Excel to PDF .Net

Excel to PDF .Net

.NET assembly to convert Excel (.xls and .xlsx) workbooks to PDF and Word

  • Excel to PDF
  • Excel to DOCX
  • Excel to RTF
  • Compatible on multiple platforms, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Deploy to Azure and AWS
NET 8, 7, 6, 5, Standard 2, Core 2x & 3x, Framework 4.6.2+
AWS (EC2, Lambda) Kubernetes (All Versions) Azure (WebApps, Functions v3) Docker (All Versions)
Download (2024.11.30)

Latest Release Info

What's New in Excel to PDF .Net


«Excel to PDF .Net» is 100% written in C# (.NET Framework and .NET Core) assembly which provides a wide set of API for developers. It gives your application the abilities of exporting any *.xls and *.xlsx (Excel 97 - 2019 workbook) to PDF, Word, RTF and DOCX formats. See details:

It supports the conversion of *.xls and *.xlsx to PDF, Word, RTF, DOCX with:

  • Full font and text formatting: colors, face, size, bold, italic, underline, strike, superscript, subscript.
  • Export of spreadsheets with preserving borders, background.
  • Hyperlinks and anchors.
  • Special characters.
  • Multiple worksheets in a single document.
  • Various cell types: strings, numbers, dates, floating point.
  • Merged cells, row and cell width and height.
  • Formulas.
  • XLSX and XLS files protected by a password.
  • Export Excel workbooks in memory.

Why choose SautinSoft.ExcelToPdf?

Fast and Efficient

Fast and Efficient

Save memory and time with the lightweight API architecture. The bigger the document, the faster our API generates complex Word documents.

Convert Excel to PDF and Word documents

Convert Excel to PDF and Word documents

Gives API to your Apps to convert Excel documents to PDF and Word (DOCX, RTF) documents.

Standalone & Independent

Standalone & Independent

SautinSoft.ExcelToPdf is absolutely standalone .NET assembly and doesn't have any dependencies of Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat.

Full .NET Support for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Full .NET Support for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Develop for any .NET platform or major operating systems with a single code base. Use in your apps for .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android.

Useful conversion settings

Useful conversion settings

Because of a lot useful settings and options, you may set up the conversion result as you wish: set page size, orientation and margins, single font face, add custom headers and footers, add page numbering, fit sheet to one page and a lot of more.

Deploy Apps to the Cloud

Deploy Apps to the Cloud

Be everywhere with cloud-based deployment. With help of Nuget, SautinSoft.ExceltoPdf can be easily deployed to Azure, AWS, and AWS Lambda.

Simple API to convert Excel to PDF

You can adjust the resulted PDF using the properties:
  • Specify to convert a whole Excel workbook or custom spreadsheets or custom cells in a diapason.
  • Specify the page properties for produced document: page size, orientation and margins.
  • Add page numbers with a desired formatting.
  • Specify a password for protected workbooks.
Typical applications to use our SDK:
  • Conversion of Excel spreadsheets and workbooks from database to PDF purposely display it in ASP.NET page.
  • Create a hard-copy of XLS file in PDF format for exchange and forbid changing.
  • Export XLS to Word for printing purposes.

Let us say, to convert a spreadsheet from Excel document to PDF within C# application:

ExcelToPdf x = new ExcelToPdf();

// Set PDF as output format.
x.OutputFormat = SautinSoft.ExcelToPdf.eOutputFormat.Pdf;

// Let's convert only 1st sheet.
x.Sheets.Custom(new int[] { 1 });

string excelFile = @"d:\myWorkBook.xlsx";
string pdfFile = Path.ChangeExtension(excelFile, ".pdf"); ;

    x.ConvertFile(excelFile, pdfFile);
catch (Exception ex)

Feature Highlights

Convert Excel to PDF

Converts any *.xls and *.xlsx (Excel 97 - 2019 workbook) to PDF, Word, RTF and DOCX format in memory.

Convert Excel file to PDF file

Gives API to convert Excel workbooks and sheets to PDF format. Supports .xls and .xlsx formats. Allows to specify desired cell range to convert, page setup, margins and other custom properties.

Convert to desired PDF version

You can specify the desired PDF version: PDF 1.2 - 1.7, PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/A-3u.

Convert Excel to PDF, DOCX

Here we've prepared for you a collection of examples to convert Excel to PDF, DOCX and RTF using C# and VB.Net.

Excel to PDF and specify page size and margins

Here is an example to convert Excel to PDF and specify custom page properties: size, orientation and margins.

Windows, Linux, and macOS

Develop for any .NET platform or major operating systems with a single code base. Here is an example to convert Excel to PDF under Linux.

Explore the Advanced Features

Excel to PDF .Net code-examples

Actually the component can convert to PDF with a lot of options, such as: Add Header and Footer, Specify Page Numbering, Add custom Watermarks, Set Page Size, Margins and Orientation and a lot of more. See the Developer Guide to find out simple, advanced and complex examples, it contains more than 50 examples.

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