Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.
2024.10.30- October 30th, 2024
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF .Net 2024.10! Let's see what's new:
We've added the new opportunity for converting and creating PDF/A FacturX.
Factur-X is a Franco-German standard for hybrid e-invoice (PDF for users and XML data for process automation), the first implementation of the European Semantic Standard EN 16931 published by the European Commission on October 16th 2017.
Factur-X is the same standard than ZUGFeRD 2.3.
Factur-X is at the same time a full readable invoice in a PDF A/3 format, containing all information useful for its treatment, especially in case of discrepancy or absence of automatic matching with orders and / or receptions, and a set of invoice data presented in an XML structured file conformant to EN16931 (syntax CII D16B), complete or not, allowing invoice process automation.
Fixed issue with fields being clipped and their line height changed.
Increase the speed of loading and saving PDF documents by optimizing work with objects, linearization.
Fixed issue with extracting text of very deeply nested content.
Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.
2024.8.8- August 8th, 2024
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF .Net 2024.8! Let's see what's new:
PDF Writer:
The issue is related to missing characters between words in PDF document.
This error has been fixed. There was a problem with line breaks in some files. Fixed.
The bug with message: "Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed" was fixed.
PDF Reader:
In some cases, the content of the page was shifted to the right and the content was lost at the edge of the page.
In specific cases, numbered list formatting was lost. Improved work on the numbered list and the overall consistency of working with lists.
The issue with incorrect reading of editable fields has been resolved successfully!
An error with page pagination has been fixed.
When inserting images into a document, a positioning error occurred. Fixed.
Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.
2024.6.18 - June 18th, 2024
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF .Net 2024.6! We've prepared many fixes and improvements. Let's see what's new:
PdfDocument: Improved stability and conversion quality.
PDF Reader:
Full support for PDF, PDF/A (all subversions). Converting PDF to PDF/A is done instantly and efficiently.
Now you can easily convert any PDF into the modern PDF/A format:
PDF/A-1 Part 1: Use of ISO 19005-1
PDF/A-2 Part 2: Use of ISO 32000-1, ISO 19005-2
PDF/A-3 Part 3: Use of ISO 32000-1 with support for embedded files, ISO 19005-3
PDF/A-4 Part 4: Use of ISO 32000-2, ISO 19005-4
Linux, Docker, Cloud solutions:
A bug with reading system fonts has been fixed.
Selection of font analogues and equivalent replacements.
Your results will be as similar as possible when converting in different environments: Windows, Unix, MacOs, Linux, etc.
PDF Writer:
Fixed issue with position of shape in PDF writer.
Fixed issue with invalid font size in PDF reader/writer.
Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.
2024.4.3 - April 3rd, 2024. Released first version.
PDF .Net is a .NET component built to allow developers to create PDF documents, whether simple or complex, on the fly programmatically. PDF .Net allows developers to insert tables, graphs, images, hyperlinks, custom fonts - and more - into PDF documents. Moreover, it is also possible to compress PDF documents. PDF .NET provides excellent security features to develop secure PDF documents. Best of all, it requires only .NET – it doesn’t rely on Adobe Acrobat or any other third-party software.
Main Features:
Merge, split, and create PDF files.
Convert PDF files to image, such as PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF.
Extract a Unicode representation of a PDF page and individual text elements with their bounds and font.
View PDF files in WPF applications.
Annotate PDF pages with hyperlinks.
Fill in, flatten, read, and export interactive forms.
Read, write, and update PDF files.
Get, create, or edit bookmarks (outlines) and document properties.
Extract images from PDF files and OCR text from scanned PDFs.
Add text, images, shapes (paths), form XObjects, content groups, marked content, and format (fill, stroke) to pages and clip the content.
Encrypt and digitally sign PDF files. Clone or import pages between PDF documents.
Add watermarks, headers, footers, and viewer preferences to PDF pages.
Get, create, remove or reorder pages.
Supported PDF versions:
PDF .Net supports PDF versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, PDF/A (all versions), 2.0.
A lot of core fonts.
Type 1 fonts.
TrueType fonts.
Type 3 fonts.
CJK fonts.
Unicode support
.NET Framework 4.7.2 and higher
.NET 5 and higher
.NET Core
OS Support:
All versions of Windows (32-bit and 64-bit)
All versions of Linux (with .NET inside / 32-bit and 64-bit)
Cloud Computing Services: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc.
PDF .Net totally simplifies the development of .NET applications where require to manipulate with PDF documents. Let us say, to provide the method to rotate a page in PDF document, you have add only the reference to the "SautinSoft.Pdf.dll" and write 3-4 C# lines in your application.
If you need any help with code samples, API, prices or antoher issues, please use our WebChat, Skype, Email, Phones:
If you need a new code example or have a question: email us at or ask at Online Chat (right-bottom corner of this page) or use the Form below: