Create PDF form XObjects in C# and VB.NET

The format PDF XObject (represented by the PdfForm class) is usedto represent objectssuch as text,pages, and imagesina document. It is a self-contained description of a sequence of PdfContentElements. It can be thought of as a vector-based image.

The PdfFormContent element allows a form XObject to be drawn multiple times on multiple pages or multiple locations on the same page. It is also possible to generate the same result each time only by formatting the PdfFormContent element.

See the example below for how to create a form XObject, enter its contents, and draw it in multiple locations on the same PDF page using different fill colors each time.

Complete code

using System;
using SautinSoft.Pdf;
using System.IO;

class Program
	static void Main()
		// This property is necessary only for licensed version.
		//SautinSoft.Pdf.Serial = "XXXXXXXXXXX";

		using (var document = new PdfDocument())
			var form = new PdfForm(document, new PdfSize(200, 200));


			var textGroup = form.Content.Elements.AddGroup();

			// Add text with the default fill (fill will be inherited from outer PdfFormContent).
			using (var formattedText = new PdfFormattedText())
				formattedText.Font = new PdfFont("Hello", 24);

				// Draw the formatted text at location (50, 150) from the bottom-left corner of the group/form.
				textGroup.DrawText(formattedText, new PdfPoint(50, 150));

			// Add the same text with a black fill 50 points below the first text.
			var blackText = (PdfTextContent)textGroup.Elements.AddClone(textGroup.Elements.First);
			blackText.TextTransform = PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -50) * blackText.TextTransform;
			blackText.Format.Fill.Color = PdfColors.Black;

			var pathGroup = form.Content.Elements.AddGroup();

			// Add a rectangle path with the default fill (fill will be inherited from the outer PdfFormContent).
			var path = pathGroup.Elements.AddPath();
			path.AddRectangle(0, 50, 200, 40);
			path.Format.Fill.IsApplied = true;

			// Add the same path with a black fill 50 points below the first path.
			var blackPath = pathGroup.Elements.AddClone(path);
			blackPath.Subpaths.Transform(PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -50));
			blackPath.Format.Fill.Color = PdfColors.Black;


			var page = document.Pages.Add();

			// Add the outer PdfFormContent with the default (black) fill.
			// Elements in the inner PdfForm that do not have a fill set, will have the default (black) fill.
			var contentGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
			var formContent1 = contentGroup.Elements.AddForm(form);
			formContent1.Transform = PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(100, 600);

			// Add the outer PdfFormContent with a green fill.
			// Elements in the inner PdfForm that do not have a fill set, will have a green fill.
			contentGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
			var formContent2 = contentGroup.Elements.AddForm(form);
			formContent2.Transform = PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(100, 350);
			formContent2.Format.Fill.Color = PdfColors.Green;

			// Add the outer PdfFormContent with a red fill.
			// Elements in the inner PdfForm that do not have a fill set, will have a red fill.
			contentGroup = page.Content.Elements.AddGroup();
			var formContent3 = contentGroup.Elements.AddClone(formContent1);
			formContent3.Transform = PdfMatrix.CreateTranslation(100, 100);
			formContent3.Format.Fill.Color = PdfColors.Red;




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We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.