Release Notes

2024.12.18 - December 18th, 2024

We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2024.12»!
Let's see what's new:

  • Improved the PDF to HTML engine for Linux, MacOs.
  • Improved PDF to Word conversion: DOCX, RTF.
  • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

2024.12.2 - December 2nd, 2024

We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2024.12»!
Let's see what's new:

  • PDF Reader:
    There was sometimes an issue with columns not having exact column width dimensions when converting PDF to Word. This issue has been fixed.
    Improved the work with an encrypted PDF files with passwords.
  • Word Writer:
    Fixed the issue with broken QR code.
    Improved overall stability with DOCX, RTF and PDF.
  • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

  • 2024.11.11 - November 11th, 2024

    We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2024.11»!
    Let's see what's new:

    • Fixed issue with table width calculation in HTML writer.
    • Added the possibility to work with QR (BarCodes).
    • Fixed issue with shape not recognized as floating in RTF writer.
    • Improved the LoadOptions.DetectTables option.
    • Added support for PdfLoadOptions.Version.
    • Added support for Canvas elements in DOCX files.
    • Improved the PDF to HTML engine for Linux, MacOs.
    • Improved PDF to Word conversion: DOCX, RTF.
    • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

    2024.9.26 - September 26th, 2024

    We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2024.9»!
    Let's see what's new:

    • Fixed issue with table width calculation in HTML reader.
    • Fixed issue with shape not recognized as floating in RTF writer.
    • Added support for PdfSaveOptions.Version.
    • Added support for Canvas elements in DOCX files.
    • Improved the PDFtoExcel engine for Linux, MacOs.
    • Improved PDF to Word conversion: DOCX, RTF.
    • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

    2024.8.6 - August 6th, 2024

    We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2024.8» Let's see what's new:

    • PDF to XLSX: New engine to convert PDF documents into Excel workbooks. The main advantage is the minimal number of columns to layout the content.
    • PDF to Image: New engine fast and stable.
    • PDF to Word: New engine to convert PDF to DOCX. The main advantage is the support of embedded fonts various types.
    • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

    2024.3.28 - March 28th, 2024

    We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2024.3» Let's see what's new:

    • Font recognition:
      A lot of work has been done to optimize the process of recognizing fonts from PDF.
      Sometimes a situation arose when the font was in the system (installed), but its Bold, Regular, Italic did not match or was not registered.
      Now your fonts will be read with greater accuracy.

      Font recognition:

    • PDF Reader:
      Fixed a bug with converting PDF to Images. The problem was the incorrect processing of some specific images recorded in several layers.
    • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

    2024.2.5 - February 5th, 2024

    We conducted a complete and detailed analysis, as well as comprehensive testing of our SautinSoft.PdfFocus library in comparison with the world's leading leaders in our segment. After analysis the development team was tasked with improving work in two complex key areas:

    1. Increase the speed of loading and saving PDF/DOCX documents
    2. Reduce the size of the resulting PDF/DOCX documents

    Our developers successfully completed the tasks!

    We are pleased to announce that at the moment, the new version of PDF Focus .Net 2024.2.5 ranks in the World of the main leaders of .NET libraries from 1st to 3rd place in terms of speed of PDF' loading and DOCX' saving documents.

    We've prepared several critical fixes and improvements also:

    • Subsetting Fonts:
      Subsetting is the practice of creating a “subset” of a font—a file that contains a custom (and usually limited) collection of glyphs. We've done a lot of work to improve the subsetting of fonts.

      Subsetting Fonts

    • Word Writer:
      Previously, a file consisting of a couple of words could take up several megabytes due to the presence of built-in (embedded) fonts. We have optimized and reduced the size of the embedded fonts without losing quality.

      Word Writer/Reader

    • Images quality:
      Fixed conversion of images to Jpeg format, the weight of the output file has been reduced.
    • Images speed:
      We have increased the speed of working with images by optimizing the SkiaSharp-engine.


      • The main news is that we have switched to a new graphics engine - SkiaSharp (instead of System.Drawing.Common):
        SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library (
        It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images.
        SkiaSharp provides cross-platform bindings for:
        • .NET Standard 1.3
        • .NET Core
        • .NET 6
        • Tizen
        • Android
        • iOS
        • tvOS
        • macOS
        • Mac Catalyst
        • WinUI 3 (Windows App SDK / Uno Platform)
        • Windows Classic Desktop (Windows.Forms / WPF)
        • Web Assembly (WASM)
        • Uno Platform (iOS / macOS / Android / WebAssembly)
      • New Dependencies:
        <PackageReference Include="Svg.Skia" Version="" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.IO.Packaging" Version="4.4.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Text.Encoding.CodePages" Version="4.5.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument" Version="4.3.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Drawing.Common" Version="4.7.3" />
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream" Version="2.3.2" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs" Version="7.0.3" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager" Version="4.7.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="SkiaSharp" Version="2.88.6" />
      • DOCX/RTF Writer: The bug with reading the list marker has been fixed.
      • HTML Writer:
        Fixed an issue with </li> closing tag. Previously, there were situations when <li>...</li> did not always work correctly.
        Added processing of special characters "&fraq12;" and others for European languages.
      • We've added the XLSX format for output files.

