Merge PDF without 3rd party component in C# and .NET

Merging PDF documents is a task that users who work with electronic documents often face. In this article, we will look at how you can combine PDF files without using third-party components, as well as discuss the pros and cons of this approach.

Combining PDF documents without using third-party components has its "pros" and "cons". This approach can be useful in cases where it is necessary to avoid dependence on third-party libraries or save money. However, it requires significant development efforts and may be limited in functionality. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before choosing an approach to combining PDF documents.

If want to use 3rd party component, try our SautinSoft.PDF. It's also completely FREE for Split and Merge operations.


  • Completely C# code: no dependencies, no 3rd party references.
  • No dependence on third-party libraries: using the built-in capabilities of a programming language or operating system avoids dependence on third-party libraries and components. This may be important to ensure the security and stability of the application.
  • Cost savings: third-party components and libraries often require the purchase of licenses. Using the built-in features allows you to save money.
  • Process control: when using proprietary solutions, the developer has full control over the process of combining PDF documents. This allows you to flexibly customize the process to meet specific requirements.


  • Complexity of implementation: combining PDF documents without third-party components may require significant development efforts and time. It is necessary to study the PDF format and implement all the necessary functions yourself.
  • Limited opportunities: the built-in capabilities of a programming language or operating system may be limited compared to the functionality of specialized libraries. This can make it difficult to implement complex PDF merge scenarios.
  • Support and updates: when using third-party components, the developer receives support and updates from the manufacturer. In the case of self-implementation, all support and update issues fall on the shoulders of the developer.
  • May fault with complex PDF files (especially new PDF 1.7, PDF 2.0).
  • Uses Regual expressions.

Output result:

Complete code

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Compression;

namespace Sample
	class Sample
		/// <summary>
		/// Combine (merge) multiple PDFs without 3rd party component in C# and .NET
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Details:
		/// </remarks>
		static void Main(string[] args)
			// C# example to merge PDF without any 3rd party components.

			// Advantages:
			// + Completely C# code, no dependencies, no 3rd party references.
			// Disadvantages:
			// - Uses Regual expressions
			// - May fault with complex PDF files (especially new PDF 1.7, PDF 2.0).

			// If want to use 3rd party component, try our SautinSoft.Pdf:
			// It's also completely FREE for Split and Merge operations.

			string[] inpFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\"), "*.pdf");
			string outFile = "Merged.pdf";

			using (var output = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
				PdfSplitterMerger psm = new PdfSplitterMerger(output);
				foreach (string inpFile in inpFiles)
					ProjectPart pp = new ProjectPart();
					catch { continue; }
					using (FileStream f = File.OpenRead(pp.path))
						psm.Add(f, pp.Pages);
			System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(outFile) { UseShellExecute = true });
	internal class ProjectPart
		private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
		internal event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
		public string path;
		internal string pages;
		public int[] Pages
				ArrayList ps = new ArrayList();
				if (this.pages == null || pages.Length == 0)
					for (int index = 0; index < this.MaxPage; index++)
					string[] ss = this.pages.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ', ';' });
					foreach (string s in ss)
						if (Regex.IsMatch(s, @"\d+-\d+"))
							int start = int.Parse(s.Split(new char[] { '-' })[0]);
							int end = int.Parse(s.Split(new char[] { '-' })[1]);
							if (start > end)
								return new int[] { 0 };
							while (start <= end)
								ps.Add(start - 1);
							ps.Add(int.Parse(s) - 1);
				return ps.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[];
		public int MaxPage;
		public void Load(string path)
			this.path = path;
			System.IO.Stream s = File.OpenRead(path);
			PdfFile pf = new PdfFile(s);
			pf.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
			this.MaxPage = pf.PageCount;
		public void LoadFromBytes(byte[] pdf)

			System.IO.Stream s = new MemoryStream(pdf);
			PdfFile pf = new PdfFile(s);
			pf.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
			this.MaxPage = pf.PageCount;

		public ProjectPart()
			this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);

		private void pf_ProgressEvent(int part, int total)
			this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
	internal delegate void ProgressDelegate(int part, int total);
	internal class PdfSplitterMerger
		System.IO.Stream target;
		long pos = 15;
		private int number = 3;
		private ArrayList pageNumbers, xrefs;
		private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
		public event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
		public PdfSplitterMerger(System.IO.Stream OutputStream)
			this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);
			this.xrefs = new ArrayList();
			this.pageNumbers = new ArrayList(); = OutputStream;
			StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(;
			string versionstring = "PDF-1.4";
			sw.Write("%" + versionstring + "\r");
			Byte[] buffer = new Byte[7];
			buffer[0] = 0x25;
			buffer[1] = 0xE2;
			buffer[2] = 0xE3;
			buffer[3] = 0xCF;
			buffer[4] = 0xD3;
			buffer[5] = 0x0D;
			buffer[6] = 0x0A;, 0, buffer.Length);;
		public void Add(System.IO.Stream PdfInputStream, int[] PageNumbers)
			PdfFile pf = new PdfFile(PdfInputStream);
			pf.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
			PdfSplitter ps = new PdfSplitter();
			ps.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
			ps.Load(pf, PageNumbers, this.number);
		private void Add(PdfSplitter PdfSplitter)
			foreach (int pageNumber in PdfSplitter.pageNumbers)
			ArrayList sortedObjects = new ArrayList();
			foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in PdfSplitter.sObjects.Values)
			sortedObjects.Sort(new PdfFileObjectNumberComparer());

			foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in sortedObjects)
				this.pos += pfo.WriteToStream(;
		public void Finish()
			StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(;

			string root = "";
			root = "1 0 obj\r";
			root += "<< \r/Type /Catalog \r";
			root += "/Pages 2 0 R \r";
			root += ">> \r";
			root += "endobj\r";

			xrefs.Insert(0, pos);
			pos += root.Length;

			string pages = "";
			pages += "2 0 obj \r";
			pages += "<< \r";
			pages += "/Type /Pages \r";
			pages += "/Count " + pageNumbers.Count + " \r";
			pages += "/Kids [ ";
			foreach (int pageIndex in pageNumbers)
				pages += pageIndex + " 0 R ";
			pages += "] \r";
			pages += ">> \r";
			pages += "endobj\r";

			xrefs.Insert(1, pos);
			pos += pages.Length;

			sw.Write("0 " + (this.number) + " \r");
			sw.Write("0000000000 65535 f \r");

			foreach (long xref in this.xrefs)
				sw.Write((xref + 1).ToString("0000000000") + " 00000 n \r");
			sw.Write("/Size " + (this.number) + "\r");
			sw.Write("/Root 1 0 R \r");
			sw.Write((pos + 1) + "\r");

