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WrapSide Enumeration

Specifies what side(s) of the shape or picture the text wraps around.

Namespace: SautinSoft.Document.Drawing
Assembly: SautinSoft.Document (in SautinSoft.Document.dll) Version: 2025.1.16
public enum WrapSide
Member nameValueDescription
Both0 The document text wraps on both sides of the shape.
Left1 The document text wraps on the left side of the shape only. There is a text free area on the right of the shape.
Right2 The document text wraps on the right side of the shape only. There is a text free area on the left side of the shape.
Largest3 The document text wraps on the side of the shape that is farthest from the page margin, leaving text free area on the other side of the shape.
See Also