Rtf |
The RtfToHtmlColor type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
RtfToHtmlColor(Int32) | Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. | |
RtfToHtmlColor(String) | Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. | |
RtfToHtmlColor(Byte, Byte, Byte) | Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. | |
RtfToHtmlColor(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte) | Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. |
Name | Description | |
A | Gets the alpha component of this Color instance. | |
B | Gets the blue component of this Color instance. | |
G | Gets the green component of this Color instance. | |
IsAuto | Gets a value indicating whether this Color instance is auto. | |
IsEmpty | Gets a value indicating whether this Color instance is empty. | |
R | Gets the red component of this Color instance. |
Name | Description | |
Equals(RtfToHtmlColor) | Determines whether the otherColor is equal to this Color instance. | |
Equals(Object) |
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this
Color instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object)) | |
GetHashCode |
Gets a hash code for this Color instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) | |
ToString | Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. (Inherited from ValueType) |
Name | Description | |
Equality(RtfToHtmlColor, RtfToHtmlColor) | Determines whether first and second Color are equal. | |
Inequality(RtfToHtmlColor, RtfToHtmlColor) | Determines whether first and second Color not equal. |
Name | Description | |
Auto | Represents an auto color. | |
Black | Represents a black color (RGB = 0x000000). | |
Blue | Represents a blue color (RGB = 0x0000FF). | |
Brown | Represents a brown color (RGB = 0xA52A2A). | |
Cyan | Represents a cyan color (RGB = 0x00FFFF). | |
DarkBlue | Represents a dark blue color (RGB = 0x000080). | |
DarkCyan | Represents a dark cyan color (RGB = 0x008080). | |
DarkGray | Represents a dark gray color (RGB = 0x808080). | |
DarkGreen | Represents a dark green color (RGB = 0x008000). | |
DarkMagenta | Represents a dark magenta color (RGB = 0x800080). | |
DarkRed | Represents a dark red color (RGB = 0x800000). | |
DarkYellow | Represents a dark yellow color(RGB = 0x808000). | |
Empty | Represents an empty color. | |
Gray | Represents a gray color (RGB = 0x808080). | |
Green | Represents a green color (RGB = 0x00FF00). | |
LightGray | Represents a light gray color (RGB = 0xC0C0C0). | |
Magenta | Represents a magenta color (RGB = 0xFF00FF). | |
Orange | Represents an orange color (RGB = 0xFFA500). | |
Pink | Represents a pink color (RGB = 0xFFC0CB). | |
Purple | Represents a purple color (RGB = 0x800080). | |
Red | Represents a red color (RGB = 0xFF0000). | |
White | Represents a white color (RGB = 0xFFFFFF). | |
Yellow | Represents a yellow color(RGB = 0xFFFF00). |