Text alignment and positioning in C# and VB.NET

The following example shows how to align and place text in different positions within a PDF page.

Complete code

using System;
using SautinSoft.Pdf;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft.Pdf.Content;

class Program
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a page tree.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/pdf/help/net/developer-guide/text-alignment-and-positioning.php
    /// </remarks>
    static void Main()
        // Before starting this example, please get a free 30-day trial key:
        // https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/

        // Apply the key here:
        // PdfDocument.SetLicense("...");

        using (var document = new PdfDocument())
            // Add a new page.
            var page = document.Pages.Add();
            double margin = 10;
            using (var formattedText = new PdfFormattedText())
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidth = 100;
                formattedText.Append("This text is left aligned, ").
                Append("placed in the top-left corner of the page and ").
                Append("its width should not exceed 100 points.");
                // Draw left-aligned text in the top-left corner of the page.
                    new PdfPoint(margin,
                    page.CropBox.Top - margin - formattedText.Height));
                // Clear the PdfFormattedText object.
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Center;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidth = 200;
                formattedText.Append("This text is center aligned, ").
                Append("placed in the top-center part of the page ").
                Append("and its width should not exceed 200 points.");
                // Draw center-aligned text at the top-center part of the page.
                    new PdfPoint((page.CropBox.Width - formattedText.MaxTextWidth) / 2,
                    page.CropBox.Top - margin - formattedText.Height));
                // Clear the PdfFormattedText object.
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidth = 100;
                formattedText.Append("This text is right aligned, ").
                Append("placed in the top-right corner of the page ").
                Append("and its width should not exceed 100 points.");
                // Draw right-aligned text in the top-right corner of the page.
                    new PdfPoint(page.CropBox.Width - margin - formattedText.MaxTextWidth,
                    page.CropBox.Top - margin - formattedText.Height));
                // Clear the PdfFormattedText object.
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidth = 100;
                formattedText.Append("This text is left aligned, ").
                Append("placed in the bottom-left corner of the page and ").
                Append("its width should not exceed 100 points.");
                // Draw left-aligned text in the bottom-left corner of the page.
                    new PdfPoint(margin,
                // Clear the PdfFormattedText object.
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Center;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidth = 200;
                formattedText.Append("This text is center aligned, ").
                Append("placed in the bottom-center part of the page and ").
                Append("its width should not exceed 200 points.");
                // Draw center-aligned text at the bottom-center part of the page.
                    new PdfPoint((page.CropBox.Width - formattedText.MaxTextWidth) / 2,
                // Clear the PdfFormattedText object.
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidth = 100;
                formattedText.Append("This text is right aligned, ").
                Append("placed in the bottom-right corner of the page and ").
                Append("its width should not exceed 100 points.");
                // Draw right-aligned text in the bottom-right corner of the page.
                    new PdfPoint(page.CropBox.Width - margin - formattedText.MaxTextWidth,
                // Clear the PdfFormattedText object.
                // Set up and fill the PdfFormattedText object.
                formattedText.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Justify;
                formattedText.MaxTextWidths = new double[] { 200, 150, 100 };
                formattedText.Append("This text has justified alignment, ").
                Append("is placed in the center of the page and ").
                Append("its first line should not exceed 200 points, ").
                Append("its second line should not exceed 150 points and ").
                Append("its third and all other lines should not exceed 100 points.");
                // Draw justify-aligned text in the center part of the page.
                // Center the text based on the width of the most lines, which is formattedText.MaxTextWidths[2].
                    new PdfPoint((page.CropBox.Width - formattedText.MaxTextWidths[2]) / 2,
                    (page.CropBox.Height - formattedText.Height) / 2));
                // Save a PDF Document.
                document.Save("Alignment and Positioning.pdf");

        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Alignment and Positioning.pdf") { UseShellExecute = true });


The above example shows how to place text on a single page. To place text on multiple pages, see the header and footer examples.

The text in the example above is just being transformed to different locations. The next example shows how to apply other transformations, such as rotation and scaling.

If you need a new code example or have a question: email us at support@sautinsoft.com or ask at Online Chat (right-bottom corner of this page) or use the Form below:

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We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.