		private void pf_ProgressEvent(int part, int total)
			this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
	internal class Project
		public string Name;
		public ArrayList Parts;
		public int TotalPages
				int tot = 0;
				foreach (ProjectPart pp in this.Parts)
					if (pp.Pages == null)
						tot += pp.MaxPage;
						tot += pp.Pages.Length;
				return tot;
		public Project(string name)
			this.Parts = new ArrayList();
			this.Name = name;
	internal class PdfSplitter
		internal Hashtable sObjects;
		internal ArrayList pageNumbers;
		internal Hashtable transHash;
		internal PdfFile PdfFile;
		private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
		public event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
		internal PdfSplitter()
			this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);
		internal void Load(PdfFile PdfFile, int[] PageNumbers, int startNumber)
			this.PdfFile = PdfFile;
			this.pageNumbers = new ArrayList();
			this.sObjects = new Hashtable();
			int part = 0;
			int total = PageNumbers.Length;
			foreach (int PageNumber in PageNumbers)
				this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
				PdfFileObject page = PdfFile.PageList[PageNumber] as PdfFileObject;
				page.PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile, this.sObjects);
			this.transHash = this.CalcTransHash(startNumber);
			foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in this.sObjects.Values)
		private Hashtable CalcTransHash(int startNumber)
			Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
			ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
			foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in this.sObjects.Values)
			al.Sort(new PdfFileObjectNumberComparer());
			int number = startNumber;
			foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in al)
				ht.Add(pfo.number, number);
			return ht;

	enum PdfObjectType
		UnKnown, Stream, Page, Other
	internal class PdfFileStreamObject : PdfFileObject
		private byte[] streamBuffer;
		private int streamStartOffset, streamLength;
		internal PdfFileStreamObject(PdfFileObject obj)
			this.address = obj.address;
			this.length = obj.length;
			this.text = obj.text;
			this.number = obj.number;
			this.PdfFile = obj.PdfFile;

		private void LoadStreamBuffer()
			Match m1 = Regex.Match(this.text, @"stream\s*");
			this.streamStartOffset = m1.Index + m1.Value.Length;
			this.streamLength = this.length - this.streamStartOffset;
			this.streamBuffer = new byte[this.streamLength];
			this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address + this.streamStartOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			this.PdfFile.memory.Read(this.streamBuffer, 0, this.streamLength);

			this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.PdfFile.memory);
			char[] startChars = new char[this.streamStartOffset];
			sr.ReadBlock(startChars, 0, this.streamStartOffset);
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			this.text = sb.ToString();
		internal override void Transform(System.Collections.Hashtable TransformationHash)
		internal override long WriteToStream(System.IO.Stream Stream)
			StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Stream);
			new MemoryStream(this.streamBuffer).WriteTo(Stream);
			return this.streamLength + this.text.Length;

	internal class PdfFileObject
		internal long address;
		internal int number, length;
		internal string text;
		internal PdfFile PdfFile;
		MatchEvaluator filterEval;
		internal static PdfFileObject Create(PdfFile PdfFile, int number, long address)
			PdfFileObject pfo = new PdfFileObject();
			pfo.PdfFile = PdfFile;
			pfo.number = number;
			pfo.address = address;
			if (pfo.Type == PdfObjectType.Stream)
				pfo = new PdfFileStreamObject(pfo);
			pfo.filterEval = new MatchEvaluator(pfo.FilterEval);
			return pfo;

		internal static PdfFileObject Create(PdfFile PdfFile, int number, string initial)
			PdfFileObject pfo = new PdfFileObject();
			pfo.PdfFile = PdfFile;
			pfo.number = number;
			pfo.address = -1;
			pfo.length = -1;
			pfo.text = pfo.number + " 0 obj\n" + initial + "\nendobj\n";
			if (pfo.Type == PdfObjectType.Stream)
				pfo = new PdfFileStreamObject(pfo);
			pfo.filterEval = new MatchEvaluator(pfo.FilterEval);
			return pfo;

		private void LoadText()
			this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			for (int index = 0; index < this.length; index++)
			this.text = sb.ToString();
		private void GetLenght(PdfFile PdfFile)
			System.IO.Stream stream = PdfFile.memory;
			stream.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			Match m = Regex.Match("", @"endobj\s*");
			int b = 0;
			this.length = 0;
			string word = "";
			while (b != -1)
				b = stream.ReadByte();
				if (b > 97 && b < 112)
					char c = (char)b;
					word += c;
					if (word == "endobj")
						b = -1;
					word = "";
			char c2 = (char)stream.ReadByte();
			while (Regex.IsMatch(c2.ToString(), @"\s"))
				c2 = (char)stream.ReadByte();
		protected PdfObjectType type;
		internal PdfObjectType Type
				if (this.type == PdfObjectType.UnKnown)
					if (Regex.IsMatch(this.text, @"/Page") & !Regex.IsMatch(this.text, @"/Pages"))
						this.type = PdfObjectType.Page;
						return this.type;
					if (Regex.IsMatch(this.text, @"stream"))
						this.type = PdfObjectType.Stream;
						return this.type;
					this.type = PdfObjectType.Other;
				return this.type;

		internal int GetNumber(string Name)
			Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, @"/" + Name + @" (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
			int len = 0;
			if (m.Success)
				len = int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);
			return len;

		internal int[] GetArrayNumbers(string arrayName)
			ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
			string pattern = @"/" + arrayName + @"\s*\[(\s*(?'id'\d+) 0 R\s*)*";
			Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
			foreach (Capture cap in m.Groups["id"].Captures)
			return ids.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[];
		internal ArrayList GetKids()
			ArrayList kids = new ArrayList();
			foreach (int id in this.GetArrayNumbers("Kids"))
				PdfFileObject pfo = PdfFile.LoadObject(id);
				if (pfo.Type == PdfObjectType.Page)
			return kids;

		internal void PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile PdfFile, Hashtable container)
			if (!container.ContainsKey(this.number))
				container.Add(this.number, this);
				Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, @"(?'parent'(/Parent)*)\s*(?'id'\d+) 0 R[^G]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
				while (m.Success)
					int num = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
					bool notparent = m.Groups["parent"].Length == 0;
					if (notparent & !container.Contains(num))
						PdfFileObject pfo = PdfFile.LoadObject(num);
						if (pfo != null & !container.Contains(pfo.number))
							pfo.PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile, container);
					m = m.NextMatch();

		private Hashtable TransformationHash;
		private string FilterEval(Match m)
			int id = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
			string end = m.Groups["end"].Value;
			if (this.TransformationHash.ContainsKey(id))
				string rest = m.Groups["rest"].Value;
				return (int)TransformationHash[id] + rest + end;
			return end;
		internal PdfFileObject Parent
				return this.PdfFile.LoadObject(this.text, "Parent");
		internal string MediaBoxText
				string pattern = @"/MediaBox\s*\[\s*(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s*]";
				string mediabox = Regex.Match(this.text, pattern).Value;