        PDF to XLSX

      • .NET 8.0 support: Starting from the version 2024.2 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assemblies compiled for a unified platform .NET 8.0.
      • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free.

      2023.5.10 - May 10th, 2023

      We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 2023.5»!
      Starting from this version, assembly numbering will start from "Year/Month/Day". You can always keep track of new releases and get the latest versions.
      Let's see what's new:

      • We've added the ability to use an alternative font, which is loaded from GDIFont.
      • Fixed a bug, where the "PDF to XML" conversion result was empty (not failed).
      • Improved work with Fonts: Now the search for a suitable font is carried out according to several parameters and gives a better match.
      • HTML Reader: Added support for multiple tags, and added an option to recognize the language (En, Ch, Sl, etc) of the content text.
      • RTF Reader:
        • CheckBoxes are read properly. Fixes error reading value: true/false.
        • Fixed a bug where the table border was missing.
      • PDF Writer: Fixed a bug with reading images located at the local path: "<img src="file://с:/logo.png">
      • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free. - January 18th, 2023

      We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 8.6»! Let's see the details:

      • Hyperlinks disappeared when used the option: "WordOptions.DetectTables = true;". Issue resolved.

      • The problem with smoothing the table in one line is solved.

      • In this release, errors in reading and writing Roman numerals and numbered lists have been fixed.

      • PDF Reader:

        • Fixed the issue, where the text in a table would disappear, if the table spanned multiple pages.

        • Vertical text in a cell. Text disappeared after conversion. Issue resolved.

      • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free. - October 20th, 2022

      We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 8.5»! Let's see the details:

      PDF Reader:

      • .NET 7.0 support: Starting from the version 8.5 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assemblies compiled for a unified platform .NET 7.0.

      • Fixed the issue, where the text in a table would disappear, if the table spanned multiple pages.
      • Vertical text in a cell. Text disappeared after conversion. Issue resolved.

      RTF, DOCX:

      • Improved algorithm for calculating fill size for paragraphs.
      • Improved work with DOCX and RTF documents and Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. - May 25th, 2022

      Minor update! Let's see the details:

      • Office Edition: Fixed the issue with serail keys for "PDF to XML conversion". - May 18th, 2022

      We are happy to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 8.4»! Let's see the details:

      • PDF to XML: We have improved the engine for defining tabular data: cells and columns.

        Fixed some issues sent by our customers, thereby the component became more error-free. - March 25th, 2022

      We are happy to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 8.3»! Let's see the details:

      • PDF to XLS: Improved the algorithm to generate XLS workbooks from PDF documents, exactly the detection of cell background and finding merged cells.

        The HTML Edition is combined with the Office Edition. The current users of both editions now have advantage to convert PDF to these formats: DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLS, XML and Text. - January 18th, 2022

      We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Focus .Net 8.2»! Let's see the details:

      • .NET 6.0 support: Starting from the version 8.2 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assemblies compiled for a unified platform .NET 6.0.

      • Fixed the issue with line spacing during reading PDF documents.

      • Fixed the issue with textual shape's width during converting PDF to Word in Exact and Continuous render modes.

      • Fixed the issue with the properties RenderPages and RenderPagesString.

      • PDF to XLS:

        • Improved the algorithm which creates merged cells.

      • Fixed the minor issues, found and sent to us from our customers. Therefore the component became more error-free. - June 21st, 2021

      We are happy to offer you new version PDF Focus .Net 8.0! Let's see what's new:

      • PDF to Images:

        • We've integrated the new PDF to Images conversion engine, unified with our main component Document .Net. The innovation improved the reliability and quality of the conversion.

      • PDF to DOCX, RTF, HTML:

        • Added the full support of TOC (Table of Contents), including the reading it from PDF and recreating in the output documents.

      • PDF to DOCX:

        • Added the ability to load embedded fonts such way that they can be inserted in the saved DOCX documents.

        • Improved the calculation of line spacing for text. This affects to the precision of text positions in the processed document.

        • Improved the Clipping algorithm, which has a positive effect on the image quality when loading PDF documents.

        • The property 'PreserveEmbeddedFonts' has got the 'Auto' mode. Now you can set it into three states: Enabled, Disabled and Auto.

      • We've removed the dependencies to the PresentationCore and Presentationframework dll's. - January 29th, 2021

      We are glad to offer you new version PDF Focus .Net 7.8! Let's see what's new:

      • Absolutely new ability to perform OCR during PDF to DOCX, HTML, RTF and Text conversions. Starting from the version 7.8 the component gives your API to connect any OCR component to transform scanned PDF documents to editable.


        Here we've prepared for you code examples using various free OCR libs:

      • .NET 5.0 support: Starting from the version 7.8 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assemblies compiled for a unified platform .NET 5.0.

        PDF Focus .Net is completely compatible with .NET 5 platform.
      • DOCX Writer: Added the 'font table' inside produced DOCX documents.

        An instance of this part type contains information about each of the fonts used by content in the document. When a consumer reads a WordprocessingML document, it shall use this information to determine which fonts to use to display the document when the specified fonts are not available on the consumer’s system.

      • Fixed a bug with loading specific images from PDF. These are images packed using the JBIG2 decoder and at the same time their global data was compressed by another FlateDecode decoder.

      • Fixed a sly bug inside the "Clipper" algorithm. In case of PDF document has contained images with clipping path, that algorithm reduced the image quality in the final documents (DOCX, RTF, HTML). Now the quality of the output image is the same as in input PDF. - July 24th, 2020

      We are happy to offer you new PDF Focus .Net 7.7! Let's see the detailed innovations:

      • Added the automatic ability to save images in the original format as they were stored in the input PDF. For example, when converting PDF to DOCX the all embedded images that are JPEG, will be also embedded in the resulting DOCX as Jpeg-images, other as PNG. The previous versions saved all images only as PNG.

        To provide this feature, we've added new properties EmbeddedImagesFormat and EmbeddedJpegQuality properties.

        Thus, this innovation reduces the weight of resulting DOCX, HTML and RTF documents containing images from up to 6 times.

      • Improved the algorithm to read barcode fonts from PDF documents.

      • PDF to HTML: Added the image cache to avoid duplicating the same images multiple times when saving in HTML.

      • PDF to HTML: Improved the algorithm to render HTML-document in Fixed mode. Now the separate symbols with own (x,y) coordinates are combining into single words and next into single sentences. Thus, this innovation allowed to decrease the size of HTML document into 3 times. - March 27th, 2020

      We are glad to offer you new PDF Focus .Net 7.5! Let's see the news:

      • The algorithm to find a necessary font or analog installed in the current OS has been improved.

        Given this fact, we improved the quality of loading PDF documents.

      • Fixed some issues sent by our customers, thereby the component became more error-free. - February 27th, 2020

      We are glad to offer you new PDF Focus .Net 7.4! Let's see the news:

      • .NET Framework 4.8 support: Starting from the version PDF Focus .Net 7.4 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assemblies compiled for .NET Framework 4.8.

      • Fixed some issues sent by our customers, thereby the component became more error-free. - January 21st, 2020

      We are happy to inform about releasing new PDF Focus .Net 7.3.1! Let's see what the updates:

      • .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1 support: Starting from the version PDF Focus .Net 7.3 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assemblies compiled for .NET Core 3.0, 3.1.

        .NET Core 3.1
      • PDF to HTML: Added new properties: HtmlOptions.SingleFontFamily, HtmlOptions.SingleFontSize and HtmlOptions.SingleFontColor. They allow to make all text looking unified in the resulting HTML document.

      • PDF Reader: Improved the algorithm which detects tables from orthogonal lines. Most of all this affect to the quality of PDF to Excel and XML direction.

      • PDF to Excel: Added new algorithm to detect text alignment in cells. - September 17th, 2019

      We are glad to offer you new version PDF Focus .Net 7.1.9! Let's see what the updates:

      • .NET Standard 2.0: Starting from the version PDF Focus .Net 7.1 appeared the SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll assembly compiled for .NET Standard 2.0.

        NET Standatd 2.0

        Starting with .NET Standard 2.0, the .NET Framework compatibility mode was introduced. This compatibility mode allows .NET Standard projects to reference .NET Framework libraries as if they were compiled for .NET Standard.

      • Added support for Mac OS. Starting from the version 7.1 PDF Focus .Net can be used in Mac OS X and up..

        Mac OS
      • Fixed the issue when loading a PDF document contained Jpeg images and after processing and saving the pictures were converted to PNG format. These actions increased the size of output document.

      • Fixed a bug with the loss of image quality during clipping when loading PDF documents. - March 29th, 2019

      We are happy to offer you new major version PDF Focus .Net 7.0.3! Let's see what we've prepared for you:

      • PDF to HTML: Completely new powerful and accurate conversion engine. Now you may choose between two different modes: HTML-Fixed and HTML-Flowing.

        html fixed flowing

        HTML-Fixed is better to use for rendering, because it completely repeats the PDF layout with the structure of pages. The markup of such documents is very complex and have a lot of tags styled by (x,y) coords.

        HTML-Flowing is better for further processing by a human: editing and combining. The markup of such documents is much simple inside and has the flowing structure. It's very simple for understanding by a human.

      • OCR Support: We've added API to apply OCR during the PDF conversion. Now you can specify an OCR engine and convert any scanned PDF documents. We've also prepared for you the box-ready example How to use free OCR engine and PDF Focus .Net.

      • PDF to XML, Excel: Fixed the issue with the automatic detection of tables, where the borders are not completely orthogonal, a little less than 90.

      • Fixed the bug with the loss of image quality during clipping when loading PDF documents.

      • Improved the DOCX and RTF rendering algorithms. Now the generated documents are completely compatible with all modern readers, include the MS Word 2019.

      • We've created new Online Code Examples, some of them are video.

      • Last, but not the least: Changed the mechanism of getting updates. It became very friendly to our customers. Now our customers may update the software in seconds using Nuget. - July 6th, 2018

      We are happy to announce about release of new PDF Focus .Net! Let's see the news:

      • Fixed the issue with support of .NET Core 2.0 platform. The previous version (only for .NET Core assembly) was throwing an exception during the call methods to convert PDF to DOCX, RTF conversion.

      • Added support of .NET Core 2.1 platform.

      • PDF to Images: Fixed the issue with transparent images and background inside some PDFs.

      • Fixed the issue with: ‘Out of Memory’ exception when we call the method PdfFocus().ToDrawingImage(). - April 10th, 2018

      We are glad to announce about release of new PDF Focus .Net 6.9! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      • Word: We reworked the "DOCX/RTF Writer" and added many improvements. Now the "DOCX/RTF Writer" is much stable and functional.

      • .NET Core: is a general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community. It is cross-platform, supporting Windows, macOS and Linux, and can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.

        Since the version #6.9 the PDF Focus .Net supports .NET Core 2.0.

      • Fixed some issues sent by our customers, thereby the component became more error-free:

        • - Fixed various issues with PDF writer.

        • - Fixed issue with DOCX writer. Fixed issue with TOC entries formatting.

        • - Support for old list formats for compatibility with old documents. By the way, fixed the issue with "legacy shapes".

        • - Added support for embedded fonts.

        • - Fixed issue with reading images written using deprecated VML format (Vector Markup Language).

        • - Greatly improved support for PDF, Word and Image file formats.

        • - Fixed a bug with multithreaded mode! In the previous version the component was able to load PDF documents only in a single thread.

        • - Fixed an issue with "PDF to XML/HTML conversion". There was a problem with handling spaces.

        • - Added support for embedded fonts. - December 11th, 2017

      We are happy to offer new PDF Focus .Net 6.7! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      • PDF to Word: Work with graphic elements is optimized. Fixed a problem with complex "heavy" graphics inside the document.

      • PDF to XML: Fixed problem with converting to XML format. Now you can fully convert tabular and non-tabular data to XML.

        XmlOptions.ConvertNonTabularDataToSpreadsheet = true/false.

      • PDF to Excel: Improved algorithm associated with converting data to Excel. Fixed a problem with "unwanted space". Fixed problem with writing numbers with a point and a comma.

      • PDF to Images: Fixed work with the JPEG-codec inside of PDF files.

      • PDF to HTML: Improved algorithm associated with: HTML Entities for symbols, mathematical symbols and Greek letters.

      • Fixed some issues sent by our customers, thereby the component became more error-free. - September 7th, 2017

      We are glad to announce about releasing of new PDF Focus .Net 6.6! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      • The new most exciting feature is that now PDF Focus .Net can be used under .NET Core 1.1 and up. We've added support of .NET Core 1.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1.

      .NET Platforms

      .NET Framework 4.0, 4.5, 4.6.1 and higher. The old version for old .NET 2.0 can be found here.

      .NET Core 1.1 and higher.

      • PDF to XML: Added PreserveImages and PreserveGraphics options for speed optimization.

      • PDF to Excel: Added new property CultureInfo to convert the string representation to its number equivalent using specified style and culture format.

      • Fixed some issues sent by our customers, thereby the component became more error-free. - May 17th, 2017

      We are happy to offer new PDF Focus .Net 6.5! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      • The new most exciting feature is that now PDF Focus .Net can convert PDF docs in a Multi-thread mode. See our example "How to convert PDF in Multi-thread mode".

      • Improved the algorithm which parses font embedded in PDF and search the same or similar font installed at the machine.

      • Another interesting feature is the mechanism for the correct selection of the character's scale, so that the text in a generated (DOCX, HTML, RTF, XLS) document looks like in a PDF.

      • Improved working with complex graphics: added support of processing soft mask in alpha channel inside PDF.

      • Great news for PHP and VBA developers! We've compiled PDF Focus .Net with COM Visible attributes, therefore you may use it easily as COM component. See "Code samples" folder.

      • PDF to HTML: We've added new property UseNumericCharacterReference , it gives you control how to write characters: in UTF-8 as is or using Numeric Character References (NCR): "Τη γλώσσα μου έδωσαν ελληνική" or "&Tau;&eta;&gamma;&lambda;&#974;&sigma;&sigma;&alpha;...".

      • Added new property ShowInvisibleText . Sometimes a PDF document can contain a picture with a scanned text. Besides of this, this document can contain invisible text over this picture.

      • Added a mechanism for remapping character Wingdings and Symbol fonts.

      • Fixed a bug with memory leak when converting PDF to HTML with a lot of pictures.

      • PDF to XML: Enhanced the table processing algorithm.

      • PDF to Excel: Added an auto-detection of the cell type. Previously, all cells had only one category: text. But now, if cell contains a number, it will have a numbering type. So after converting, you will be able to conduct any mathematical operations with the Excel document received.

      • Fixed minor issues from our customers, thereby the component became more error-free. - September 14th, 2016

      We'd like to introduce the new PDF Focus .Net 6.0! Let's see what's new:

      • PDF to DOCX. First and foremost, we've added a new conversion mode: PDF to DOCX. Starting from the version 6.0 PDF Focus .Net is able generate DOCX documents from PDF. The component has own renderer which supports DOCX format completely regarding ECMA-376 specification. Thus, now you have API to generate any complex DOCX documents from PDF without MS Office installed.

      • PDF to Word. We've changed the algorithm which scales width of symbols using the property KeepCharScaleAndSpacing .Thereby, this innovation increased the accuracy of PDF to Word converting.

      • PDF to Text. The speed of PDF to Text converting increased in a few times. This staggering improvement appeared because of new selective parser.

      • PDF to HTML. We've added two new properties InlineCSS and CombineImages. They gives you ability to produce inline CSS and combine all images on page into a single image.

      • Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby, the component became more error-free. - May 17th, 2016

      We are happy to offer new PDF Focus .Net 5.7! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      • Added new property ImageOptions.TiffCompressionType. It helps you to set compression type for Tiff images: CompressionLZW, CompressionCCITT3, CompressionCCITT4.

      • Added new property ImageOptions.RenderTextualData. With help of this property you may skip the rendering of all textual data during of converting PDF to Images.

      • In the PDF to XML and PDF to Excel converting directions added the vertical sorting of tables. Now they appear in the same order as they look in PDF.

      • Added new property HtmlOptions.ImageType. In a nutshell, now you can control the format for all images (PNG or JPEG) during PDF to HTML.

      • Added new property HtmlOptions.JpegQuality. It allows to specify the quality for output JPEG images from 1 to 100 (for PDF to HTML).

      • Added new properties HtmlOptions.SingleFontFamily and HtmlOptions.SingleFontSize. As their names implied, now you can set a new single font size and family for a whole text in the HTML document.

      • Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby the component became more error-free. - December 7th, 2015

      We'd like to introduce the new PDF Focus .Net 5.5! Let's see the new improvements:

      • We've improved the algorithm to recognize tables in converting of PDF to Excel and XML. First and foremost, this helped to fix the issue with incorrect merging of columns during tables recognition.

      • PDF to HTML: Removed unnecessary duplication of tags <span>. This innovation allows to reduce the size of output HTML document and make it cleaner.

      • Added the new property OptimizeImages. It allows to significantly decrease size of output document because of minor losing of quality for all images. By way of example, we had a case where after the conversion PDF to RTF the resulting RTF became in 22 times less than without using of this feature. - May 20th, 2015

      We are happy to inform about releasing new PDF Focus .Net 5.4! Let's see what we've prepared for you:

      • Added new feature: "Extract images from PDF". Starting from the version 5.4, the component can provide for your app various methods to extract raster images and transform vector graphics to raster images. Furthermore, you may specify to extract images only with a custom diapason of width and height. See new code samples: How to extract images from PDF in C# and VB.NET.

        Extract images from PDF
      • Regarding other features: we've made a lot of minor improvements to make the PDF conversion much precise and stable. For example, we've fixed the issue with changing dpi parameter during conversion PDF to grayscale and black-white images.

      • Added a lot of new code examples in C# and VB.NET: convert each PDF page to separate Word and HTML documents, extract Images from PDF. - March 16th, 2015

      We'd like to introduce the new PDF Focus .Net 5.3! So, what's new:

      • Improved the processing of CID-fonts.

      • PDF to Excel: We've modernized the algorithm recognizing implicit columns.

      • PDF to Word: Improved rendering of text-shapes.

      • PDF to Jpeg: Added the new property ImageOptions.JpegQuality.

        The "JPEG Quality" is a number that tells how much JPEG compression has been done. The "Quality" setting is kind of the opposite of the "Compression" setting, but it's just a different way of looking at the same thing. Higher JPEG Quality (or Lower JPEG Compression) gives you a better quality image, but it takes more disk space. Lower JPEG Quality (higher JPEG Compression) lets you use less disk space, but your images aren't as nice and clear. - January 30th, 2015

      We are happy to inform about releasing new PDF Focus .Net 5.2! Let's see new improvements:

      • PDF to Word, HTML: Added support of hyperlinks conversion.

      • Improved support of PDF documents with embedded composite font type 0.

      • Improved the conversion of special character entities in PDF to HTML direction. - December 1st, 2014

      We are glad to announce about releasing of new PDF Focus .Ne 5.0!

      • We've significantly improved the conversion of PDF documents and have added a new conversion mode: PDF to XML.

        Starting from the version 5.0 PDF Focus .Net became a truly overall component:

        PDF Focus .Net is .NET assembly which gives API to convert PDF to All: DOCX, RTF, HTML, XML, Text, Excel, Images.
      • Furthermore, we've added conversion of linear and circular gradient from PDF documents.

      • We've improved a lot of features, such as conversion of complex fonts, vector graphics; recognizing of tables from PDF.

      • Added new code samples in C# and VB.NET for Visual Studio 2015.

      • We've created ASP.Net application to evaluate PDF Focus .Net online:

        To evaluate these innovations firsthand, download PDF Focus .Net right now! - September 3rd, 2014

      Without belaboring the point, we are glad to offer new version 4.3 of PDF Focus .Net! Let's see the core improvements:

      • The main point of interest is that we've significantly reformed the PDF to Excel conversion engine!

        .NET API to convert PDF to Excel
      • Now PDF Focus .Net can recognize even tables with non-apparent borders or textual data and create from them an Excel spreadsheet.

      To see this functionality firsthand, download PDF Focus .Net right now! - August 12th, 2014

      We are happy to offer new PDF Focus .Net 4.2.8! What's new in this version:

      • In a nutshell, we've updated the algorithm to convert PDF documents with graphics objects.

      • Has been improved the engine for processing barcodes in PDF documents.

      • We've prepared and added inside PDF Focus .Net a set of code samples download PDF Focus .Net right now! - May 28th, 2014

      We are glad to announce about releasing new PDF Focus .Net 4.1.5! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      • We've improved the algorithm which converts PDF documents into black-and-white images. Now it works in Medium Trust level and doesn't contain an unsafe code.

      • We've streamlined the working with non-standard fonts embedded in PDF. - February 27th, 2014

      We'd like to offer new version PDF Focus .Net 4.0.2! The main benefit of the new version is that now you may choose any of four configurations of PDF Focus .Net which saves your money:

      • Total - converts PDF to All. Starts from $578.

      • Office - converts PDF to MS Word, RTF, Text, Excel. Starts from $499.

      • Picasso - converts PDF to Images. Starts from $499.

      • Web - converts PDF to HTML. Starts from $399.

        Thus, if you as a developer working only with PDF to HTML conversion direction and don't need other formats, price for you will start only from $399 instead of $578. You may find all new prices here.

      • Also improved the conversion of PDF documents to Excel. Now it can detect a table even with invisible borders. - January 17th, 2014

      We'd like to introduce you PDF Focus .Net 4.0! See new benefits we prepared for your applications where is required a PDF conversion:

      • The first and foremost, the component now can provide your application by two new ways of converting: to HTML and to Excel! Starting from the version 4.0 PDF Focus .Net gives API to convert PDF to HTML web-pages and Excel workbooks. These features doesn't require anything from you and work absolutely standalone without a Browser or MS Excel, the same as all other features of the PDF Focus .Net.

        .NET API to convert PDF to Excel
      • Added support of JBIG2 codec.

      • Added support of JPEG2000 codec.

      • Improved the algorithm of font size selection to make a resulted Word document close to original PDF.

      • Improved converting of Unicode symbols.

      • Fixed the issue with Century Gothic Font.

      • Improved the converting of documents with text columns.

      Here you may download the new version of PDF Focus .Net and immediately evaluate it with your PDFs. - August 27th, 2013

      Without belaboring the point, we are glad to offer new version 3.2 of PDF Focus .Net! Now let's get to know the core improvements:

      Now PDF Focus .Net re-creates a Word document from a PDF document like it was been typed by a human
      • Added three overloaded methods Resize() to set custom image dimensions in pixels, points and percents. First and foremost, this feature would be useful when is necessary to generate images with fixed size in px. Let us say, to generate thumbnails 300x300px from a cover page of PDF documents.

      • Improved working with LZW decoding.

      • Fixed issue with converting of several special symbols, in particular: quarter and hyphen symbols.

      • Fixed issue with Regular style of Arial font. - February 20th, 2013

      We are happy to offer new PDF Focus .Net 3.0! It's a really great breakthrough in the PDF conversion technology and we are proud to submit it. Why is it so great?:

      • Maybe you know that PDF document doesn't have such expressions as paragraph, string, column, table etc. All text in any PDF document is located at (x,y) coordinates and tables is actually a set of graphic lines. Although typing a text in the MS Word editor is totally connected with using string, paragraphs and tables.

        Our developers worked hard several months to make an artificial intelligence which re-creates a Word document from a PDF like a typed by a human. A Word document produced by PDF Focus .Net now is completely editable and contains paragraphs, columns, tables, page breaks and so forth.

        Now PDF Focus .Net re-creates a Word document from a PDF document like it was been typed by a human
      • Added ability to set mode for a resulting Word document: Flowing, Continuous and Exact . The "Flowing" is the most useful and common type of Word document for editing. The resulting Word document looks as if it was typed by human. The "Exact" is the mode when document layout created by using text boxes, this gives a monumental accuracy for PDF to Word conversion.

        Added ability to set mode for a resulting Word document
      • A PDF document doesn't have real tables. If you see a table inside a PDF, in fact it's a set of graphics lines. Conversely, a lot of documents created in MS Word often have a lot of complex tables. Now the PDF Focus .Net can understand and recreate real-world tables with rows and cells from set of of orthogonal lines or text.

        Recreate real world tables
      • Added support of underline and strike formatted text.

      • Added a new artificial intelligence system which converts some complex vector graphic elements (e.g. lines, curves, polygons) into a raster picture. This innovation significantly decreases a size of .doc file and time of its opening in MS Word.

        Rasterize vector graphics
      • Added new ability to convert PDF documents into "1 bit Black & White" images. E.g., Convert a PDF to Black & White multi page-TIFF image. Thus, a resulted image will have a minimal possible size in kilobytes.

        PDF documents into 1 bit Black  White images
      • Created new code samples for VS2012, the assembly version compiled for .NET 4.5 and the Demo application for Windows 8.

        Windows 8 approved - October 3rd, 2012

      We are glad to announce about releasing new PDF Focus .Net 2.7.10 What's new:

      • Improved the converting of PDF documents into plain Text documents (extract text from PDF).

        Added the new property 'Password' to process PDF documents protected by password.

        Pdf to tiff with password
      • Improved the quality of processing PDF documents with colored images.

      • Fixed minor issues. - April 12th, 2012

      We are happy to announce about releasing new PDF Focus .Net! What we've added:

      • Added support of converting PDF documents to Word which have a big page size. The matter in that the Microsoft Word supports maximum page size in 22x20 Inches. If a PDF page has a size more than 22 Inches, all page content will be scaled to 22 Inches proportionally.

      • New Free & Online service to estimate the PDF Focus .Net:

      • Improved the engine to render graphics in the PDF to Images direction.

      • Fixed the issue with superscript text.

      • Fixed the issue with background filling. - March 15th, 2012

      We are glad to introduce you the new PDF Focus .Net! What's added:

      • Added support of the DCT filter. Some PDF documents may contain JPEG images packed by the tricky DCT filter, now the PDF Focus .Net can process them too!

      • Improved the Demo application.

      • Fixed some minor issues. - January 23th, 2012

      We are very happy to offer the new PDF Focus .Net! What's new:

      • PDF to Word conversion! Many customers were waiting for this feature. At last the PDF Focus .Net has got the new stable engine to export PDF to Word. It's the same fast and stable engine as we've added in the version 2.0 to convert PDF to Images. At this time the PDF to Word converting direction includes only the one resulting format: RTF with shapes, but in the future we'll supplement it by the DOCX and HTML5 formats.

