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PdfFieldActionCollection Class

Represents a collection of PdfField's actions performed when the mouse button is released inside the field's annotation active area.

This collection also exposes actions for other trigger events (beside mouse button release) via MouseEnter, MouseExit, MouseDown, OnFocus and OnBlur properties.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: SautinSoft.Pdf.Forms
Assembly: SautinSoft.Pdf (in SautinSoft.Pdf.dll) Version: 2024.11.26
public sealed class PdfFieldActionCollection : PdfActionCollection, 
	IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList<PdfAction>, 
	ICollection<PdfAction>, IEnumerable<PdfAction>

The PdfFieldActionCollection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMouseDown(Optional; PDF 1.2) An action that shall be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the field's annotation active area.
Public propertyMouseEnter(Optional; PDF 1.2) An action that shall be performed when the cursor enters the field's annotation active area.
Public propertyMouseExit(Optional; PDF 1.2) An action that shall be performed when the cursor exits the field's annotation active area.
Public propertyOnBlur(Optional; PDF 1.2; widget annotations only) An action that shall be performed when the field's annotation loses the input focus.
Public propertyOnFocus(Optional; PDF 1.2; widget annotations only) An action that shall be performed when the field's annotation receives the input focus.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfCollection.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject or if no PdfArray serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfCollection.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
See Also