				if (mediabox == "")
					pattern = @"/MediaBox\s*\d+";
					mediabox = Regex.Match(this.text, pattern).Value;
					if (mediabox != "")
						mediabox = mediabox.Remove(0, "/MediaBox".Length);
						mediabox = mediabox.Trim();
						int obj = Convert.ToInt32(mediabox, 10);

						if (obj > 0 && obj < this.PdfFile.objects.Count)
							pattern = @"\[\s*(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s*]";
							string text = ((PdfFileObject)(this.PdfFile.objects[obj])).text;
							mediabox = Regex.Match(text, pattern).Value;
							mediabox = "/MediaBox " + mediabox;

				return mediabox;
		internal virtual void Transform(Hashtable TransformationHash)
			if (this.Type == PdfObjectType.Page && this.MediaBoxText == "")
				PdfFileObject parent = this.Parent;
				while (parent != null)
					string mb = parent.MediaBoxText;
					if (mb == "")
						parent = parent.Parent;
						this.text = Regex.Replace(this.text, @"/Type\s*/Page", "/Type /Page\r" + mb);
						parent = null;
			this.TransformationHash = TransformationHash;
			this.text = Regex.Replace(this.text
			, @"(?'id'\d+)(?'rest' 0 (obj|R))(?'end'[^G])", this.filterEval, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
			this.text = Regex.Replace(this.text, @"/Parent\s+(\d+ 0 R)*", "/Parent 2 0 R \r");
		internal virtual long WriteToStream(System.IO.Stream Stream)

			StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Stream, Encoding.ASCII);
			return this.text.Length;

		internal string UnpackStream()
			Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, @"/Length (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
			int len = 0;
			if (m.Success)
				len = int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);

			this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			long seek = PdfFile.Seek(this.PdfFile.memory, "stream\r\n");
			if (seek != -1)
				this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(seek + 8, SeekOrigin.Begin);

				byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
				this.PdfFile.memory.Read(buffer, 0, len);
				byte[] unzipped = PdfFile.UnZipStr(buffer);
				return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(unzipped, 0, unzipped.Length);
			return "";
	internal class PdfFileObjectNumberComparer : IComparer
		#region IComparer Members

		public int Compare(object x, object y)
			PdfFileObject a = x as PdfFileObject;
			PdfFileObject b = y as PdfFileObject;
			return a.number.CompareTo(b.number);

	internal class PdfFile
		private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
		internal event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
		internal string trailer;
		internal System.IO.Stream memory;
		internal Hashtable objects;
		public PdfFile(System.IO.Stream InputStream)
			this.memory = InputStream;
			this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);

		public void Load()
			long startxref = this.GetStartxref();
			this.trailer = this.ParseTrailer(startxref);
			long[] adds = this.GetAddresses(startxref);

		private void LoadHash(long[] addresses)
			this.objects = new Hashtable();
			int part = 0;
			int total = addresses.Length;
			foreach (long add in addresses)
				if (add < 0) continue;
				this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
				this.memory.Seek(add, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
				string line = sr.ReadLine();
				if (line.Length < 2)
					line = sr.ReadLine();
				Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?'id'\d+) 0 obj", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
				if (m.Success)
					int num = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
					if (!objects.ContainsKey(num))
						objects.Add(num, PdfFileObject.Create(this, num, add));
			foreach (long add in addresses)
				if (add >= 0) continue;
				int realadd = -(int)add;
				if (!objects.ContainsKey(realadd)) continue;
				PdfFileObject obj = (PdfFileObject)objects[realadd];
				string unpackedstream = obj.UnpackStream();
				int n = obj.GetNumber("N");
				int[] nums = new int[n];
				int[] poss = new int[n];
				int[] lens = new int[n];
				string[] splitted = unpackedstream.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, n * 2 + 1);
				int prevpos = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
					nums[i] = int.Parse(splitted[i * 2]);
					poss[i] = int.Parse(splitted[i * 2 + 1]);
					if (i > 0) lens[i - 1] = poss[i] - poss[i - 1];
					prevpos = poss[i];
				lens[n - 1] = splitted[splitted.Length - 1].Length - poss[n - 1];
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
					string objstr = splitted[splitted.Length - 1].Substring(poss[i], lens[i]);
					objects.Add(nums[i], PdfFileObject.Create(this, nums[i], objstr));

		internal PdfFileObject LoadObject(string text, string key)
			string pattern = @"/" + key + @" (?'id'\d+)";
			Match m = Regex.Match(text, pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
			if (m.Success)
				return this.LoadObject(int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value));
			return null;
		internal PdfFileObject LoadObject(int number)
			return this.objects[number] as PdfFileObject;
		internal ArrayList PageList
				PdfFileObject root = this.LoadObject(this.trailer, "Root");
				PdfFileObject pages = this.LoadObject(root.text, "Pages");
				return pages.GetKids();
		public int PageCount
				return this.PageList.Count;
		private long[] GetAddresses(long xref)
			ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
			string tr = ParseTrailer(xref);
			if (Regex.Match(tr, @"/FlateDecode").Success)
				Match m = Regex.Match(tr, @"/Length (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
				int len = 0;
				if (m.Success)
					len = int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);

				int[] widths = new int[] { 1, 1, 1 };
				int totalwidth = 1;
				m = Regex.Match(tr, @"/W\s*\[(?'nums'[\d\s]+?)\]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
				if (m.Success)
					string[] split = (m.Groups["nums"].Value.Split(' '));
					widths = new int[split.Length];
					for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
						//if (!int.TryParse(split[i], widths[i])) continue;
						widths[i] = int.Parse(split[i]);
						totalwidth += widths[i];

				this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				long seek = Seek(this.memory, "stream\n");

				if (seek != -1)
					this.memory.Seek(seek + 7, SeekOrigin.Begin);

					byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
					this.memory.Read(buffer, 0, len);
					byte[] unzipped = UnZipStr(buffer);

					byte[] prevrow = new byte[totalwidth - 1];
					for (int row = 1; row < unzipped.Length; row += totalwidth)
						byte[] currow = new byte[totalwidth - 1];
						for (int col = 0; col < totalwidth - 1; col++)
							currow[col] = (byte)((prevrow[col] + unzipped[row + col]) % 256);
						if (currow[0] > 0)
							long addr = 0;
							for (int col = widths[0]; col < widths[0] + widths[1]; col++)
							{ addr *= 256; addr += currow[col]; }
							if (currow[0] == 1)
							else if (currow[0] == 2 && !al.Contains(-addr))
						prevrow = currow;
				this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
				string line = "";
				while (true)
					line = sr.ReadLine();
					if (line == null || Regex.IsMatch(line, ">>"))
					if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"\d{10} 00000 n\s*"))
						al.Add(long.Parse(line.Substring(0, 10)));

