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SaveOptions Properties

The SaveOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentType Gets the content-type for this specific file format as defined in the RFC 2616.
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleDocxDefault Gets the default saving options for Microsoft Word file format.
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleHtmlFixedDefault Gets the default saving options for fixed HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleHtmlFlowingDefault Gets the default saving options for flowing HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
Public propertyStatic memberImageDefault Gets the default saving options for Image format (PDF). Default image format: multipage TIF.
Public propertyStatic memberCode examplePdfDefault Gets the default saving options for Adobe Portable Document format (PDF).
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleRtfDefault Gets the default saving options for Rich Text (RTF) format.
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleTxtDefault Gets the default saving options for Plain Text (TXT) format.
Public propertyStatic memberXmlDefault Gets the default saving options for XML format.
See Also