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PdfDigitalSignatureDetails Properties

The PdfDigitalSignatureDetails type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCertificateBytes Gets or sets the byte array that contains data from an X.509 certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleCertificatePassword Gets or sets the password required to access the X.509 certificate data.
Public propertyCode exampleCertificatePath Gets or sets the file path to the X.509 certificate.
Public propertyCode exampleContactInfo Gets or sets the contact information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature.
Public propertyCode exampleLocation Gets or sets the CPU host name or physical location of the signing.
Public propertyCode exampleReason Gets or sets the reason for the signing.
Public propertyCode exampleSignature Gets or sets the signature.
Public propertyCode exampleSignatureLine Gets or sets the signature line (anchor).
See Also