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SautinSoft.Pdf.Objects Namespace

Contains classes, structures, and enumerations that implement the basic types of PDF objects specified in the PDF Specification ISO 32000-1:2008. The base class for all basic PDF object types is PdfBasicObject.
Public classPdfArray Represents a one-dimensional collection of PdfBasicObjects arranged sequentially.
Public classPdfBasicCollection Represents a base class for all basic PDF objects that are collections (PdfArray and PdfDictionary).
Public classPdfBasicContainer Represents a base class for all mutable basic PDF objects.
Public classPdfBasicObject Represents a base class for all basic PDF objects.
Public classPdfBasicValue Represents a base class for all immutable basic PDF objects.
Public classPdfBoolean Represents PDF logical values of true and false.
There are only two instances of this type and those are True and False.
Public classPdfContentExtensions Provides access to low level graphics state parameter dictionary entries from a PdfContentFormat type and PdfString or PdfArray objects that are used as a backing storage of PdfEncodedContentString structure.
Public classPdfDictionary Represents an associative table containing pairs of PdfBasicObjects, known as the dictionary’s entries.
Public classPdfDictionaryKeyCollection Represents the collection of keys in a PdfDictionary.
Public classPdfDictionaryValueCollection Represents the collection of values in a PdfDictionary.
Public classPdfIndirectObject Represents an indirect basic PDF object that other PdfBasicObject can refer to.
Public classPdfInteger Represents an integer value PDF numeric object.
Public classPdfNumber Represents a PDF numeric object.
Public classPdfObjectExtensions Provides access to low level PdfDictionary and PdfArray objects that are used as a backing storage of PdfObject and PdfCollection derived types.
Public classPdfStream Represents a sequence of bytes. PdfStream consists of a Dictionary and a Length number of bytes that represent, a potentially and usually encoded, stream's data.
Public classPdfString Represents a basic PDF object that consists of a series of zero or more bytes.
Public structurePdfDictionaryEntry Represents a PdfDictionary entry.
Public structurePdfIndirectObjectIdentifier Represents a unique identifier of a PdfIndirectObject in a PDF file.
Public enumerationPdfBasicObjectType Represents a type of PdfBasicObject.
Public enumerationPdfStreamDataMode Specifies how PdfStream should be opened.
Public enumerationPdfStreamDataState Specifies the state of the PdfStream data.
Public enumerationPdfStringForm Represents a form in which PdfString object shall be written.