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DocumentBuilder Methods

The DocumentBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleDeleteRow Deletes a row from a table.
Public methodCode exampleEndBookmark Marks the current position in the document as a bookmark end.
Public methodCode exampleEndRow Ends a table row in the document.
Public methodCode exampleEndTable Ends a table in the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertCell Inserts a table cell into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertCheckBox(String, Boolean, Int32) Inserts a checkbox form field at the current position.
Public methodCode exampleInsertCheckBox(String, Boolean, Boolean, Int32) Inserts a checkbox form field at the current position.
Public methodCode exampleInsertComboBox Inserts a combobox form field at the current position.
Public methodCode exampleInsertContentControl Inserts a content control into a document.
Public methodInsertDocument(DocumentCore) Inserts a document at the cursor position.
Public methodInsertDocument(DocumentCore, ImportSession) Inserts a document at the cursor position.
Public methodCode exampleInsertField(String) Inserts a Word field into a document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertField(String, String) Inserts a Word field into a document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertHtml(String) Inserts an HTML string into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertHtml(String, Boolean) Inserts an HTML string into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertHyperlink Inserts a hyperlink into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertImage(Byte, NullableSize) Inserts an image from a byte array into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
Public methodCode exampleInsertImage(Stream, NullableSize) Inserts an image from a stream into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
Public methodCode exampleInsertImage(String, NullableSize) Inserts an image from a file into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
Public methodCode exampleInsertImage(Byte, HorizontalPosition, VerticalPosition, WrappingStyle, NullableSize) Inserts an image from a byte array at the specified position and size.
Public methodCode exampleInsertImage(Stream, HorizontalPosition, VerticalPosition, WrappingStyle, NullableSize) Inserts an image from a stream at the specified position and size.
Public methodCode exampleInsertImage(String, HorizontalPosition, VerticalPosition, WrappingStyle, NullableSize) Inserts an image from a file at the specified position and size.
Public methodInsertInline Inserts an Inline at the current position.
Public methodCode exampleInsertNote(NoteType, String) Inserts a footnote or endnote into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertNote(NoteType, String, String) Inserts a footnote or endnote into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertParagraph Inserts an Paragraph at the current position.
Public methodCode exampleInsertSection Inserts a section into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertShape(Figure, Size) Inserts inline shape with specified figure and size.
Public methodCode exampleInsertShape(Figure, HorizontalPosition, VerticalPosition, WrappingStyle, Size) Inserts free-floating shape with specified position, size and text wrap style.
Public methodCode exampleInsertSpecialCharacter Inserts a special character into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertTableOfContents Inserts a table of contents into the document.
Public methodCode exampleInsertTextInput Inserts a text form field at the current position.
Public methodCode exampleMoveTo Moves the cursor to a given position.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToBookmark(String) Moves the cursor to a bookmark.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToBookmark(String, Boolean, Boolean) Moves the cursor to a bookmark.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToCell Moves the cursor to a specified position inside table in the current section.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToDocumentEnd Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToDocumentStart Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToField Moves the cursor to a field in the document.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToHeaderFooter Moves the cursor to the beginning of a header or footer in the current section.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToMergeField(String) Moves the cursor to a position just beyond the specified merge field and removes the merge field.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToMergeField(String, Boolean, Boolean) Moves the cursor to the specified merge field.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToParagraph Moves the cursor to a paragraph in the current section.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToSection Moves the cursor to the beginning of a specified section.
Public methodCode examplePopCharacterFormat Retrieves character formatting previously saved on the stack.
Public methodCode examplePushCharacterFormat Saves current character formatting onto the stack.
Public methodCode exampleStartBookmark Marks the current position in the document as a bookmark start.
Public methodCode exampleStartTable Inserts a table into the document.
Public methodCode exampleWrite Inserts a string into the document at the current insert position.
Public methodCode exampleWriteln Inserts a paragraph break into the document.
Public methodCode exampleWriteln(String) Inserts a string and a paragraph break into the document.
See Also