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PageSetup Properties

The PageSetup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBorders Gets collection of borders of the page.
Public propertyLineNumberDistanceFromText Gets or sets the line number distance from text (in points).
Public propertyLineNumberIncrement Gets or sets the line number increments to be displayed.
Public propertyLineNumberRestartSetting Gets or sets the line number restart setting
Public propertyLineStartingNumber Gets or sets the line starting number.
Public propertyCode exampleOrientation Gets or sets the page orientation.
Public propertyPageColor Gets or sets the background color for all pages of the parent section.
Public propertyCode examplePageHeight Gets or sets the height of the page (in points).
Public propertyCode examplePageMargins Gets or sets the page margins.
Public propertyPageNumberStyle Gets or sets the number style for the page number.
Public propertyPageStartingNumber Gets or sets the number that appears on the first page of the section.
Public propertyCode examplePageWidth Gets or sets the width of the page (in points).
Public propertyCode examplePaperType Gets or sets the type of the paper for the page.
Public propertySectionStart Gets or sets the type of section start.
Public propertyCode exampleTextColumns Gets or sets the text columns.
Public propertyCode exampleTitlePage Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent section of the document shall have a different header and footer for its first page.
See Also