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CalendarType Enumeration

Represents the calendar type of a Date picker Content Control item.

Namespace: SautinSoft.Document.CustomMarkups
Assembly: SautinSoft.Document (in SautinSoft.Document.dll) Version: 2025.1.16
public enum CalendarType
Member nameValueDescription
Gregorian0 The Gregorian calendar. This calendar should be localized into the appropriate language.
GregorianArabic1 The Gregorian calendar. This calendar should be presented in Arabic.
GregorianEnglish2 The Gregorian calendar. This calendar should be presented in English.
GregorianMiddleEastFrench3 The Gregorian calendar. This calendar should be presented in Middle East French.
GregorianTransliteratedEnglish4 The transliterated English version of the Gregorian calendar.
GregorianTransliteratedFrench5 The transliterated French version of the Gregorian calendar.
Hebrew6 The Hebrew calendar.
Hijri7 The Hirji calendar.
Japan8 The Japanese calendar.
Korean9 The Korean calendar.
None10 None.
Saka11 The Saka calendar.
Taiwan12 The Taiwanese calendar.
Thai13 The Thai calendar.
See Also