2024.12.3 - December 3rd, 2024
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2024.12!
Let's see what's new:
2024.11.6 - November 6th, 2024
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2024.11»!
Let's see what's new:
2024.8.15 - August 15th, 2024
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2024.8! Let's see what's new:
2024.5.27 - May 27th, 2024
We conducted a complete and detailed analysis, as well as comprehensive testing of our SautinSoft.PDFMetamorphosis library in comparison with the world's leading leaders in our segment. After analysis the development team was tasked with improving work in two complex key areas:
1. Increase the speed of loading and saving DOCX/PDF documents
2. Reduce the size of the resulting PDF documents
Our developers successfully completed the tasks!
We are pleased to announce that at the moment, the new version of PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2024.5 ranks in the World of the main leaders of .NET libraries from 1st to 3rd place in terms of speed of loading/saving documents in DOCX/PDF formats.
We've prepared several critical fixes and improvements also:
2024.1.12 - January 12th, 2024
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2024.1!
We've prepared many fixes and improvements. Let's see what's new:
2023.10.5 - October 5th, 2023
We are happy to offer new «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2023.10»!
See what's new:
2023.5.18 - May 18th, 2023
We are very excited to announce the official release of our new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 2023.5!
Starting from this version, assembly numbering will start from "Year/Month/Day". You can always keep track of new releases and get the latest versions.
Let's see what's new: - February 8th, 2023
We are happy to offer new «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 9.3»!
See what's new: - October 13th, 2022
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 9.2.10»! Let's see what's new:
RTF,DOCX Readers:
PDF Writer:
RTF, DOCX to PDF: - May 4th, 2022
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 9.1»! Let's see what's new:
DOCX Reader:
HTML Reader:
Fixed the issue with incorrect font directory for macOS.
Improved work with DOCX and RTF documents and Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us.
9.0 - February 16th, 2022
We are glad to offer you absolutely new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 9»! Let's see what's new:
DOC Reader:
RTF/DOCX Reader:
Improved work with DOCX and RTF documents and Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. - January 24th, 2022
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.6.1»! Let's see what's new:
DOCX Reader:
.NET 6.0 support: Starting from the version 8.6.1 appeared the PdfMetamorphosis.dll assemblies compiled for a unified platform .NET 6.0.
HTML Reader:
PDF Writer:
RTF Reader:
Improved work with DOCX and RTF documents and Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. - December 13th, 2021
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.5.12»! Let's see what's new:
DOCX Reader:
PDF Writer:
There was a bug where headers/footers was hidden behind a comment. Added support for this tag: "pnseclvl".
Improved work with DOCX and RTF documents and Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. - July 1st, 2021
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.5»! Let's see what's new:
Now, our SDK supports DOCX documents with Embedded fonts.
Added support for various table borders: wavy, dash-dotted, discontinuous, etc.
Added the ability to load source files via URL-path.
RTF and DOCX: Fixed an issue with loading Revisions locating in header/footer.
Improved parsing of complex HTML tables with colspan and rowspan attributes.
Fixed a bug with the width of cells in tables (column width).
Fixed a bug with incorrect determination of cell heights during pagination. - January 28th, 2021
We are glad to offer you new version «PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.4»! Let's see what's new:
Absolutely new HTML-parser and CSS-parser. Starting from the version 8.4 the component has new HTML and CSS parsers.
This implementation gives these benefits:
Created for enhanced HTML5 support.
Made to conform by official W3C specification.
Reading of unclosed, broken and invalid HTML elements.
Powerful capabilities to read CSS taking into consideration of complex inheritance and derived elements.
.NET Standard 1.3 and up.
We hope that new parsers make «PDF Metamorphosis .Net» component reliable and keeping up with the times.
.NET 5.0 support: Starting from the version 8.4 appeared the PdfMetamorphosis.dll assemblies compiled for a unified platform .NET 5.0.
HTML. Fixed the issue with incorrect definition of table width.
RTF. "AutoFit" option for manually created table does not work correctly. The issue was fixed.
PDF Writer: Fixed the issue with writing metadata: Creator, Author, Subject, Keywords and more.
