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ContentRange Methods

The ContentRange type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleDelete Deletes the document content specified with the current ContentRange.
Public methodEquals Determines whether the specified object is equal to this ContentRange instance.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodCode exampleFind(Regex) Finds all ContentRanges which match the specified Regex.
Public methodCode exampleFind(String) Finds all ContentRanges which contain the specified text.
Public methodGetHashCode Serves as the default hash function.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodCode exampleReplace(ContentRange) Replaces the content of the current ContentRange's with a content specified with the range parameter.
Public methodCode exampleReplace(String) Replaces the current ContentRange's content with the specified text.
Public methodReplace(ContentRange, ImportSession) Replaces the content of the current ContentRange's with a content (from another DocumentCore instance) specified with the range parameter.
Public methodCode exampleReplace(String, CharacterFormat) Replaces the current ContentRange's content with the specified text with specific formatting.
Public methodCode exampleReplace(String, HtmlLoadOptions) Replaces the current ContentRange's content with the specified HTML text.
Public methodCode exampleReplace(String, RtfLoadOptions) Replaces the current ContentRange's content with the specified RTF text.
Public methodCode exampleReplace(String, TxtLoadOptions) Replaces the current ContentRange's content with the specified text.
Public methodCode exampleReplace(String, CharacterFormat, TxtLoadOptions) Replaces the current ContentRange's content with the specified text with specific formatting.
Public methodCode exampleToString Returns a plain text that represents this ContentRange instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also