
Stroking is the operation of coloring the outline of the PdfPathContent or the outline of character glyphs in the PdfTextContent.

The following example shows how to stroke text and paths. You will also see how to set various stroke-related properties such as stroke color, stroke opacity, stroke width, line join, line cap, and dash pattern.

Complete code

using System;
using SautinSoft.Pdf;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft.Pdf.Content;

class Program
    /// <summary>
    /// How to add a go-to action in a PDF document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Details:
    /// </remarks>
    static void Main()
        // Before starting this example, please get a free 30-day trial key:

        // Apply the key here:
        // PdfDocument.SetLicense("...");

        using (var document = new PdfDocument())
            var page = document.Pages.Add();

            // PdfFormattedText currently doesn't support stroking, so we will stroke its drawn output.
            using (var formattedText = new PdfFormattedText())
                formattedText.Font = new PdfFont("Helvetica", 200);


                page.Content.DrawText(formattedText, new PdfPoint(50, 600));

            // Draw lines with different line joins.
            var path = page.Content.Elements.AddPath();
            path.BeginSubpath(50, 350).LineTo(100, 550).LineTo(150, 350);
            path.Format.Stroke.LineJoin = PdfLineJoin.Miter;

            path = page.Content.Elements.AddPath();
            path.BeginSubpath(200, 350).LineTo(250, 550).LineTo(300, 350);
            path.Format.Stroke.LineJoin = PdfLineJoin.Round;

            path = page.Content.Elements.AddPath();
            path.BeginSubpath(350, 350).LineTo(400, 550).LineTo(450, 350);
            path.Format.Stroke.LineJoin = PdfLineJoin.Bevel;

            // Create a dash pattern with 20 point dashes and 10 point gaps.
            var dashPattern = new PdfLineDashPattern(0, 20, 10);

            // Draw lines with different line caps.
            // Notice how the line cap is applied to each dash.
            path = page.Content.Elements.AddPath();
            path.BeginSubpath(50, 100).LineTo(100, 300).LineTo(150, 100);
            var format = path.Format;
            format.Stroke.LineCap = PdfLineCap.Butt;
            format.Stroke.DashPattern = dashPattern;

            path = page.Content.Elements.AddPath();
            path.BeginSubpath(200, 100).LineTo(250, 300).LineTo(300, 100);
            format = path.Format;
            format.Stroke.LineCap = PdfLineCap.Round;
            format.Stroke.DashPattern = dashPattern;

            path = page.Content.Elements.AddPath();
            path.BeginSubpath(350, 100).LineTo(400, 300).LineTo(450, 100);
            format = path.Format;
            format.Stroke.LineCap = PdfLineCap.Square;
            format.Stroke.DashPattern = dashPattern;

            // Do not fill any content and stroke all content with a 10 point width red outline that is 50% opaque.
            format = page.Content.Format;
            format.Fill.IsApplied = false;
            format.Stroke.IsApplied = true;
            format.Stroke.Width = 10;
            format.Stroke.Color = PdfColor.FromRgb(1, 0, 0);
            format.Stroke.Opacity = 0.5;

            // Add a line to visualize the differences between line joins.
            var line = page.Content.Elements.AddPath().BeginSubpath(25, 550).LineTo(475, 550);
            format = line.Format;
            format.Stroke.IsApplied = true;
            // A line width of 0 denotes the thinnest line that can be rendered at device resolution: 1 device pixel wide.
            format.Stroke.Width = 0;

            // Add a line to visualize the differences between line caps.
            line = page.Content.Elements.AddPath().BeginSubpath(25, 100).LineTo(475, 100);
            format = line.Format;
            format.Stroke.IsApplied = true;
            format.Stroke.Width = 0;


        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Stroking.pdf") { UseShellExecute = true });


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We are developing .Net components since 2002. We know PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX and Images formats. If you need any assistance with creating, modifying or converting documents in various formats, we can help you. We will write any code example for you absolutely free.