DOCX and Tables inside. The order of columns, headers is violated. The issue was fixed.
An issue with incorrect handling of text width in the document has been fixed.
Improved work with DOCX and RTF documents. - July 7th, 2020
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net!
See what's new:
Added new ability to convert DOCX, RTFs that contain "Track Changes".
Fixed a bug, as a result of which the text "floated" on the page.
Fixed issue with converting "DOCX to PDF". The error was the incorrect definition of the font and line spacing of the text. - May 20th, 2020
We are glad to offer you new version PDF Metamorphosis .Net!
See what's new:
Special Offer. In this troubled time, when many Companies are trying to maintain their existence and at the same time find an opportunity for further development. SautinSoft Company offers you to use a fully functional version of our component without any restrictions.
We can provide you by with the fully functional serial key for the product, this key will be valid until September 2020.
Then you will decide on the future use of this component in your projects.
Download the special version ( of the component or install it from Nuget.
Use this key: obj.Serial = "full-function before september 2020";
Enjoy the fully functional version.
PDF Writer: Fixed bug with transparent pictures, as well as softmask. There was an error in 1px.
Shapes and pictures in a footer are streamlined correctly now.
Controversial borders at tables. Error fixed.
RTF. Nested table offset corrected.
The algorithm to find a necessary font or analog installed in the current OS has been improved. Given this fact, we improved the quality of saving documents to PDF format.
RTF, DOCX: Fixed bug in paragraph borders.
8.2.2 - February 25th, 2020
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.2!
Let's see the all improvements:
Improved "Table AutoFit" algorithm.
Fixed bug with determining the height of nested tables.
Now, our component supports "Table Floating".
Here are some screenshots of floating tables set for text wrapping. They essentially act much like graphics in this mode:
One table set for wrapping with the tool to move it displayed (red circle)
Two tables, both set to wrap.
The same two tables with wrapping set, one nested inside the other.
Fixed bug with WMF pictures.
Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby, the component became more error-free.
8.1.9 - September 30th, 2019
We'd like to introduce the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net!
See what's new:
Fixed the problem with drawing the border of the table.
Fixed a bug with black fills and incorrect tag processing "\cfpatN".
Improved work with page breaks.
8.0.9 - September 6th, 2019
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.0!
See what's new:
.NET Standard 2.0: Starting from the version PDF Metamorphosis .Net 8.0 appeared the PdfMetamorphosis.dll assembly compiled for .NET Standard 2.0.
Starting with .NET Standard 2.0, the .NET Framework compatibility mode was introduced. This compatibility mode allows .NET Standard projects to reference .NET Framework libraries as if they were compiled for .NET Standard.
Fixed the issue with Base64's image and incorrect tags: td-table-img.
The full support of Preset Geometry. We've added support of more than 500 preset graphics figures.
RTF reader: Added support reading binary images specified by the keyword \bin.
Fixed a bug with fill rendering in shapes when a picture is set in a fill during saving into RTF and PDF formats.
Fixed an issue with the incorrect rendering of Field Date during a document pagination and saving it to PDF. Now the property Language is taken into account when auto-updating fields. For example, depending of culture language the date may be "February" or "februar" and so forth.
Fixed a bug with rendering of transparent images in PDF.
To help you learning the component, we've prepared for you more 20 new and straightforward code examples How to convert DOCX, RTF, HTML, TEXT to PDF.
Fixed a bug with adding extra vertical lines.
Fixed the issue with "HTML to PDF" for .NET Core.
RTF to PDF: Fixed a bug with increasing the image by 40 times.
The error of the erroneous definition of the font and the incorrect formation of the result is fixed. An incorrect name was created for TrueType fonts in PDF, according to PDF 1.7., 5.5.2.
Last, but not the least: Changed the mechanism of getting updates. It became very friendly to our customers. Now our customers may update the software in seconds using Nuget.
7.1.2 - February 14th, 2019
We'd like to introduce the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 7.1.2!
See what's new:
Added support for PresetGeometry - we have added a huge number of shapes (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/word.shapes).
