Pdf |
Member name | Value | Description |
DeviceGray | 0 | (PDF 1.1) The device color space that controls the intensity of achromatic light, on a scale from black to white. This color space is a singleton available via DeviceGray property. |
DeviceRGB | 1 | (PDF 1.1) The device color space that controls the intensities of red, green, and blue light, the three additive primary colors used in displays. This color space is a singleton available via DeviceRGB property. |
DeviceCMYK | 2 | (PDF 1.1) The device color space that controls the concentrations of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks, the four subtractive process colors used in printing. This color space is a singleton available via DeviceCMYK property. |
CalGray | 3 | (PDF 1.1) A special case of a single-component CIE-based color space, known as a CIE-based A color space. This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/CalGray dictionary]. |
CalRGB | 4 | (PDF 1.1) A CIE-based ABC color space with only one transformation stage instead of two. This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/CalRGB dictionary]. |
Lab | 5 | (PDF 1.1) A CIE-based ABC color space with two transformation stages. This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/Lab dictionary]. |
ICCBased | 6 | (PDF 1.3) A CIE-based color space based on a cross-platform color profile as defined by the International Color Consortium (ICC). This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/ICCBased stream]. |
Indexed | 7 | (PDF 1.1) A special color space that allows a PDF content stream to use small integers as indices into a color map or color table of arbitrary colors in some other space. This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/Indexed base hival lookup]. |
Pattern | 8 | (PDF 1.2) A special color space that enables a PDF content stream to paint an area with a PdfPattern rather than a single color. For colored tiling patterns, this color space is a singleton available via Pattern property. For uncolored tiling patterns, this color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/Pattern underlying-color-space-name-or-array]. |
Separation | 9 | (PDF 1.2) A special color space that provides a means for specifying the use of additional colorants or for isolating the control of individual color components of a device color space for a subtractive device. This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/Separation name alternateSpace tintTransform]. |
DeviceN | 10 | (PDF 1.3) A special color space that can contain an arbitrary number of color components. This color space can currently be created only with FromArray(PdfArray) method from PdfArray [/DeviceN names alternateSpace tintTransform (attributes)]. |
Pantone | 11 | Pantone Matching System (PMS) color space. |