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CharacterFormat Properties

The CharacterFormat type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAllCaps Gets or sets a value to display all characters as capital letters.
Public propertyCode exampleBackgroundColor Gets or sets the text background color. HighlightColor overrides BackgroundColor.
Public propertyCode exampleBold Gets or sets a value to display all characters as bold.
Public propertyBorder Gets or sets the border for the characters.
Public propertyDoubleStrikethrough Gets or sets a value to display all characters as double strikethrough.
Public propertyFontASCII Gets or sets a font name which shall be used to format all characters in the Unicode range (from 0 (zero) through 127).
Public propertyCode exampleFontColor Gets or sets the text color.
Public propertyFontComplexScript Gets or sets a font name which shall be used to format all characters in a complex script Unicode range.
Public propertyFontEastAsian Gets or sets a font name which shall be used to format all characters in an East Asian Unicode range.
Public propertyFontHighANSI Gets or sets a font name which shall be used to format all characters in a high ANSI Unicode range.
Public propertyCode exampleFontName When getting, returns FontASCII.
When setting, sets FontASCII, FontComplexScript, FontEastAsian and FontHighANSI to the specified value.
Public propertyHidden Gets or sets a value to format all characters as hidden.
Public propertyHighlightColor Gets or sets the text highlight (marker) color. HighlightColor overrides BackgroundColor
Public propertyCode exampleItalic Gets or sets a value to display all characters as italic.
Public propertyKerning Gets or sets the font size at which kerning starts.
Public propertyLanguage Gets or sets the language information.
Public propertyOutline Gets or sets a value to display an outline.
Public propertyPosition Gets or sets the position of text (in points) relative to the base line. A positive number raises the text, and a negative number lowers it.
Public propertyRightToLeft When true, the contents of this run shall have right-to-left reading order. Supported only in DOCX format.
Public propertyScaling Gets or sets character width scaling in percent.
Public propertyCode exampleSize Gets or sets the font size in points.
Public propertySmallCaps Gets or sets a value to display all characters as small capital letters.
Public propertySpacing Gets or sets the spacing (in points) between characters.
Public propertyStrikethrough Gets or sets a value to display all characters as strikethrough.
Public propertyCode exampleStyle Gets or sets the character style.
Public propertySubscript Gets or sets a value to display all characters as subscript.
Public propertySuperscript Gets or sets a value to display all characters as superscript.
Public propertyCode exampleUnderlineColor Gets or sets the underline color.
Public propertyCode exampleUnderlineStyle Gets or sets the type of underline.
See Also