Fixed the bug with rendering fill in shapes, when an image is set in a fill (in RTF, PDF).
Added carriage and tab breaks for easy HTML reading.
Fixed the issue with moving the table to the next page if a nested table is present.
RTF Reader: Fixed bug with image reading, where there are space characters at the beginning of data.
HTML Writer: Added support for "Highlight color" (equivalent to background).
Fixed the error with the wrong division of the word into several parts. - January 4th, 2019
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net!
Let's see the all improvements:
Improved the algorithm of table height calculation, it became more accurate.
Fixed the issue in counting of columns width in table auto-fit mode.
The number of pages of the original document coincides with the number of pages of the resulting file.
Fixed the issue with a table left indent during rendering a document into PDF format.
Fixed the bug with moving the table to the next page and losing some of the text.
Fixed the issue with merged cells in table processing algorithm, during rendering into PDF. - August 10th, 2018
We've prepared the new release of PDF Metamorphosis .Net!
Let's see the all improvements:
Updated HTML Reader.
Fixed errors with cells merged vertically.
Solved the issue of tabs and indents when converting "RTF to PDF".
Fixed indentation of tables.
The problem of combining several files (PDF, DOCX, HTML, RTF) of different formats was solved.
Fixed the issue with German characters a “ä” = “a” an “ö” = “o” and an “ü” = “u” - August 1st, 2018
We've prepared the new release of PDF Metamorphosis .Net!
What we've made:
Fixed the issue with support of .NET Core 2.0 platform. The previous version (only for .NET Core assembly) was throwing an exception.
Added support of .NET Core 2.1 platform. - June 4th, 2018
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 7.0!
Let's see the all improvements:
Absolutely new conversion engine for the component, namely: new DOCX and RTF Readers and new PDF Writer.
Thanks to new engine we've significantly increased the reliability of the conversion.
The first priority for us is to create an identical PDF document after the conversion.
Improved the accuracy of characters positioning.
Added support of balancing text columns in a section.
Added support of styles from DOCX and RTF.
The full support of Shape converting: positioning and text wrapping.
.NET Core 2.0 and Linux.
Added support of converting Forms and Fields.
Added clipping of shapes and table cells
Image transparency in PDF.
Fixed issue in generation of PDF-A compliant documents. - April 10th, 2017
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.8! What we've done for you:
We've updated the class to parse DOCX documents. Namely, improved the converting of checkbox forms and support of height in a table cells.
Another interesting feature, is support of auto-fit for tables during converting to PDF. Now the tables which doesn't have a fixed width of columns will be processed properly and width will be counted automatically by PDF Metamorphosis .Net.
RTF to PDF: Added support of paragraphs positioned by posx and posy.
Available in Nuget now: install-package sautinsoft.pdfmetamorphosis.
Fixed the issue with width of Chinese characters in PDF.
Fixed the issue with indent of text when it starts from red line and contains a list marker (bullet).
Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby, the component became more error-free. - December 19th, 2016
We'd like to introduce the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.7! See what's new:
The component has got an updated class to parse DOCX documents. Now all versions of Office Open XML (DOCX) documents are supported according to ECMA-376 specification. Thus we've increased the quality of converting complex DOCX to PDF.
HTML to PDF: Added support of html symbols stored using Numeric character references (NCR): "Τηγλώσσα...".
Improved the work with headers and footers in conversion of HTML and RTF to PDF.
Improved the processing of documents with nested tables and columns.
Fixed the issue in the conversion of shapes which have a text wrap.
Fixed the issue with page breaks inside a table and between.
Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby, the component became more error-free. - May 24th, 2016
We are happy to offer new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.5! Let's see what's new:
Improved the algorithm to convert DOCX to PDF.
Added new property ClipboardTextProtection that helps protect on copying of all text from PDF document through clipboard.
Fixed the issue with converting of unordered lists which contains a background. - January 15th, 2016
We are happy to announce about releasing of new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.4! Let's see the details:
The main innovation is adding of DOCX to PDF conversion direction officially. All previous versions had limited support of DOCX format and worked in beta mode.