			Match mtch = Regex.Match(tr, @"/Prev \d+");
			if (mtch.Success)
			return al.ToArray(typeof(long)) as long[];
		public static byte[] UnZipStr(byte[] bytes)
			using (MemoryStream returnStream = new MemoryStream())
				using (MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(bytes))
					source.Position = 0;
					using var decompressor = new DeflateStream(source, CompressionMode.Decompress);
					return returnStream.ToArray();

		public static long Seek(string file, string searchString)
			//open filestream to perform a seek
			using (System.IO.FileStream fs =
				return Seek(fs, searchString);

		public static long Seek(Stream fs,
								string searchString)
			char[] search = searchString.ToCharArray();
			long result = -1, position = 0, stored = -1,
			begin = fs.Position;
			int c;

			while ((c = fs.ReadByte()) != -1)
				if ((char)c == search[position])
					if (stored == -1 && position > 0
						&& (char)c == search[0])
						stored = fs.Position;

					if (position + 1 == search.Length)
						result = fs.Position - search.Length;
						fs.Position = result;

				else if (stored > -1)
					fs.Position = stored + 1;
					position = 1;
					stored = -1; //reset stored position!
					position = 0;

			if (result == -1)
				fs.Position = begin;

			return result;

		private long GetStartxref()
			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
			this.memory.Seek(this.memory.Length - 100, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			string line = "";
			while (!line.StartsWith("startxref"))
				line = sr.ReadLine();
			long startxref = long.Parse(sr.ReadLine());
			if (startxref == -1)
				throw new Exception("Cannot find the startxref");
			return startxref;
		private string ParseTrailer(long xref)
			this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
			string line;
			string trailer = "";
			bool istrailer = false;
			while ((line = sr.ReadLine()).IndexOf("startxref") == -1)
				line = line.Trim();
				if (line.IndexOf("trailer") >= 0)
					trailer = "";
					istrailer = true;
				if (istrailer)
					trailer += line + "\r";

			if (trailer == "")
				this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
				int parentheses = 0;
				string temp = "";
				bool started = false;
				while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
					int pos = -1;
						pos = line.IndexOf("<<");
						int pos2 = line.IndexOf(">>");

						if (pos == -1) pos = pos2;
						else if (pos2 != -1) pos = Math.Min(pos, pos2);

						if (pos != -1)
							started = true;
							parentheses += (line[pos] == '>') ? 1 : -1;
							temp += line.Substring(0, pos + 2);
							if (parentheses == 0)
							line = line.Substring(pos + 2);
							temp += line + "\r\n";
					} while (pos != -1);
					if (parentheses == 0 && temp != "" && started) break;
				if (parentheses == 0)// && Regex.Match(temp, @"/Root").Success)
					trailer = temp;
			if (trailer == "")
				throw new Exception("Cannot find trailer");
			return trailer;



Option Infer On

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO.Compression
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Namespace Sample
	Friend Class Sample
		''' <summary>
		''' Combine (merge) multiple PDFs without 3rd party component in C# and .NET
		''' </summary>
		''' <remarks>
		''' Details:
		''' </remarks>
		Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
			' C# example to merge PDF without any 3rd party components.

			' Advantages:
			' + Completely C# code, no dependencies, no 3rd party references.
			' Disadvantages:
			' - Uses Regual expressions
			' - May fault with complex PDF files (especially new PDF 1.7, PDF 2.0).

			' If want to use 3rd party component, try our SautinSoft.Pdf:
			' It's also completely FREE for Split and Merge operations.

			Dim inpFiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath("..\..\..\"), "*.pdf")
			Dim outFile As String = "Merged.pdf"

			Using output = New FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
				Dim psm As New PdfSplitterMerger(output)
				For Each inpFile As String In inpFiles
					Dim pp As New ProjectPart()
						Continue For
					End Try
					Using f As FileStream = File.OpenRead(pp.path)
						psm.Add(f, pp.Pages)
					End Using
				Next inpFile
			End Using
			System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(outFile) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
		End Sub
	End Class
	Friend Class ProjectPart
		Private Sub OnProgress(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
		End Sub
		Friend Event ProgressEvent As ProgressDelegate
		Public path As String
		'INSTANT VB NOTE: The field pages was renamed since Visual Basic does not allow fields to have the same name as other class members:
		Friend pages_Conflict As String
		Public ReadOnly Property Pages() As Integer()
				Dim ps As New ArrayList()
				If Me.pages_Conflict Is Nothing OrElse pages_Conflict.Length = 0 Then
					For index As Integer = 0 To Me.MaxPage - 1
					Next index
					Dim ss() As String = Me.pages_Conflict.Split(New Char() {","c, " "c, ";"c})
					For Each s As String In ss
						If Regex.IsMatch(s, "\d+-\d+") Then
							Dim start As Integer = Integer.Parse(s.Split(New Char() {"-"c})(0))
							Dim [end] As Integer = Integer.Parse(s.Split(New Char() {"-"c})(1))
							If start > [end] Then
								Return New Integer() {0}
							End If
							Do While start <= [end]
								ps.Add(start - 1)
								start += 1
							ps.Add(Integer.Parse(s) - 1)
						End If
					Next s
				End If
				Return TryCast(ps.ToArray(GetType(Integer)), Integer())
			End Get
		End Property
		Public MaxPage As Integer
		Public Sub Load(ByVal path As String)
			Me.path = path
			Dim s As System.IO.Stream = File.OpenRead(path)
			Dim pf As New PdfFile(s)
			AddHandler pf.ProgressEvent, AddressOf pf_ProgressEvent
			Me.MaxPage = pf.PageCount
		End Sub
		Public Sub LoadFromBytes(ByVal pdf() As Byte)

			Dim s As System.IO.Stream = New MemoryStream(pdf)
			Dim pf As New PdfFile(s)
			AddHandler pf.ProgressEvent, AddressOf pf_ProgressEvent
			Me.MaxPage = pf.PageCount
		End Sub

		Public Sub New()
			Me.ProgressEventEvent = New ProgressDelegate(AddressOf Me.OnProgress)
		End Sub