        To word file

        Whole converting process can be done in memory or with physical files, also it's possible to select only custom PDF pages for converting:

        Convert custom pages from PDF to Word
      • Added the new property ColorDepth. Color depth or bit depth is the number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel in a bitmapped image, see Wikipedia. It helps to decrease size of produced images or make them grayscale.

        Allows to specify color depth for PDF to Images converting
      • Improved the rendering of vector graphic from PDF to image.

      • Now the component can extract Text from PDF from whole document or from custom pages:

        Extract Text from PDF
      • Added support of rendering text by any angle, and therefore the vertical text now works too.

      • Fixed the issue with capture area for graphics and images.

      • Improved the demo application and added new code samples. - October 11th, 2011

      We are happy to inform about releasing new PDF Focus .Net 2.1.10! What's new:

      • Significantly improved quality of PDF to image conversion.

      • Reformed component's interface, added new methods: OpenPdf() and ClosePdf().

      • Added new property to get number of pages in PDF document.

      • Added new code samples for ASP.NET: How to convert PDF to Jpeg, PNG and Multipage TIFF. - September 27th, 2011

      We are glad to announce about releasing of new update PDF Focus .Net 2.0.9 What's new:

      • Added PDF to Multipage TIFF.

      • Added new Code samples - how to convert PDF to TIFF in C# and VB.NET.

        PDF to Multipage TIFF - August 26th, 2011

      We are very happy to inform about releasing PDF Focus .Net 2.0. What's new:

      • Added new converting direction: PDF to Image. Now the component can export PDF to TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP.

      • Added support of graphics and images in PDF.

      • Added new demo application.

      • Added new code samples.

      • Added new help documentation.

      • Fixed issues in PDF to RTF, RTF with shapes, Text engines.

      • Fixed issues with support of embedded fonts.

      • Fixed minor issues in parsing PDF documents.

      We are preparing the version 2.1 which will be free for customers who have the version 2. - March 15th, 2011

      We've returned the PDF Focus .Net in development and on market. What's new:

      • Fixed issue with missed Unicode symbols during PDF to Text conversion.

      We are preparing the completely new PDF Focus .Net - version 2.0.

      October 1st, 2009 PDF Focus

      • Fixed issue with missed space ' ' in some PDF documents created by FONet component. Thanks to Julian Kievit.

      • We have improved algorithm of image storing inside DOC and RTF files, now files with images have size less in 15-20 times.

      February 9th, 2009 PDF Focus 1.3.3

      • Added a new property Pages, it allows to extract plain Text/RTF by pages from PDF document.

      • Fixed some minor issues.

      January 19th, 2009 PDF Focus 1.3.2

      • Added support of images packed by filter "CCITTFax".

      January 9th, 2009 PDF Focus 1.3.1

      • New converting mode: PDF to plain Text.

      • New converting mode: PDF to RTF without textboxes.

      • ixed some minor issues.

      • Fixed issue "System.NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object". The the component in case of converting failed returns 3 for methods ConvertFile() and ConvertBytesToFile() and empty string "" for another methods.

      JDecember 2nd, 2008 PDF Focus 1.2.2

      • Added support of converting Unicode symbols.

      • Now PDF created by Crystal Reports can be transformed to DOC, RTF properly.

      October 9th, 2008 PDF Focus 1.1.0

      • Improved PDF to DOC converting.

      • Added support for CCITT images.

      • Added support for CFF fonts.

      • Improved image converting.

      • New friendly demo program.

      Version (17-July-2008), what's new:

      • fixed issues with text formatting.

      • added a new demo program.

      • now supports 100% PDF files after PDF Metamorphosis .Net component.

      Version Beta(09-May-2008)

      What's is declared in this version:

      • working with text.

      • working with PDF drawing.

      • working with images (CCITTFax images does not implemented at this version).

      PDF Focus .Net is a standalone C# library to convert PDF to Word, DOC, RTF, Text, Images, Jpeg, Tiff, Png, Bmp etc.

      • No Microsoft Office automation.

      • No Adobe Acrobat dependencies.

      • Fast and Independent PDF to Word and Images solution.

      • Developed in 100% managed C# code.

      • Allows to export PDF to Word and Images in memory.

      • Works in Medium trust level.

      • Easy to integrate in any .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 ASP.NET, Console and WinForms applications.

      If you need a new code example or have a question: email us at or ask at Online Chat (right-bottom corner of this page) or use the Form below:

      Questions and suggestions from you are always welcome!

      We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.