PDF Metamorphosis .Net has got new powerful DOCX engine from Document .Net library. With help of this innovation, the component now can convert rich formatted and complex DOCX documents to PDF. - December 2nd, 2015
We'd like to introduce the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.3! Let's see the details:
The main point of interest, we've improved the conversion Text to PDF. Now you will be able to convert Text files with all known encodings: utf-16 Little Endian, koi-8 ru, windows-1251, utf-8, UCS-2 Big Endian, ISO-8858-8 and so forth.
HTML to PDF direction: Improved the conversion of complex ordered and unordered lists. We created algorithm which converts all types of complex lists <ol> and <ul> with CSS. Furthermore, this algorithm can convert even lists with marker specified only using CSS.
Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby the component became more error-free. - April 15th, 2015
We are happy to inform about releasing of new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.2! Let's see the details:
First and foremost, added support of "Shapes" processing. Shapes can contain a text, tables, images and can be positioned by X, Y relatively in page. It's true, that you have seen a lot of RTF and DOCX with text a placed inside shapes positioned by coordinates:
Another interesting feature, that PDF Metamorphosis .Net became convert columns. It can process documents with any number of columns with different width.
Added support of "wrap text" for images. All types of wrapping are supported.
We've improved the precision of characters width during converting to PDF.
Improved the conversion of color backgrounds.
Fixed some minor issues, which our customers sent to us. Thereby the component became more error-free.
We will be happy if you familiarize with new version of PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.2.
To evaluate these innovations firsthand, download PDF Metamorphosis .Net right now! - March 10th, 2015
We'd like to introduce the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.1! Now let's get to know the core improvements:
The first point of interest is updating of the PDF Metamorphosis .Net core. This innovation increased the speed and quality of creation PDF documents with complex nested tables.
Improved the processing of page headers and footers.
Improved the conversion to PDF of multilevel ordered and unordered lists.
Added methods to Print PDF documents with embedded fonts.
Added the new property Scale.LineSpacing which allows to scale the line spacing of current document in percents. - December 16th, 2014
We are glad to introduce you new PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.0! In this version, we took into account the comments of our customers and have entirely reformed the component.
The version 6.0 is created given these key points:
The conversion speed.
The conversion quality.
he fault tolerance and reliability.
The list of new benefits:
Added the full support of nested tables.
Increased the speed of converting (HTML, RTF) tables to PDF in 5 times.
Ability to create a self-contained PDF file with embedded fonts.
Improved the algorithm of working with bullets.
Added new methods to insert watermarks in PDF during conversion.
Redesigned API for the programmer's convenience.
Added new code samples in C# and VB.NET for Visual Studio 2015 (Net 4.5, X64).
Added methods to convert DOCX to PDF, but in beta mode for now.
We will be happy if you familiarize with new version of PDF Metamorphosis .Net 6.0.
To evaluate these innovations firsthand, download PDF Metamorphosis .Net right now! - June 8th, 2012
We are glad to inform about releasing the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net Detailed news:
Added the new feature PdfVersion, allows set version for the produced PDF document.
Added a lot of new Code Samples to show the PDF Metamorphosis .Net features.
Completely reformed the Demo application with command line support.
Completely reformed the documentation.
Fixed the issue when the Adobe Reader X showed a message "Save PDF before closing".
Fixed the issue with processing page numbers from RTF to PDF like a "Page 1 of N".
Fixed the issue with line spacing.
Fixed the issue with duplicating Unicode symbols in some files.
Fixed minor issues. - December 15th, 2011
We are happy to inform about releasing new PDF Metamorphosis .Net Detailed news:
Added support of converting base64 encoded images embedded in HTML:
<img src="...>
Increased speed of converting huge HTML tables in ~1.7 times.
Fixed minor issues with compatibility of RTF with nested tables and WordPad. - September 7 th, 2011
We've released new update of the PDF Metamorphosis .Net What's new:
Improved algorithm for converting complex tables.
Fixed minor issues with background color and font color.
Reformed the documentation. - July 11th, 2011
We are happy to offer the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net What's new:
Added support of new CSS: 'vertical-align:'
Improved working with borders, background, vertical alignment in HTML tables.