		Private Sub pf_ProgressEvent(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
			RaiseEvent ProgressEvent(part, total)
		End Sub
	End Class
	Friend Delegate Sub ProgressDelegate(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
	Friend Class PdfSplitterMerger
		Private target As System.IO.Stream
		Private pos As Long = 15
		Private number As Integer = 3
		Private pageNumbers, xrefs As ArrayList
		Private Sub OnProgress(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
		End Sub
		Public Event ProgressEvent As ProgressDelegate
		Public Sub New(ByVal OutputStream As System.IO.Stream)
			Me.ProgressEventEvent = New ProgressDelegate(AddressOf Me.OnProgress)
			Me.xrefs = New ArrayList()
			Me.pageNumbers = New ArrayList() = OutputStream
			Dim sw As New StreamWriter(
			Dim versionstring As String = "PDF-1.4"
			sw.Write("%" & versionstring & vbCr)
			Dim buffer(6) As Byte
			buffer(0) = &H25
			buffer(1) = &HE2
			buffer(2) = &HE3
			buffer(3) = &HCF
			buffer(4) = &HD3
			buffer(5) = &HD
			buffer(6) = &HA, 0, buffer.Length)
		End Sub
		Public Sub Add(ByVal PdfInputStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal PageNumbers() As Integer)
			Dim pf As New PdfFile(PdfInputStream)
			AddHandler pf.ProgressEvent, AddressOf pf_ProgressEvent
			Dim ps As New PdfSplitter()
			AddHandler ps.ProgressEvent, AddressOf pf_ProgressEvent
			ps.Load(pf, PageNumbers, Me.number)
		End Sub
		Private Sub Add(ByVal PdfSplitter As PdfSplitter)
			For Each pageNumber As Integer In PdfSplitter.pageNumbers
			Next pageNumber
			Dim sortedObjects As New ArrayList()
			For Each pfo As PdfFileObject In PdfSplitter.sObjects.Values
			Next pfo
			sortedObjects.Sort(New PdfFileObjectNumberComparer())

			For Each pfo As PdfFileObject In sortedObjects
				Me.pos += pfo.WriteToStream(
				Me.number += 1
			Next pfo
		End Sub
		Public Sub Finish()
			Dim sw As New StreamWriter(

			Dim root As String = ""
			root = "1 0 obj" & vbCr
			root &= "<< " & vbCr & "/Type /Catalog " & vbCr
			root &= "/Pages 2 0 R " & vbCr
			root &= ">> " & vbCr
			root &= "endobj" & vbCr

			xrefs.Insert(0, pos)
			pos += root.Length

			Dim pages As String = ""
			pages &= "2 0 obj " & vbCr
			pages &= "<< " & vbCr
			pages &= "/Type /Pages " & vbCr
			pages &= "/Count " & pageNumbers.Count & " " & vbCr
			pages &= "/Kids [ "
			For Each pageIndex As Integer In pageNumbers
				pages &= pageIndex & " 0 R "
			Next pageIndex
			pages &= "] " & vbCr
			pages &= ">> " & vbCr
			pages &= "endobj" & vbCr

			xrefs.Insert(1, pos)
			pos += pages.Length

			sw.Write("xref" & vbCr)
			sw.Write("0 " & (Me.number) & " " & vbCr)
			sw.Write("0000000000 65535 f " & vbCr)

			For Each xref As Long In Me.xrefs
				sw.Write((xref + 1).ToString("0000000000") & " 00000 n " & vbCr)
			Next xref
			sw.Write("trailer" & vbCr)
			sw.Write("<<" & vbCr)
			sw.Write("/Size " & (Me.number) & vbCr)
			sw.Write("/Root 1 0 R " & vbCr)
			sw.Write(">>" & vbCr)
			sw.Write("startxref" & vbCr)
			sw.Write((pos + 1) & vbCr)
			sw.Write("%%EOF" & vbCr)
		End Sub

		Private Sub pf_ProgressEvent(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
			RaiseEvent ProgressEvent(part, total)
		End Sub
	End Class
	Friend Class Project
		Public Name As String
		Public Parts As ArrayList
		Public ReadOnly Property TotalPages() As Integer
				Dim tot As Integer = 0
				For Each pp As ProjectPart In Me.Parts
					If pp.Pages Is Nothing Then
						tot += pp.MaxPage
						tot += pp.Pages.Length
					End If
				Next pp
				Return tot
			End Get
		End Property
		Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
			Me.Parts = New ArrayList()
			Me.Name = name
		End Sub
	End Class
	Friend Class PdfSplitter
		Friend sObjects As Hashtable
		Friend pageNumbers As ArrayList
		Friend transHash As Hashtable
		Friend PdfFile As PdfFile
		Private Sub OnProgress(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
		End Sub
		Public Event ProgressEvent As ProgressDelegate
		Friend Sub New()
			Me.ProgressEventEvent = New ProgressDelegate(AddressOf Me.OnProgress)
		End Sub
		Friend Sub Load(ByVal PdfFile As PdfFile, ByVal PageNumbers() As Integer, ByVal startNumber As Integer)
			Me.PdfFile = PdfFile
			Me.pageNumbers = New ArrayList()
			Me.sObjects = New Hashtable()
			Dim part As Integer = 0
			Dim total As Integer = PageNumbers.Length
			For Each PageNumber As Integer In PageNumbers
				RaiseEvent ProgressEvent(part, total)
				Dim page As PdfFileObject = TryCast(PdfFile.PageList(PageNumber), PdfFileObject)
				page.PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile, Me.sObjects)
				part += 1
			Next PageNumber
			Me.transHash = Me.CalcTransHash(startNumber)
			For Each pfo As PdfFileObject In Me.sObjects.Values
			Next pfo
		End Sub
		Private Function CalcTransHash(ByVal startNumber As Integer) As Hashtable
			Dim ht As New Hashtable()
			Dim al As New ArrayList()
			For Each pfo As PdfFileObject In Me.sObjects.Values
			Next pfo
			al.Sort(New PdfFileObjectNumberComparer())
			Dim number As Integer = startNumber
			For Each pfo As PdfFileObject In al
				ht.Add(pfo.number, number)
				number += 1
			Next pfo
			Return ht
		End Function

	End Class
	Friend Enum PdfObjectType
	End Enum
	Friend Class PdfFileStreamObject
		Inherits PdfFileObject

		Private streamBuffer() As Byte
		Private streamStartOffset, streamLength As Integer
		Friend Sub New(ByVal obj As PdfFileObject)
			Me.address = obj.address
			Me.length = obj.length
			Me.text = obj.text
			Me.number = obj.number
			Me.PdfFile = obj.PdfFile
		End Sub

		Private Sub LoadStreamBuffer()
			Dim m1 As Match = Regex.Match(Me.text, "stream\s*")
			Me.streamStartOffset = m1.Index + m1.Value.Length
			Me.streamLength = Me.length - Me.streamStartOffset
			Me.streamBuffer = New Byte(Me.streamLength - 1) {}
			Me.PdfFile.memory.Seek(Me.address + Me.streamStartOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Me.PdfFile.memory.Read(Me.streamBuffer, 0, Me.streamLength)

			Me.PdfFile.memory.Seek(Me.address, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Dim sr As New StreamReader(Me.PdfFile.memory)
			Dim startChars(Me.streamStartOffset - 1) As Char
			sr.ReadBlock(startChars, 0, Me.streamStartOffset)
			Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
			Me.text = sb.ToString()
		End Sub
		Friend Overrides Sub Transform(ByVal TransformationHash As System.Collections.Hashtable)
		End Sub
		Friend Overrides Function WriteToStream(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream) As Long
			Dim sw As New StreamWriter(Stream)
			Call (New MemoryStream(Me.streamBuffer)).WriteTo(Stream)
			Return Me.streamLength + Me.text.Length
		End Function
	End Class

	Friend Class PdfFileObject
		Friend address As Long
		Friend number, length As Integer
		Friend text As String
		Friend PdfFile As PdfFile
		'INSTANT VB NOTE: The field filterEval was renamed since Visual Basic does not allow fields to have the same name as other class members:
		Private filterEval_Conflict As MatchEvaluator
		Friend Shared Function Create(ByVal PdfFile As PdfFile, ByVal number As Integer, ByVal address As Long) As PdfFileObject
			Dim pfo As New PdfFileObject()
			pfo.PdfFile = PdfFile
			pfo.number = number
			pfo.address = address
			If pfo.Type = PdfObjectType.Stream Then
				pfo = New PdfFileStreamObject(pfo)
			End If
			pfo.filterEval_Conflict = New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf pfo.FilterEval)
			Return pfo
		End Function

		Friend Shared Function Create(ByVal PdfFile As PdfFile, ByVal number As Integer, ByVal initial As String) As PdfFileObject
			Dim pfo As New PdfFileObject()
			pfo.PdfFile = PdfFile
			pfo.number = number
			pfo.address = -1
			pfo.length = -1
			pfo.text = pfo.number & " 0 obj" & vbLf & initial & vbLf & "endobj" & vbLf
			If pfo.Type = PdfObjectType.Stream Then
				pfo = New PdfFileStreamObject(pfo)
			End If
			pfo.filterEval_Conflict = New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf pfo.FilterEval)
			Return pfo
		End Function

		Private Sub LoadText()
			Me.PdfFile.memory.Seek(Me.address, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
			For index As Integer = 0 To Me.length - 1
			Next index
			Me.text = sb.ToString()
		End Sub
		Private Sub GetLenght(ByVal PdfFile As PdfFile)
			Dim stream As System.IO.Stream = PdfFile.memory
			stream.Seek(Me.address, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Dim m As Match = Regex.Match("", "endobj\s*")
			Dim b As Integer = 0
			Me.length = 0
			Dim word As String = ""
			Do While b <> -1
				b = stream.ReadByte()
				Me.length += 1
				If b > 97 AndAlso b < 112 Then
					Dim c As Char = ChrW(b)
					word &= c
					If word = "endobj" Then
						b = -1
					End If
					word = ""
				End If
			Dim c2 As Char = ChrW(stream.ReadByte())
			Do While Regex.IsMatch(c2.ToString(), "\s")
				Me.length += 1
				c2 = ChrW(stream.ReadByte())
		End Sub
		'INSTANT VB NOTE: The field type was renamed since Visual Basic does not allow fields to have the same name as other class members:
		Protected type_Conflict As PdfObjectType
		Friend ReadOnly Property Type() As PdfObjectType
				If Me.type_Conflict = PdfObjectType.UnKnown Then
					If Regex.IsMatch(Me.text, "/Page") And Not Regex.IsMatch(Me.text, "/Pages") Then
						Me.type_Conflict = PdfObjectType.Page
						Return Me.type_Conflict
					End If
					If Regex.IsMatch(Me.text, "stream") Then
						Me.type_Conflict = PdfObjectType.Stream
						Return Me.type_Conflict
					End If
					Me.type_Conflict = PdfObjectType.Other
				End If
				Return Me.type_Conflict
			End Get
		End Property

		Friend Function GetNumber(ByVal Name As String) As Integer
			Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(Me.text, "/" & Name & " (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
			Dim len As Integer = 0
			If m.Success Then
				len = Integer.Parse(m.Groups("num").Value)
			End If
			Return len
		End Function

		Friend Function GetArrayNumbers(ByVal arrayName As String) As Integer()
			Dim ids As New ArrayList()
			Dim pattern As String = "/" & arrayName & "\s*\[(\s*(?'id'\d+) 0 R\s*)*"
			Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(Me.text, pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
			For Each cap As Capture In m.Groups("id").Captures
			Next cap
			Return TryCast(ids.ToArray(GetType(Integer)), Integer())
		End Function
		Friend Function GetKids() As ArrayList
			Dim kids As New ArrayList()
			For Each id As Integer In Me.GetArrayNumbers("Kids")
				Dim pfo As PdfFileObject = PdfFile.LoadObject(id)
				If pfo.Type = PdfObjectType.Page Then
				End If
			Next id
			Return kids
		End Function

		Friend Sub PopulateRelatedObjects(ByVal PdfFile As PdfFile, ByVal container As Hashtable)
			If Not container.ContainsKey(Me.number) Then
				container.Add(Me.number, Me)
				Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(Me.text, "(?'parent'(/Parent)*)\s*(?'id'\d+) 0 R[^G]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
				Do While m.Success
					Dim num As Integer = Integer.Parse(m.Groups("id").Value)
					Dim notparent As Boolean = m.Groups("parent").Length = 0
					If notparent And Not container.Contains(num) Then
						Dim pfo As PdfFileObject = PdfFile.LoadObject(num)
						If pfo IsNot Nothing And Not container.Contains(pfo.number) Then
							pfo.PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile, container)
						End If
					End If
					m = m.NextMatch()
			End If
		End Sub

		Private TransformationHash As Hashtable
		Private Function FilterEval(ByVal m As Match) As String
			Dim id As Integer = Integer.Parse(m.Groups("id").Value)
			Dim [end] As String = m.Groups("end").Value
			If Me.TransformationHash.ContainsKey(id) Then
				Dim rest As String = m.Groups("rest").Value
				Return CType(DirectCast(TransformationHash(id), Integer), String) + rest & [end]
			End If
			Return [end]
		End Function
		Friend ReadOnly Property Parent() As PdfFileObject
				Return Me.PdfFile.LoadObject(Me.text, "Parent")
			End Get
		End Property
		Friend ReadOnly Property MediaBoxText() As String
				Dim pattern As String = "/MediaBox\s*\[\s*(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s*]"
				Dim mediabox As String = Regex.Match(Me.text, pattern).Value

				If mediabox = "" Then
					pattern = "/MediaBox\s*\d+"
					mediabox = Regex.Match(Me.text, pattern).Value
					If mediabox <> "" Then
						mediabox = mediabox.Remove(0, "/MediaBox".Length)
						mediabox = mediabox.Trim()
						Dim obj As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(mediabox, 10)

						If obj > 0 AndAlso obj < Me.PdfFile.objects.Count Then
							pattern = "\[\s*(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s*]"
							Dim text As String = DirectCast(Me.PdfFile.objects(obj), PdfFileObject).text
							mediabox = Regex.Match(text, pattern).Value
							mediabox = "/MediaBox " & mediabox
						End If
					End If

				End If
				Return mediabox
			End Get
		End Property
		Friend Overridable Sub Transform(ByVal TransformationHash As Hashtable)
			If Me.Type = PdfObjectType.Page AndAlso Me.MediaBoxText = "" Then
				'INSTANT VB NOTE: The variable parent was renamed since Visual Basic does not handle local variables named the same as class members well:
				Dim parent_Conflict As PdfFileObject = Me.Parent
				Do While parent_Conflict IsNot Nothing
					Dim mb As String = parent_Conflict.MediaBoxText
					If mb = "" Then
						parent_Conflict = parent_Conflict.Parent
						Me.text = Regex.Replace(Me.text, "/Type\s*/Page", "/Type /Page" & vbCr & mb)
						parent_Conflict = Nothing
					End If
			End If
			Me.TransformationHash = TransformationHash
			Me.text = Regex.Replace(Me.text, "(?'id'\d+)(?'rest' 0 (obj|R))(?'end'[^G])", Me.filterEval_Conflict, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
			Me.text = Regex.Replace(Me.text, "/Parent\s+(\d+ 0 R)*", "/Parent 2 0 R " & vbCr)
		End Sub
		Friend Overridable Function WriteToStream(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream) As Long

			Dim sw As New StreamWriter(Stream, Encoding.ASCII)
			Return Me.text.Length
		End Function

		Friend Function UnpackStream() As String
			Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(Me.text, "/Length (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
			Dim len As Integer = 0
			If m.Success Then
				len = Integer.Parse(m.Groups("num").Value)
			End If

			Me.PdfFile.memory.Seek(Me.address, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Dim seek As Long = PdfFile.Seek(Me.PdfFile.memory, "stream" & vbCrLf)
			If seek <> -1 Then
				Me.PdfFile.memory.Seek(seek + 8, SeekOrigin.Begin)

				Dim buffer(len - 1) As Byte
				Me.PdfFile.memory.Read(buffer, 0, len)
				Dim unzipped() As Byte = PdfFile.UnZipStr(buffer)
				Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(unzipped, 0, unzipped.Length)
			End If
			Return ""
		End Function
	End Class
	Friend Class PdfFileObjectNumberComparer
		Implements IComparer

#Region "IComparer Members"

		Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements IComparer.Compare
			Dim a As PdfFileObject = TryCast(x, PdfFileObject)
			Dim b As PdfFileObject = TryCast(y, PdfFileObject)
			Return a.number.CompareTo(b.number)
		End Function

#End Region
	End Class
	Friend Class PdfFile
		Private Sub OnProgress(ByVal part As Integer, ByVal total As Integer)
		End Sub
		Friend Event ProgressEvent As ProgressDelegate
		Friend trailer As String
		Friend memory As System.IO.Stream
		Friend objects As Hashtable
		Public Sub New(ByVal InputStream As System.IO.Stream)
			Me.memory = InputStream
			Me.ProgressEventEvent = New ProgressDelegate(AddressOf Me.OnProgress)
		End Sub

		Public Sub Load()
			Dim startxref As Long = Me.GetStartxref()
			Me.trailer = Me.ParseTrailer(startxref)
			Dim adds() As Long = Me.GetAddresses(startxref)
		End Sub

		Private Sub LoadHash(ByVal addresses() As Long)
			Me.objects = New Hashtable()
			Dim part As Integer = 0
			Dim total As Integer = addresses.Length
			For Each add As Long In addresses
				If add < 0 Then
					Continue For
				End If
				RaiseEvent ProgressEvent(part, total)
				Me.memory.Seek(add, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				Dim sr As New StreamReader(Me.memory)
				Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()
				If line.Length < 2 Then
					line = sr.ReadLine()
				End If
				Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(line, "(?'id'\d+) 0 obj", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
				If m.Success Then
					Dim num As Integer = Integer.Parse(m.Groups("id").Value)
					If Not objects.ContainsKey(num) Then
						objects.Add(num, PdfFileObject.Create(Me, num, add))
					End If
				End If
				part += 1
			Next add
			For Each add As Long In addresses
				If add >= 0 Then
					Continue For
				End If
				Dim realadd As Integer = -CInt(add)
				If Not objects.ContainsKey(realadd) Then
					Continue For
				End If
				Dim obj As PdfFileObject = DirectCast(objects(realadd), PdfFileObject)
				Dim unpackedstream As String = obj.UnpackStream()
				Dim n As Integer = obj.GetNumber("N")
				Dim nums(n - 1) As Integer
				Dim poss(n - 1) As Integer
				Dim lens(n - 1) As Integer
				Dim splitted() As String = unpackedstream.Split(New Char() {" "c}, n * 2 + 1)
				Dim prevpos As Integer = 0
				For i As Integer = 0 To n - 1
					nums(i) = Integer.Parse(splitted(i * 2))
					poss(i) = Integer.Parse(splitted(i * 2 + 1))
					If i > 0 Then
						lens(i - 1) = poss(i) - poss(i - 1)
					End If
					prevpos = poss(i)
				Next i
				lens(n - 1) = splitted(splitted.Length - 1).Length - poss(n - 1)
				For i As Integer = 0 To n - 1
					Dim objstr As String = splitted(splitted.Length - 1).Substring(poss(i), lens(i))
					objects.Add(nums(i), PdfFileObject.Create(Me, nums(i), objstr))
				Next i
			Next add
		End Sub

		Friend Function LoadObject(ByVal text As String, ByVal key As String) As PdfFileObject
			Dim pattern As String = "/" & key & " (?'id'\d+)"
			Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(text, pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
			If m.Success Then
				Return Me.LoadObject(Integer.Parse(m.Groups("id").Value))
			End If
			Return Nothing
		End Function
		Friend Function LoadObject(ByVal number As Integer) As PdfFileObject
			Return TryCast(Me.objects(number), PdfFileObject)
		End Function
		Friend ReadOnly Property PageList() As ArrayList
				Dim root As PdfFileObject = Me.LoadObject(Me.trailer, "Root")
				Dim pages As PdfFileObject = Me.LoadObject(root.text, "Pages")
				Return pages.GetKids()
			End Get
		End Property
		Public ReadOnly Property PageCount() As Integer
				Return Me.PageList.Count
			End Get
		End Property
		Private Function GetAddresses(ByVal xref As Long) As Long()
			Dim al As New ArrayList()
			Dim tr As String = ParseTrailer(xref)
			If Regex.Match(tr, "/FlateDecode").Success Then
				Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(tr, "/Length (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
				Dim len As Integer = 0
				If m.Success Then
					len = Integer.Parse(m.Groups("num").Value)
				End If

