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Paragraph Properties

The Paragraph type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCharacterFormatForParagraphMark Gets or sets the character format for the paragraph mark.
Public propertyElementType Gets the ElementType of this element instance.
(Overrides ElementElementType)
Public propertyFrameFormat Gets the text frame format.
Public propertyCode exampleInlines Gets the paragraph's inlines.
Public propertyIsDeleteRevision Returns true if this paragraph was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Public propertyIsInsertRevision Returns true if this paragraph was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Public propertyIsMoveFromRevision Returns true if this paragraph was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Public propertyIsMoveToRevision Returns true if this paragraph was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Public propertyCode exampleListFormat Gets or sets the list format.
Public propertyCode exampleListItem Gets the list item or null if paragraph doesn't have list item.
Public propertyCode exampleParagraphFormat Gets or sets the paragraph format.
See Also