Fixed issues with styles: 'page-break-after', 'page-break-before' and 'page-break-inside'.
Description of all methods and properties in documentation enhanced by pictures, like this:
Fixed minor issues. - June 16th, 2011
We are happy to offer the new PDF Metamorphosis .Net What's new in this release:
Added support of new CSS: 'font:' and 'font-variant:'
Improved the property "PageNumbersFormat", now it supports Unicode and allows to specify page numbers in any language:
Fixed issue with the style 'text-indent', now it became work also with negative values.
Fixed some minor issues. - April 18th, 2011. We are happy to announce about releases of new version PDF Metamorphosis .Net 5.3! What's new:
Added the new properties SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.HeaderOnFirstPage and SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.FooterOnFirstPage which allows to specify header/footer only at fist page in produced PDF. For example, you want to set different common and first-page headers:
Added support of new CSS element 'display:'
Added support of new CSS elements: 'font:' and 'font-variant:'
Fixed issue with font changing after keyword '\bullet' for some RTF files.
Fixed issue with positioning of images specified by x,y coordinates. - December 22th, 2010
Improved table's engine for HTML to PDF exporting.
Fixed issue with compatibility PDF documents and Adobe Reader 6.0 or lower.
Added support of new CSS 'display:'. - November 22th, 2010. We are glad to offer new version of the PDF Metamorphosis .Net with new useful RTF to PDF features and fixes:
Added support of new table border's types: dashed, dotted and double.
Compressed and expanded text in produced PDF
Fixed issue with "fit text into table cells"
Fixed minor issues. - October 27th, 2010
Added new algorithm for converting bullets and text indents.
Fixed issue with appearing space before some Unicode symbols.
Added support of converting RTF where Unicode symbols stored as ANSI text. - October 5th, 2010
Fixed issue with incorrect width of symbol ellipsis "..." and some other Unicode symbols.
Added new property SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.CTextStyle.CompressionType which allows specify type to compress PDF document. - September 22th, 2010
We've released completely new and expected major version 5.0 version the PDF Metamorphosis .Net. The main feature is adding support of Unicode! Now any of such text as " На берегу пустынных волн ", " Τη γλώσσα μου έδωσαν ελληνική ", " 我能吞下玻璃而不 伤身体。 " etc will appear in PDF document.
Changes in component's interface:
Renamed class name from eHtmlOptions to SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.CHtmlOptions"
Renamed class name from ePageStyle to Renamed class name from ePageStyle to SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.CPageStyle
Renamed class name from eTextStyle to SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.CTextStyle
Added new class SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.CUnicodeOptions and property SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.UnicodeOptions to help component find .tff fonts in your system.
Added new method SautinSoft.PdfMetamorphosis.MergePDF(String, String) to merge PDFs document in a loop.
Other improvements:
Produced PDF documents became lighter by size. We've added Default compression inside PDF.
Fixed issue with/footer - it's footer only at fist page. - August 4th, 2010
Released the new update of the PDF Metamorphosis .Net. This update contains fixes for some minor bugs which our customers found. - July 13th, 2010
We are happy to inform about releasing new version of the PDF Metamorphosis .Net:
Added new algorithm increase image quality.
Fixed issue in method to merge PDF documents.
Fixed issue in multiline underline text.
Improved table's algorithm for HTML to PDF converting.
Fixed issue in converting of TIF, GIF and PNG to PDF in ASP.Net applications. This bug appeared after adding new algorithm to increase image quality in PDF. The issue was in that component was returning null during TIF, PNG, GIF to PDF when it worked in Medium Trust Level. In Full Trust level this issue was hidden.
Added support of Czech language in PDF. - August 4th, 2010
Fixed issue with incorrect page size and orientation in HTML to PDF converting. This bug could appear only for small page size less than A4.
4.0.0 - March 16th, 2010
We've released the new major version 4.0.0 of the PDF Metamorphosis .Net! So what's new:
Added new class Watermark which allows to:
Put watermarks to any page , array of pages or odd/even pages of produced PDF document.
