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PdfFocusCWordOptionsShowInvisibleText Property

Gets or sets a value to show invisible text or not. Default value: false.

Namespace: SautinSoft
Assembly: SautinSoft.PdfFocus (in SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll) Version: 2024.12.18
public bool ShowInvisibleText { get; set; }

Property Value

Sometimes a PDF document can contain a picture with a scanned text. Besides of this, this document can contain invisible text over this picture.
In case you need to get only that text and skip picture, you may set 'PreserveImages' to false and set this property to true.

Overview of all properties to convert PDF to Word in C#
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Before starting, we recommend to get a free 100-day key:

            // Apply the key here:
            // SautinSoft.PdfFocus.SetLicense("...");

            string pdfFile = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\simple text.pdf");
            string wordFile = "Result.docx";

            // In this sample you will find a short overview of all properties of WordOptions.
            SautinSoft.PdfFocus f = new SautinSoft.PdfFocus();


            if (f.PageCount > 0)
                // You may choose output format between Docx and Rtf.
                f.WordOptions.Format = SautinSoft.PdfFocus.CWordOptions.eWordDocument.Docx;

                // As you may know all text in PDF positioned by (x,y) coordinates.
                // In a Word document all text is placed inside paragraphs.
                // Flowing     - The most useful and common type of Word document for editing. The resulting Word document looks as if it was typed by human.
                //               The document layout created without using text boxes.
                // Exact       - The most precise and fastest mode. The resulting Word document looks exact as PDF pixel by pixel (x,y).
                //               The document layout created by using text boxes, this gives a monumental accuracy for  PDF to Word conversion.
                // Continuous  - The document layout created by using text boxes grouped in blocks.
                //               A golden mean between Flowing and Exact.
                f.WordOptions.RenderMode = SautinSoft.PdfFocus.CWordOptions.eRenderMode.Flowing;

                // As you may know PDF format doesn't have such concept as tables.
                // It's true, all tables in PDF represented using graphical lines.
                // true - parse all graphic lines to detect and recreate tables.
                // false - leave all graphic lines as is.
                f.WordOptions.DetectTables = true;

                // As you may know PDF contains embedded fonts with own symbol widths.
                // But the resulting Word document will have fonts installed at your system.
                // Sometimes their have different symbol width.
                // true - scale width of symbols to make it the same as in PDF.
                // false - don't scale width of symbols and use width of installed fonts.
                f.WordOptions.KeepCharScaleAndSpacing = false;

                // Sometimes a PDF document can contain a picture with a scanned text. 
                // Besides of this, this document can contain invisible text over this picture.
                // In case you need to get only that text and skip picture, you may set 'PreserveImages' to false and
                // set this property to true:
                f.WordOptions.ShowInvisibleText = true;
                //f.PreserveImages = false;

                int result = f.ToWord(wordFile);

                // Show the resulting Word document.
                if (result == 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(wordFile) { UseShellExecute = true });
Overview of all properties to convert PDF to Word in VB.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports SautinSoft

Module Sample

    Sub Main()
        ' Before starting, we recommend to get a free 100-day key:

        ' Apply the key here
        ' SautinSoft.PdfFocus.SetLicense("...");

        Dim pdfFile As String = Path.GetFullPath("..\..\..\simple text.pdf")
        Dim wordFile As String = "Result.docx"

        ' In this sample you will find a short overview of all properties of WordOptions.
        Dim f As New SautinSoft.PdfFocus()


        If f.PageCount > 0 Then
            ' You may choose output format between Docx and Rtf.
            f.WordOptions.Format = SautinSoft.PdfFocus.CWordOptions.eWordDocument.Docx

            ' As you may know all text in PDF positioned by (x,y) coordinates.
            ' In a Word document all text is placed inside paragraphs.
            ' Flowing     - The most useful and common type of Word document for editing. The resulting Word document looks as if it was typed by human.
            '               The document layout created without using text boxes.
            ' Exact       - The most precise and fastest mode. The resulting Word document looks exact as PDF pixel by pixel (x,y).
            '               The document layout created by using text boxes, this gives a monumental accuracy for  PDF to Word conversion.
            ' Continuous  - The document layout created by using text boxes grouped in blocks.
            '               A golden mean between Flowing and Exact.
            f.WordOptions.RenderMode = SautinSoft.PdfFocus.CWordOptions.eRenderMode.Flowing

            ' As you may know PDF format doesn't have such concept as tables.
            ' It's true, all tables in PDF represented using graphical lines.
            ' true - parse all graphic lines to detect and recreate tables.
            ' false - leave all graphic lines as is.
            f.WordOptions.DetectTables = True

            ' As you may know PDF contains embedded fonts with own symbol widths.
            ' But the resulting Word document will have fonts installed at your system.
            ' Sometimes their have different symbol width.
            ' true - scale width of symbols to make it the same as in PDF.
            ' false - don't scale width of symbols and use width of installed fonts.
            f.WordOptions.KeepCharScaleAndSpacing = False

            ' Sometimes a PDF document can contain a picture with a scanned text. 
            ' Besides of this, this document can contain invisible text over this picture.
            ' In case you need to get only that text and skip picture, you may set 'PreserveImages' to false and
            ' set this property to true:
            f.WordOptions.ShowInvisibleText = True
            'f.PreserveImages = false;

            Dim result As Integer = f.ToWord(wordFile)

            ' Show the resulting Word document.
            If result = 0 Then
                System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(wordFile) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Module
See Also