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UseOffice Methods

The UseOffice type exposes the following members.

Public methodCloseAccess Releases MS Access® library from memory
Public methodCode exampleCloseExcel Releases MS Excel® library from memory
Public methodCode exampleCloseOffice Releases MS Office® library (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint) from memory
Public methodCode exampleClosePowerPoint Releases MS PowerPoint® library from memory
Public methodCode exampleCloseWord Releases MS Word® library from memory
Public methodConvertBytes Converts a document to another format in memory, see supported UseOfficeeDirection.
Public methodCode exampleConvertFile Converts a one file to a file with another format, see supported UseOfficeeDirection
Public methodDispose Releases MS Office from memory
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodInitAccess Loads MS Access® library in memory
Public methodCode exampleInitExcel Loads MS Excel® library in memory
Public methodCode exampleInitOffice Loads MS Office® library (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint) from memory
Public methodCode exampleInitPowerPoint Loads MS PowerPoint® library in memory
Public methodCode exampleInitWord Loads MS Word® library in memory
Public methodIsPasswordProtected(Byte) Detects if a given MS Office document is protected by a password or not. Supported formats: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (both legacy and OpenXml).
Public methodIsPasswordProtected(Stream) Detects if a given Ms Office document is protected by a password or not. Supported formats: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (both legacy and OpenXml).
Public methodIsPasswordProtected(String) Detects if a given Ms Office document is protected by a password or not. Supported formats: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (both legacy and OpenXml).
Public methodCode exampleKillProcesses Terminates process by its name
Public methodPrintPdf(String) Prints the PDF file using default printer
Public methodPrintPdf(String, Int32, Int32) Prints the PDF file using default printer
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetLicense
Activate your copy after purchasing or use temporary license for delete trial message. ATTENTION: specify this property first of all before creating the instance of UseOffice!

Use it when you got own license. We offer two license types:

Permanent license from and

Temporary license from

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Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also