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FormFieldData Properties

The FormFieldData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCalculateOnExit Gets or sets a value indicating whether the content of all fields within the document shall be recalculated from their field codes when the content of the parent form field is modified.
Public propertyEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent form field shall behave as though it is enabled or disabled when it is displayed in the document. Default value is .
Public propertyEntryMacro Gets or sets the subroutine in a scripting language which should be executed when the value of the parent form field is entered.
Public propertyExitMacro Gets or sets the subroutine in a scripting language which should be executed when the value of the parent form field is exited.
Public propertyCode exampleField Gets the parent form field.
Public propertyHelpText Gets or sets the optional help text which shall be associated with the parent form field.
Public propertyIsHelpTextAutoEntry Gets or sets a value indicating whether HelpText should be interpreted as the name of a glossary document entry whose contents contain the help text.
Public propertyIsStatusTextAutoEntry Gets or sets a value indicating whether StatusText should be interpreted as the name of a glossary document entry whose contents contain the status text.
Public propertyName Gets or sets the name of the form field.
Public propertyStatusText Gets or sets the optional status text which shall be associated with the parent form field.
Public propertyValue Gets the value of this form field explicitly set by the user or , if value was not explicitly set. Type of the value depends on form field type as explained in remarks.
Public propertyValueOrDefault Gets the value of this form field explicitly set by the user or default value, if value was not explicitly set. Type of the value depends on form field type as explained in remarks.
See Also