Set different transparency for various watermarks.
Stretch and set position of watermarks.
Completely reformed documentation.
Added a lot of new code samples for ASP.NET, WinForms C# and VB.NET.
Added support of image attributes height/width in % percents.
Added support of some new CSS styles:
Added support of new RTF keywords. - February 16th, 2010
Fixed issue with incorrect alignment by right in nested tables.
Fixed issue in length of stream objects when used the property 'PageNumFormat'
Added support of new CSS style 'background:' - February 5th, 2010
Added support of new CSS styles 'border-color:' and ' border-width' - January 21th, 2010
Fixed issue with crashing dll on some nonstandard RTF where table shifts by several pages.
Fixed issue with moving text aligned by right and center outside of table column.
Improved converting of tabulators.
Improved algorithm of converting tables with missed width value.
Added support of new CSS.
Merge PDF:
Added two methods to merge PDF documents in memory.
Added a new sample code C#/VB.NET how to merge PDF in memory in ASP.NET application. - September 16th, 2009
Fixed issue with crashing dll on some RTF with non-standard fonts (Thanks to Ilia Chekhter).
Adding support of strike text.
Changed name of the property 'ImageFolder' to 'BaseUrl'.
Fixed return value in method HtmlToPdfConvertFile() now returns 1 if HTML doesn't exist. - August 11th, 2009
This version differs from the previous on a huge step. What we've made:
HTML to PDF converting:
Added support of new CSS styles:
Improved algorithm of HTML table converting;
Fixed minor issues in converting of broken HTML tables;
Added the new property 'TraceType' which allows to select type of tracing file. A tracing file is necessary to debug component and helps to find some issues in HTML converting.
RTF to PDF converting:
Fixed issue with converting of nested tables which expand on several pages.
Fixed issue with loosing image quality in RTF for jpeg images.
Fixed issue with padding in table cells.
Significantly improved two properties 'Header' and 'Footer', now you may specify any header/footer in HTML, RTF and Text format. For example, you may attach a HTML document into footer from URL.
Added new samples of using PDF Metamorphosis .Net in ASP.NET, VB and C#.
Fixed issue with Text to PDF converting.
Improved the Demo application.
Improved the Demo application.
Improved this documentation. - March 26th, 2009
Added the new property 'p.TextStyle.ImageQuality' which allows to specify quality for images inside PDF;
Improved image converting algorithm.
Fixed issues in the method merge PDF documents.
Fixed issue in converting nested tables. (10-November-2008)
Added new properties FontFace.Auto() and FontFace.Custom(). Now component can create PDF file with any font installed in your system.
Improved converting of bullets and numbering lists.
Improved HTML to PDF converting.
Improved table converting engine.
2.2.2 (17-March-2007)
Improved converting of headers/footers.
Fixed issues with text formatting inside tables (bold, italic, underline etc).
2.2.1 (12-December-2007)
What's new in this release:
now it supports text groups and positioned text.
improved module for image converting.
table's background for HTML to PDF conversion.
images after converting now have the best quality!
2.2.0 (19-November-2007)
PDF Metamorphosis .Net became faster in converting.
New algorithm of converting tables.
2.1.1 (23-August-2007)
New property ‘ErrorTrace’ that helps to find detailed information about issues.
2.1.0 (9-August-2007)
New independent conversion engine from HTML to PDF.
New methods for split and merge PDF files.
2.0.5 (09-Jul-2007)
alignment in nested tables.
2.0.0 (01-May-2007)
nested tables support.
footer and header.
1.1 (10-Apr-2007)
Added support of header, footers and page sections.
Corrected Text to Pdf converting direction.
Text formating and alignment improved.
Added new default fonts: italic, bold, italic-bold.
Improved algorithm of cell merging.
Cell padding support.
Transfer lengthy cells to new page.
Background and shading for tables.
PDF Metamorphosis .Net is a standalone C# library to convert Text, HTML, DOCX, RTF to PDF, split and merge PDF documents.
If you need a new code example or have a question: email us at support@sautinsoft.com or ask at Online Chat (right-bottom corner of this page) or use the Form below: