Content |
The ContentControlProperties type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Category | Gets or sets a value that specifies the category of document parts that will be used as the filter when determining the possible choices of document parts that are displayed for insertion into the Content Control item. A document part category is a sub-classification within a given document part Gallery which can be used to further categorize the parts in a given Gallery. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is BuildingBlockGallery or DocPartObj. | |
CharacterFormat | Gets or sets the character format for the text inside a Content Control item. | |
Checked | Gets or sets whether a Content Control item is checked. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is CheckBox. | |
CheckedSymbol | Gets a symbol that will be used if a CheckBox is checked. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is CheckBox. | |
Color | Gets or sets the color of a Content Control item. | |
Date | Gets or sets the date value of the Content Control item. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is Date. | |
DateCalendarType | Gets or sets a value that specifies the calendar type for a Date picker Content Control. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is Date. | |
DateDisplayFormat | Gets or sets a value that specifies the display format for a date. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is Date. | |
DateLocale | Gets or sets culture info that will be used to format a date. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is Date. | |
DateStorageFormat | Gets or sets a value that specifies the date storage format. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is Date. | |
DisplayMode | Gets or sets a value indicating how a Content Control item should be displayed in a document. | |
Gallery | Gets or sets a value that specifies the gallery of document parts that will be used as the filter when determining the possible choices of document parts that are displayed for insertion into the Content Control item. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is BuildingBlockGallery or DocPartObj. | |
Id | Gets or sets the ID of a Content Control item. | |
IsShowingPlaceholderText | Gets or sets whether the content of the Content Control should be interpreted to contain placeholder text. | |
ListItems | Gets list items associated with the Content Control item. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is ComboBox or DropDownList. | |
LockAddDeleteSection | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a user is allowed to add or delete a section. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is RepeatingSection. | |
LockDeleting | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Content Control item can be deleted. | |
LockEditing | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the content of a Content Control item can be edited. | |
Multiline | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Content Control item can contain multiple lines of text. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is PlainText. | |
NumberOfLines | Gets or sets the number of displaying text lines within form field when parent document saved as PDF. Default: 1. | |
PlaceholderText | Gets or sets a placeholder text which should be displayed when Content Control is empty. | |
RemoveWhenEdited | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Content Control item should be removed after it is edited. | |
SectionTitle | Gets or sets a section title. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is RepeatingSection. | |
SelectedListItem | Gets or sets the selected value of the Content Control item. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is ComboBox or DropDownList. | |
Tag | Gets or sets the tag of a Content Control item. | |
Title | Gets or sets the title of a Content Control item. | |
UncheckedSymbol | Gets a symbol that will be used if a CheckBox is unchecked. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is CheckBox. | |
Unique | Gets or sets a value that specifies that the Content Control item is being used to encapsulate a built-in document part. This property is applicable when the parent Content Control type is BuildingBlockGallery or DocPartObj. | |
XmlMapping | Specifies the mapping between a content control and a custom XML part or a document property. |