				Dim widths() As Integer = {1, 1, 1}
				Dim totalwidth As Integer = 1
				m = Regex.Match(tr, "/W\s*\[(?'nums'[\d\s]+?)\]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
				If m.Success Then
					Dim split() As String = (m.Groups("nums").Value.Split(" "c))
					widths = New Integer(split.Length - 1) {}
					For i As Integer = 0 To split.Length - 1
						'if (!int.TryParse(split[i], widths[i])) continue;
						widths(i) = Integer.Parse(split(i))
						totalwidth += widths(i)
					Next i
				End If

				Me.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				Dim seekl As Long = Seek(Me.memory, "stream" & vbLf)

				If seekl <> -1 Then
					Me.memory.Seek(seekl + 7, SeekOrigin.Begin)

					Dim buffer(len - 1) As Byte
					Me.memory.Read(buffer, 0, len)
					Dim unzipped() As Byte = UnZipStr(buffer)

					Dim prevrow(totalwidth - 2) As Byte
					For row As Integer = 1 To unzipped.Length - 1 Step totalwidth
						Dim currow(totalwidth - 2) As Byte
						Dim col As Integer = 0
						Do While col < totalwidth - 1
							currow(col) = CByte((prevrow(col) + unzipped(row + col)) Mod 256)
							col += 1
						If currow(0) > 0 Then
							Dim addr As Long = 0
							col = widths(0)
							Do While col < widths(0) + widths(1)
								addr *= 256
								addr += currow(col)
								col += 1
							If currow(0) = 1 Then
							ElseIf currow(0) = 2 AndAlso Not al.Contains(-addr) Then
							End If
						End If
						prevrow = currow
					Next row
				End If
				Me.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				Dim sr As New StreamReader(Me.memory)
				Dim line As String = ""
					line = sr.ReadLine()
					If line Is Nothing OrElse Regex.IsMatch(line, ">>") Then
						Exit Do
					End If
					If Regex.IsMatch(line, "\d{10} 00000 n\s*") Then
						al.Add(Long.Parse(line.Substring(0, 10)))
					End If
			End If

			Dim mtch As Match = Regex.Match(tr, "/Prev \d+")
			If mtch.Success Then
			End If
			Return TryCast(al.ToArray(GetType(Long)), Long())
		End Function
		Public Shared Function UnZipStr(ByVal bytes() As Byte) As Byte()
			Using returnStream As New MemoryStream()
				Using source As New MemoryStream(bytes)
					source.Position = 0
					Using decompressor = New DeflateStream(source, CompressionMode.Decompress)
						Return returnStream.ToArray()
					End Using
				End Using
			End Using
		End Function

		Public Shared Function Seek(ByVal file As String, ByVal searchString As String) As Long
			'open filestream to perform a seek
			Using fs As System.IO.FileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)
				Return Seek(fs, searchString)
			End Using
		End Function

		Public Shared Function Seek(ByVal fs As Stream, ByVal searchString As String) As Long
			Dim search() As Char = searchString.ToCharArray()
			Dim result As Long = -1, position As Long = 0, stored As Long = -1, begin As Long = fs.Position
			Dim c As Integer

			c = fs.ReadByte()
			'INSTANT VB WARNING: An assignment within expression was extracted from the following statement:
			'ORIGINAL LINE: while ((c = fs.ReadByte()) != -1)
			Do While c <> -1
				If ChrW(c) = search(position) Then
					If stored = -1 AndAlso position > 0 AndAlso ChrW(c) = search(0) Then
						stored = fs.Position
					End If

					If position + 1 = search.Length Then
						result = fs.Position - search.Length
						fs.Position = result
						Exit Do
					End If

					position += 1
				ElseIf stored > -1 Then
					fs.Position = stored + 1
					position = 1
					stored = -1 'reset stored position!
					position = 0
				End If
				c = fs.ReadByte()

			If result = -1 Then
				fs.Position = begin
			End If

			Return result
		End Function

		Private Function GetStartxref() As Long
			Dim sr As New StreamReader(Me.memory)
			Me.memory.Seek(Me.memory.Length - 100, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Dim line As String = ""
			Do While Not line.StartsWith("startxref")
				line = sr.ReadLine()
			Dim startxref As Long = Long.Parse(sr.ReadLine())
			If startxref = -1 Then
				Throw New Exception("Cannot find the startxref")
			End If
			Return startxref
		End Function
		Private Function ParseTrailer(ByVal xref As Long) As String
			Me.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin)
			Dim sr As New StreamReader(Me.memory)
			Dim line As String
			Dim trailer As String = ""
			Dim istrailer As Boolean = False
			line = sr.ReadLine()
			'INSTANT VB WARNING: An assignment within expression was extracted from the following statement:
			'ORIGINAL LINE: while ((line = sr.ReadLine()).IndexOf("startxref") == -1)
			Do While line.IndexOf("startxref") = -1
				line = line.Trim()
				If line.IndexOf("trailer") >= 0 Then
					trailer = ""
					istrailer = True
				End If
				If istrailer Then
					trailer &= line & vbCr
				End If
				line = sr.ReadLine()

			If trailer = "" Then
				Me.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				sr = New StreamReader(Me.memory)
				Dim parentheses As Integer = 0
				Dim temp As String = ""
				Dim started As Boolean = False
				line = sr.ReadLine()
				'INSTANT VB WARNING: An assignment within expression was extracted from the following statement:
				'ORIGINAL LINE: while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
				Do While line IsNot Nothing
					Dim pos As Integer = -1
						pos = line.IndexOf("<<")
						Dim pos2 As Integer = line.IndexOf(">>")

						If pos = -1 Then
							pos = pos2
						ElseIf pos2 <> -1 Then
							pos = Math.Min(pos, pos2)
						End If

						If pos <> -1 Then
							started = True
							parentheses += If(line.Chars(pos) = ">"c, 1, -1)
							temp &= line.Substring(0, pos + 2)
							If parentheses = 0 Then
								Exit Do
							End If
							line = line.Substring(pos + 2)
							temp &= line & vbCrLf
						End If
					Loop While pos <> -1
					If parentheses = 0 AndAlso temp <> "" AndAlso started Then
						Exit Do
					End If
					line = sr.ReadLine()
				If parentheses = 0 Then ' && Regex.Match(temp, "TangibleTempVerbatimOpenTag/RootTangibleTempVerbatimCloseTag").Success)
					trailer = temp
				End If
			End If
			If trailer = "" Then
				Throw New Exception("Cannot find trailer")
			End If
			Return trailer
		End Function

	End Class
End Namespace


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