RTF to HTML .Net

RTF to HTML .Net

.NET assembly to convert Text, RTF, DOCX to HTML. Provides your by API to transform Word documents to HTML5, 4.01, 3.2, XHTML with a lot of converting options.

  • DOCX to HTML
  • RTF to HTML
  • Text to HTML
  • Compatible on multiple platforms, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Deploy to Azure and AWS
NET 8, 7, 6, 5, Standard 2, Core 2x & 3x, Framework 4.6.2+
AWS (EC2, Lambda) Kubernetes (All Versions) Azure (WebApps, Functions v3) Docker (All Versions)
Download (2024.12.18)

Latest Release Info

What's New in RTF to HTML .Net


«RTF to HTML .Net» is 100% written in C# .NET assembly which provides a wide set of API for developers. It gives you ability to add these functions:

The SDK provides you by various methods and properties, to adjust the resulted HTML:

Why choose SautinSoft.RtfToHtml?

RTF to HTML .Net- Fast and Efficient

Fast and Efficient

Save memory and time with the lightweight API architecture. The bigger the document, the faster our API generates complex Word documents.

RTF to HTML .Net- Convert Word documents to HTML

Convert Word documents to HTML

Gives API to your Apps to convert Text, RTF and DOCX documents to HTML: HTML5, HTML 4.01, 3.2 and XHTML.

RTF to HTML .Net- Fixed and Flowing HTML modes

Fixed and Flowing HTML modes

Generates HTML documents in two modes. Fixed HTML - in this mode the HTML document compound using (x,y) positions and special CSS for each elements. Flowing HTML - in this mode the HTML document compound using block elements the same as it would be typed by a human.

RTF to HTML .Net- Full .NET Support

Full .NET Support for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Develop for any .NET platform or major operating systems with a single code base. Use in your apps for .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android.

RTF to HTML .Net- Useful conversion settings

Useful conversion settings

Because of a lot useful settings and options, you may set up the conversion result as you wish: HTML version, set document title, page margins and border, image quality and format, headers and footers, various CSS options and a lot of more.

RTF to HTML .Net- Deploy Apps to the Cloud

Deploy Apps to the Cloud

Be everywhere with cloud-based deployment. With help of Nuget, SautinSoft.RtfToHtml can be easily deployed to Azure, AWS, and AWS Lambda.

Fixed and Flowing

Fixed HTML - in this mode the HTML document compound using (x,y) positions and special CSS for each elements. This gives the best precision and accuracy, but makes the HTML markup more complex. The each document page presented by the separated <div> element with optional border.

Flowing HTML - in this mode the HTML document compound using block elements the same as it would be typed by a human. The HTML-markup is simple and clear, but it doesn't preserve (x, y) position of some graphics elements.

RTF to HTML .Net code-examples

Feature Highlights

Convert DOCX, RTF to HTML (Fixed and Flowing modes)

The component can produce HTML documents in two different modes: Fixed and Flowing. This sample shows difference between Fixed-HTML and Flowing-HTML.

Convert RTF to HTML using MemoryStream

Here is an example how to convert RTF document to HTML document in memory and get result as C# Stream object. Our SDK is completely standalone .NET assembly and doesn't need anything else.

Convert DOCX file to HTML file

RTF to HTML .Net gives your app API to convert DOCX documents to HTML pages. It has own HTML writer which supports CSS and own standalone DOCX reader.

Convert RTF file to HTML file

Actually, you will need only two lines of C# code to convert RTF to HTML file.

Convert Text string to HTML string

This C# example shows how convert Text string to HTML string completely in memory.

How to embed images inside HTML document using base64

How to embed images inside HTML document using base64 in C# and VB.NET.

Explore the Advanced Features

RTF to HTML .Net code-examples

Actually the component can convert Text, RTF and DOCX to HTML with a lot of options. See the Developer Guide to find out simple, advanced and complex examples, it contains more than 50 examples.

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