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ListLevelFormat Properties

The ListLevelFormat type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignment Gets or sets the justification of the actual number of the list item.
Public propertyCharacterFormat Gets or sets character formatting used for the list label.
Public propertyIsLegal When true, the level turns all inherited numbers to Arabic, false if it preserves their number style.
Public propertyIsOld When true, the level was converted from Word 6.0 or Word 95.
Public propertyLevel Gets the list level number (0 to 8).
Public propertyNumberFormat Returns or sets the number format for the list level.
Public propertyNumberPosition Gets or sets the position (in points) of the number or bullet for the list level.
Public propertyNumberStyle Gets or sets the number style for this list level.
Public propertyParagraphFormat Gets or sets paragraph formatting used for the list level.
Public propertyRestartAfterLevel Gets or sets the list level that must appear before the specified list level restarts numbering.
Public propertyStartAt Gets or sets the starting number for this list level.
Public propertyTextPosition Gets or sets the position (in points) for the second line of wrapping text for the list level.
Public propertyTrailingCharacter Gets or sets the character inserted after the number for the list level.
See Also