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PdfFocusEmbeddedImagesFormat Property

Gets and sets the desired format to store images in the resulting document. Default value: eImageFormat.Auto.

Namespace: SautinSoft
Assembly: SautinSoft.PdfFocus (in SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll) Version: 2024.3.28
public PdfFocuseImageFormat EmbeddedImagesFormat { get; set; }

Property Value

  • eImageFormat.Auto - In this case the images will be stored in their original format. In other words, the JPEG-images will be stored using Jpeg codec, the all others as PNG.

  • eImageFormat.Png - Force to convert all images into Png format.

  • eImageFormat.Jpeg - Force to convert all images into Jpeg format. Be careful: using Jpeg for images you can reduce the PDF size, but could lose the transparency.

Using this property together with the JpegQuality allows you to reduce to size of the output document.
How to set a location of images during PDF to HTML in C#
using System;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Here you will find how to keep images in the resulting HTML document.
            string pdfFile = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\simple text.pdf");
            string htmlFile = "Result.html";

                                  // Get your free 30-day key here:   

            // Convert PDF file to HTML file
            SautinSoft.PdfFocus f = new SautinSoft.PdfFocus();

            // Way 1 (default): Images will be stored inside HTML document as base64, jpeg images.
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = true;
            // Auto - the same image format as in the source PDF;
            // 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; 
            // 'PNG' to keep the highest quality, but the highest size too.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Jpeg;

            // Way 2: Images will be stored as JPG files in a special folder "{pdf name}_images".
            // Images will have names "picture100.jpg", "picture101.jpg" .. "pictureN.jpg".
            // Let's set the quality for jpeg to 95 percents.
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile);
            // Auto - the same image format as in the source PDF;
            // 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; 
            // 'PNG' to keep the highest quality, but the highest size too.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Jpeg;

            f.EmbeddedJpegQuality = 95;
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = String.Format("{0}_images", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFile));
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFileName = "picture";
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageNumStart = 100;
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = false;

            // Way 3: Images will be stored as PNG files in the same directory with the HTML file.
            // All images on each page will be combined in a single image.
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile);
            // 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; Or 'PNG' to keep the highest quality.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Png;
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = "";
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = false;

            if (f.PageCount > 0)
                int res = f.ToHtml(htmlFile);
                // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
                if (res == 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(htmlFile) { UseShellExecute = true });
How to set a location of images during PDF to HTML in VB.Net
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft

Namespace Sample
    Friend Class Sample
        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Here you will find how to keep images in the resulting HTML document.
            Dim pdfFile As String = Path.GetFullPath("..\..\..\simple text.pdf")
            Dim htmlFile As String = "Result.html"
                                    ' Get your free 30-day key here: 

            ' Convert PDF file to HTML file
            Dim f As New SautinSoft.PdfFocus()

            ' Way 1 (default): Images will be stored inside HTML document as base64, jpeg images.
            'f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = True
            ' Auto - the same image format as in the source PDF;
            ' 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; 
            ' 'PNG' to keep the highest quality, but the highest size too.
            'f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Auto

            ' Way 2: Images will be stored as JPG files in a special folder "{pdf name}_images".
            ' Images will have names "picture100.jpg", "picture101.jpg" .. "pictureN.jpg".
            ' Let's set the quality for jpeg to 95 percents.
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile)
            ' 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; Or 'PNG' to keep the highest quality.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Jpeg
            f.EmbeddedJpegQuality = 95
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = String.Format("{0}_images", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFile))
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFileName = "picture"
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageNumStart = 100
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = False

            ' Way 3: Images will be stored as PNG files in the same directory with the HTML file.
            ' All images on each page will be combined in a single image.            '            
            'f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile)
            ' 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; Or 'PNG' to keep the highest quality.
            'f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Png
            'f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = ""
            'f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = False

            If f.PageCount > 0 Then
                Dim res As Integer = f.ToHtml(htmlFile)
                ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
                If res = 0 Then
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(htmlFile) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
See Also