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Pen Properties

The Pen type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapStyle Gets or sets the cap style for the end of a stroke.
Public propertyDashStyle Gets or sets the dot and dash pattern for a stroke.
Public propertyFill Gets the fill of the outline.
Public propertyHeadEnd Gets or sets the decoration which will be added to the head of a line.
Public propertyHeadEndLength Gets or sets the line head-end length in relation to the line width.
Public propertyHeadEndWidth Gets or sets the line head-end width in relation to the line width.
Public propertyJoinStyle Gets or sets the join style of a polyline.
Public propertyTailEnd Gets or sets the decoration which will be added to the tail of a line.
Public propertyTailEndLength Gets or sets the line tail-end length in relation to the line width.
Public propertyTailEndWidth Gets or sets the line tail-end width in relation to the line width.
Public propertyWidth Gets or sets the thickness of the stroke.
See Also