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PdfTextField Class

Represents a box or space for text fill-in data typically entered from a keyboard.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: SautinSoft.Pdf.Forms
Assembly: SautinSoft.Pdf (in SautinSoft.Pdf.dll) Version: 2024.11.26
public sealed class PdfTextField : PdfVariableTextField

The PdfTextField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowRichTextFormat

(PDF 1.5) Gets a value indicating whether the value of this field shall be a rich text string.

Default value: .

Public propertyCheckSpelling

(PDF 1.4) Gets a value indicating whether the text entered in the field shall be spell-checked.

Default value: .

Public propertyCombOfCharacters

(PDF 1.5) Gets the number of equally spaced positions the field shall be automatically divided into.

Default value: .

Public propertyFieldType Gets the Text value.
(Overrides PdfFieldFieldType)
Public propertyLimitOfCharacters

Gets the maximum length of the field’s text, in characters.

Default value: .

Public propertyMultiLine

Gets a value indicating whether the field may contain multiple lines of text.

Default value: .

Public propertyPassword

Gets a value indicating whether the field is intended for entering a secure password that should not be echoed visibly to the screen.

Default value: .

Public propertyRequired If set, the field shall have a value at the time it is exported by a submit-form action (see, "Submit-Form Action").
Public propertyScrollLongText

(PDF 1.4) Gets a value indicating whether the field shall scroll to accommodate more text than fits within its rectangle.

Default value: .

Public propertyUsedForFileSelection

(PDF 1.4) Gets a value indicating whether the text entered in the field represents the pathname of a file whose contents shall be submitted as the value of the field.

Default value: .

Public propertyValue

Gets or sets the PdfTextField value as an instance of a String.

Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject or if no PdfArray serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
See Also