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ImageSaveOptions Properties

The ImageSaveOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentType Gets the content-type for image file format: application/image.
(Overrides SaveOptionsContentType)
Public propertyDpiX

Gets or sets the horizontal dots per inch (dpi) of the image.

Default value is NaN, which means that component specific default value will be used (currently 300).

Public propertyDpiY

Gets or sets the vertical dots per inch (dpi) of the image.

Default value is NaN, which means that component specific default value will be used (currently 300).

Public propertyFormat Gets or sets the image format.
Public propertyGifDelay Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds between frames in the animated GIF. Default value: 33. (33 ms ~ 30fps, 16 ms ~ 60fps).
Public propertyPageCount Gets or sets the number of pages to save. Set PageCount = 0 for select all pages after PageIndex. Default value: 0.
Public propertyPageIndex Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to save. Default is 0.
Public propertyPixelFormat Gets or sets a pixel format, which will be used for the image.
Public propertySelectedPages Gets or sets a custom page 0-based index set for save. Setting PageIndex or PageCount properties are overrides SelectedPages.
Public propertyTiffCompression Gets or sets compression schema, which will be used when exporting to Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).
See Also