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ParagraphFormat Properties

The ParagraphFormat type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAfterAutospacing When true, the amount of spacing after the paragraph is set automatically.
Public propertyCode exampleAlignment Gets or sets the text alignment for the paragraph.
Public propertyCode exampleBackgroundColor Gets or sets the paragraph background color.
Public propertyBeforeAutospacing When true, the amount of spacing before the paragraph is set automatically.
Public propertyBorders Gets collection of borders of the paragraph.
Public propertyKeepLinesTogether When true, all lines for this paragraph are maintained on a single page whenever possible.
Public propertyKeepWithNext When true, the paragraph is on the same page as the following paragraph whenever possible.
Public propertyCode exampleLeftIndentation Gets or sets the value (in points) that represents the left indent for paragraph.
Public propertyCode exampleLineSpacing Gets or sets the line spacing for the paragraph depending of LineSpacingRule.
Public propertyLineSpacingRule Gets or sets the line spacing rule for the paragraph.
Public propertyMirrorIndents Gets or sets whether the paragraph indents should be interpreted as mirrored indents.
Public propertyNoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle When true, SpaceBefore and SpaceAfter will be ignored between the paragraphs of the same style.
Public propertyCode exampleOutlineLevel Gets or sets the outline level of the paragraph.
Public propertyCode examplePageBreakBefore When true, this paragraph is rendered on the start of a new page in the document.
Public propertyCode exampleRightIndentation Gets or sets the value (in points) that represents the right indent for paragraph.
Public propertyRightToLeft Gets or sets whether this is a right-to-left paragraph.
Public propertyCode exampleSpaceAfter Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in points) after the paragraph.
Public propertyCode exampleSpaceBefore Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in points) before the paragraph.
Public propertyCode exampleSpecialIndentation Gets or sets the value (in points) for a first line or hanging indent. Use a positive value to set a first-line indent, and use a negative value to set a hanging indent.
Public propertyCode exampleStyle Gets or sets the paragraph style.
Public propertyTabs Gets collection of custom tab stops.
Public propertyWidowControl When true, this will prevent a single line of the paragraph from being displayed on a separate page from the remaining content.
See Also