How to convert Word, Excel, PowerPoint files to PDF files in C# and .NET

Complete code

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            convDir.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection));
        resultMessage.Text = "";
        fileMessage.Text = "";
    protected void convDir_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length == 0)
            resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!";


    protected void convert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length == 0)
            resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!";

        // 1. Prepare a directory for converting and storing temporary files
        // Remove all files in this directory
        string workDirectory = @"/converted/";
        string workPath = Server.MapPath(".") + workDirectory;

        string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(workPath, "*.*");
        foreach (string file in allFiles)

        // 2. Save a document from FileUpload control to a temporary file: "", e.g. "9-34-12-807.doc".
        // Because UseOffice .Net can convert only documents as files
        string fileName = String.Format("{0: h-m-s-f}", DateTime.Now);
        string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(workPath, fileName + Path.GetExtension(uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName));
        File.WriteAllBytes(tempFilePath, uploadedDocument.FileBytes);

        resultMessage.Text = "Converting ...";

        // 3. Get a converting direction which user has just choosed
        // Get a file extension for a resulting file.
        string ext = ".rtf";
        //get extension
        int pos = convDir.Text.LastIndexOf('_');
        ext = (convDir.Text.Substring(pos, convDir.Text.Length - pos)).ToLower();

        if (ext.CompareTo("text") == 0)
            ext = "txt";
        ext = "." + ext;

        // 4. Create a path for a resulted file.
        string resultPath = Path.Combine(workPath, Path.ChangeExtension(uploadedDocument.FileName, ext));
        // 5. Launch UseOffice .Net and start converting
        SautinSoft.UseOffice u = new SautinSoft.UseOffice();

        //only Word										   
        if (convDir.Text == "DOC_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "DOCX_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "DOC_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "DOCX_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "DOC_to_Text" || convDir.Text == "HTML_to_DOC" || convDir.Text == "HTML_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "HTML_to_Text" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_Text" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_DOC" || convDir.Text == "DOC_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "DOCX_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_PDF")
        //only Excel
        if (convDir.Text == "XLS_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_XML" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_CSV" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_Text")
        //Word + Excel
        if (convDir.Text == "XLS_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "XLSX_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "XLSX_to_PDF")
        //only PowerPoint
        if (convDir.Text == "PPT_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "PPT_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "PPT_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "PPTX_to_PDF")
        SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection convDirection = (SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection), convDir.SelectedValue);

        if (File.Exists(resultPath))

        // 6. Convert a temporary file to a desired result
        int result = u.ConvertFile(tempFilePath, resultPath, convDirection);        
        switch (result)
                // 7. Show a resulted file as a link
            case 0: resultMessage.Text = "Converting successfully!";
                string href = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;
                href = href.Remove(href.LastIndexOf("/"));                
                href+= workDirectory + Path.GetFileName(resultPath);
                fileMessage.NavigateUrl = href;
                fileMessage.Target = "_blank";
                fileMessage.Text = Path.GetFileName(resultPath);

            case 1: resultMessage.Text = "Can't open input file."; break;
            case 2: resultMessage.Text = "Can't create output file."; break;
            case 3: resultMessage.Text = "Converting error!"; break;
            default: break;


        //Remove temporary file


Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing

Partial Public Class _Default
	Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

	Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
		If Not IsPostBack Then
			convDir.DataSource = System.Enum.GetNames(GetType(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection))
		End If
		resultMessage.Text = ""
		fileMessage.Text = ""
	End Sub
	Protected Sub convDir_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
		If uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length = 0 Then
			resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!"
		End If

	End Sub

	Protected Sub convert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
		If uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length = 0 Then
			resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!"
		End If

		' 1. Prepare a directory for converting and storing temporary files
		' Remove all files in this directory
		Dim workDirectory As String = "/converted/"
		Dim workPath As String = Server.MapPath(".") & workDirectory

		Dim allFiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(workPath, "*.*")
		For Each file As String In allFiles
		Next file

		' 2. Save a document from FileUpload control to a temporary file: "", e.g. "9-34-12-807.doc".
		' Because UseOffice .Net can convert only documents as files
		Dim fileName As String = String.Format("{0: h-m-s-f}", DateTime.Now)
		Dim tempFilePath As String = Path.Combine(workPath, fileName & Path.GetExtension(uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName))
		File.WriteAllBytes(tempFilePath, uploadedDocument.FileBytes)

		resultMessage.Text = "Converting ..."

		' 3. Get a converting direction which user has just choosed
		' Get a file extension for a resulting file.
		Dim ext As String = ".rtf"
		'get extension
		Dim pos As Integer = convDir.Text.LastIndexOf("_"c)
		pos += 1
		ext = (convDir.Text.Substring(pos, convDir.Text.Length - pos)).ToLower()

		If ext.CompareTo("text") = 0 Then
			ext = "txt"
		End If
		ext = "." & ext

		' 4. Create a path for a resulted file.
		Dim resultPath As String = Path.Combine(workPath, Path.ChangeExtension(uploadedDocument.FileName, ext))

		' 5. Launch UseOffice .Net and start converting
		Dim u As New SautinSoft.UseOffice()

		'only Word										   
		If convDir.Text = "DOC_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOCX_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOC_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOCX_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOC_to_Text" OrElse convDir.Text = "HTML_to_DOC" OrElse convDir.Text = "HTML_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "HTML_to_Text" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_Text" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_DOC" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOC_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOCX_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_PDF" Then
		End If
		'only Excel
		If convDir.Text = "XLS_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_XML" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_CSV" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_Text" Then
		End If
		'Word + Excel
		If convDir.Text = "XLS_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLSX_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLSX_to_PDF" Then
		End If
		'only PowerPoint
		If convDir.Text = "PPT_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "PPT_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "PPT_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "PPTX_to_PDF" Then
		End If
		Dim convDirection As SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection = CType(System.Enum.Parse(GetType(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection), convDir.SelectedValue), SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection)

		If File.Exists(resultPath) Then
		End If

		' 6. Convert a temporary file to a desired result
		Dim result As Integer = u.ConvertFile(tempFilePath, resultPath, convDirection)

		Select Case result
				' 7. Show a resulted file as a link
			Case 0
				resultMessage.Text = "Converting successfully!"
				Dim href As String = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri
				href = href.Remove(href.LastIndexOf("/"))
				href &= workDirectory & Path.GetFileName(resultPath)
				fileMessage.NavigateUrl = href
				fileMessage.Target = "_blank"
				fileMessage.Text = Path.GetFileName(resultPath)

			Case 1
				resultMessage.Text = "Can't open input file."
			Case 2
				resultMessage.Text = "Can't create output file."
			Case 3
				resultMessage.Text = "Converting error!"
			Case Else
		End Select


		'Remove temporary file
	End Sub
End Class


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We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.