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PdfPortfolioFieldValueDictionary Class

Contains the data described by the Portfolio fields for a particular file or a Portfolio folder in a PdfPortfolio.
Inheritance Hierarchy
      SautinSoft.PdfPdfCollectionKeyValuePairPdfName, PdfPortfolioFieldValue

Namespace: SautinSoft.Pdf.Portfolios
Assembly: SautinSoft.Pdf (in SautinSoft.Pdf.dll) Version: 2024.11.26
public sealed class PdfPortfolioFieldValueDictionary : PdfCollection<KeyValuePair<PdfName, PdfPortfolioFieldValue>>, 
	IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList<KeyValuePair<PdfName, PdfPortfolioFieldValue>>, 
	ICollection<KeyValuePair<PdfName, PdfPortfolioFieldValue>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<PdfName, PdfPortfolioFieldValue>>

The PdfPortfolioFieldValueDictionary type exposes the following members.

Public propertyItem Gets or sets the PdfPortfolioFieldValue associated with the specified PdfName key.
Public methodAdd Adds the specified PdfPortfolioFieldValue to the PdfPortfolioFieldValueDictionary under the specified PdfName key.
Public methodContains Determines whether the PdfPortfolioFieldValueDictionary contains the PdfPortfolioFieldValue with the specified PdfName key.
Public methodRemove Removes the PdfPortfolioFieldValue with the specified key from the PdfPortfolioFieldValueDictionary.
Public methodTryGet Gets the PdfPortfolioFieldValue associated with the specified PdfName key.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfCollection.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject or if no PdfArray serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfCollection.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
See Also