 'City' label and a 'City' combo box field that contains several predefined values and allows the user to enter a custom value.
                    y -= 40;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height));
                    var cityField = document.Form.Fields.AddDropdown(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) / 2, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height);
                    cityField.Name = "City";
                    cityField.Items.Add("New York");
                    cityField.AllowCustomText = true;

                    // Add a 'Language' label and a 'Language' list box field that contains several predefined values and allows the user to select more than one value.
                    y -= 40;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height));
                    var languageField = document.Form.Fields.AddListBox(page, xField, y - 60, fieldSize.Width, 60);
                    languageField.Name = "Language";
                    languageField.MultipleSelection = true;

                    // Add a 'Notes' label and a 'Notes' text field that may contain multiple lines of text.
                    y -= 80;
                    page.Content.DrawText(labelText, new PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height));
                    var notesField = document.Form.Fields.AddText(page, xField, y - 80, fieldSize.Width, 80);
                    notesField.Name = "Notes";
                    notesField.MultiLine = true;

                    // Add a 'ResetButton' button field with an action that resets all form fields to their default values.
                    y -= 100;
                    var resetField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(page, xField, y - fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height);
                    resetField.Name = "ResetButton";
                    resetField.Appearance.Label = "Reset";
                // Save PDF Document.

            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Form.pdf") { UseShellExecute = true });


Option Infer On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft
Imports SautinSoft.Pdf
Imports SautinSoft.Pdf.Content

Namespace Sample
	Friend Class Sample
		''' <summary>
		''' Create PDF interactive form fields.
		''' </summary>
		''' <remarks>
		''' Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/pdf/help/net/developer-guide/create-interactive-form.php
		''' </remarks>
		Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
			' Before starting this example, please get a free 100-day trial key:
			' https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/

			' Apply the key here:
			' PdfDocument.SetLicense("...");

			Using document = New PdfDocument()
				Dim page = document.Pages.Add()

				Dim pageSize As PdfSize = page.Size, fieldSize As New PdfSize(150, 20)
				Dim x As Double = pageSize.Width \ 2 - 100, xLabel As Double = x - 5, xField As Double = x + 5, y As Double = pageSize.Height - 50

				Using headerText = New PdfFormattedText()
					' Draw header text.
					headerText.Font = New PdfFont("Helvetica", 12)
					headerText.FontWeight = PdfFontWeight.Bold
					headerText.MaxTextWidth = pageSize.Width - 100
					headerText.AppendLine("PDF Form Example")
					headerText.FontWeight = PdfFontWeight.Normal
					headerText.Append("This is an example of a user fillable PDF form. The fields of this form have been selected to demonstrate as many as possible of the common entry fields.")
					page.Content.DrawText(headerText, New PdfPoint(50, y - headerText.Height))
					y -= 100
				End Using

				Using labelText = New PdfFormattedText()
					labelText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right
					labelText.Font = New PdfFont("Helvetica", 12)

					' Add a 'Full name' label and a 'FullName' text field.
					labelText.Append("Full name:")
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height))
					Dim fullNameField = document.Form.Fields.AddText(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) \ 2, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height)
					fullNameField.Name = "FullName"

					' Add an 'ID' label and an 'ID' text field that accepts at most 10 characters that are evenly spaced between vertical, comb-like, lines.
					y -= 40
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height))
					Dim idField = document.Form.Fields.AddText(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) \ 2, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height)
					idField.Name = "ID"
					idField.CombOfCharacters = 10
					' Make vertical comb-like lines, colored black.
					idField.Appearance.BorderColor = PdfColors.Black

					' Add 'Gender', 'Male', and 'Female' labels and two 'Gender' radio button fields with the choices 'Male' and 'Female'.
					y -= 40
					Dim labelTextHeight = labelText.Height
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelTextHeight))
					'document.Form.Fields.NewRadioButtonName = "Gender";
					Dim genderMaleField = document.Form.Fields.AddRadioButton(page, xField, y - (labelTextHeight + fieldSize.Height) \ 2, fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Height)
					genderMaleField.Choice = "Male"
					genderMaleField.Name = "Gender"
					labelText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xField + fieldSize.Height + 5, y - (labelTextHeight + labelText.Height) \ 2))
					Dim genderFemaleField = document.Form.Fields.AddRadioButton(page, xField + fieldSize.Width \ 2, y - (labelTextHeight + fieldSize.Height) \ 2, fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Height)
					genderFemaleField.Choice = "Female"
					genderFemaleField.Name = "Gender"
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xField + fieldSize.Width \ 2 + fieldSize.Height + 5, y - (labelTextHeight + labelText.Height) \ 2))

					' Add a 'Married' label and a 'Married' check box field with the export value 'Yes'.
					y -= 40
					labelText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height))
					Dim marriedField = document.Form.Fields.AddCheckBox(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) \ 2, fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Height)
					marriedField.Name = "Married"
					marriedField.ExportValue = "Yes"

					' Add a 'City' label and a 'City' combo box field that contains several predefined values and allows the user to enter a custom value.
					y -= 40
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height))
					Dim cityField = document.Form.Fields.AddDropdown(page, xField, y - (labelText.Height + fieldSize.Height) \ 2, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height)
					cityField.Name = "City"
					cityField.Items.Add("New York")
					cityField.AllowCustomText = True

					' Add a 'Language' label and a 'Language' list box field that contains several predefined values and allows the user to select more than one value.
					y -= 40
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height))
					Dim languageField = document.Form.Fields.AddListBox(page, xField, y - 60, fieldSize.Width, 60)
					languageField.Name = "Language"
					languageField.MultipleSelection = True

					' Add a 'Notes' label and a 'Notes' text field that may contain multiple lines of text.
					y -= 80
					page.Content.DrawText(labelText, New PdfPoint(xLabel, y - labelText.Height))
					Dim notesField = document.Form.Fields.AddText(page, xField, y - 80, fieldSize.Width, 80)
					notesField.Name = "Notes"
					notesField.MultiLine = True

					' Add a 'ResetButton' button field with an action that resets all form fields to their default values.
					y -= 100
					Dim resetField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(page, xField, y - fieldSize.Height, fieldSize.Width, fieldSize.Height)
					resetField.Name = "ResetButton"
					resetField.Appearance.Label = "Reset"
				End Using
				' Save PDF Document.
			End Using

			System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Form.pdf") With {.UseShellExecute = True})
		End Sub
	End Class
End Namespace


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Questions and suggestions from you are always welcome!

We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.